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FE8 - Sea of Corruption


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It's a bit harder for me to write with preexisting characters, because they're a little harder to work with, because there are going to be more expectations in place then if I work with new characters, i.e. these ones.

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Writing. Suggestions. Betatesting, especially considering I'm in the minority of non-PSP emulators, so I have to see if this works or not.

Me and Sieg are already knee-deep in the writing, so I'm not really sure if you can help much with that, I'm afraid. I mean, if you want to take a character from the list in the OP and write up something for them, then that's okay. I'll be putting up chapter overviews soon as well, so if you want to throw in some story ideas in after reading through those, then go right ahead, but myself and Sieg are going to be handling most, if not, all of the writing otherwise.

Suggestions and betatesting are perfectly fine, and I've got no problem with you doing either of those.

EDIT: OP has been updated with the new, revised plot summary!

Edited by HeroMaster47
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Alright, thanks for allowing me to help! I like thinking up things that major enemies would say when battling, against leaders, special opponents like friends and the like, or generic. (Have to do it a lot for my personal writing.) My original conversation between Nergal and Ninian was a little lacking, I know, but I improved it, quite a bit, if I do say so myself. Besides, the minor bosses don't have a whole lot of story behind them, (or have been seen before, for that matter...) so I could probably even just improvise and be fine. Obviously, though, I won't. Risky.

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I'd rather set up a three-way PM, (or just between me and you, if that works better for you) so this thread doesn't get swamped with complaints about my writing. Had to shut down another topic for just that reason.

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I'd rather set up a three-way PM, (or just between me and you, if that works better for you) so this thread doesn't get swamped with complaints about my writing. Had to shut down another topic for just that reason.

Sure, I understand.

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I'd rather set up a three-way PM, (or just between me and you, if that works better for you) so this thread doesn't get swamped with complaints about my writing. Had to shut down another topic for just that reason.

EDIT: Im classier than that

Edited by Siegmund
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Writing. Suggestions. Betatesting, especially considering I'm in the minority of non-PSP emulators, so I have to see if this works or not.

Can you clarify what you mean by this? I don't think an awful lot of people use PSP emulators, if that's what you're suggesting.

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Lol, this is my first post in ROM hacking

While I'm not that fussed about hacks, this actually looks pretty cool. SS is probably my second favourite FE game, and the plot/characters are shaping up quite nicely (I'm presuming the latter is more so finalised, while the plot has rough edges that need to be smoothed out)

I'm probably a bit late, but if you decide on getting additional help with writing some of the character dialogue, I'll be more than willing to help. I can understand if you don't though. Either way, I'll be paying attention to this

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@Dodge Dusk,

We currently don't need any writing or dialogue help, since it's already mostly been done. Feel free to PM me or Hero with any suggestions of ideas, or if you want to help in any other ways.

Edited by Siegmund
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Not a lot of movement in the past week or so, so I guess I owe everyone a progress report. The plot is coming along nicely, done up to chapter 12. Sieg is doing some concept sprites, and I'm learning map design. I'm still clueless with maps, even after reading Prime's tutorial on it. Once I get my head around it, I'll be planning the events on those maps.

I also have a plan for the initial beta release. It will be the first half of the game to be done in the first beta, and then once the full thing is done, that will also get a beta. Not concerned with picking beta testers yet, as there's still a lot of work to be done. This is just here because I want to let you know where I'm looking for this to be at in terms of initial beta release plans.

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I'd hire Kitty, best mapper on SF, who actually produces content in a timely manner.

Just curious, has anything actually been done aside from a sprite or two, and storystorystory?

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I'd show off some portraits so that we can at least show SOME progress other than story. I've also done weapon icons, but I hardly think that those will suffice (and I've only done tome icons).

I appreciate the offer, Kitty, but I can't afford to hire anyone. The only real issue that I'm having with the maps are mountains, anyway.

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I'm not doing those, at least not yet Ninian. They aren't as important as people like Lemuel and Felix and Elias, who are all main characters. Right now I'm concentrating on making ones for more central characters.

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