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Saddest part of the game.

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I found Lucina's formal introduction as sad. That's pretty much all. And...

I'd have found Emmeryn's death sad if only I knew more about her beforehand. She's too much of a secondary character for me to care.

Then again, that's my complaint about FE13. Everything happens too quickly. I wish they took the time to focus on Ylisse and Plegia relations and Emmeryn/Gangrel. Walhart is much better than Validar as a villain and shows a lot of potential that was ultimately wasted.

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The saddest part of the game is that the main big bad is an afterthought after their "I"ntroduction. (Music name joke)

First JP playthrough on Valm Arc: "Wait, what the hell!? Where's the person that looked like MU!?"

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Nevermind sir, I found something worth fighting for.

Loyalty to my general


"My apologies, sir, but... I see no justice in hunting these people down. I am sorry, sir, and will accept any punishment you see fit, but I cannot continue fighting."

"What!? How dare you question the general's orders?"

"...You were there when Emmeryn spoke, weren't you? So be it! Those of you unwilling to fight are dismissed!"

"But sir, we don't wish to abandon you!"

"...I cannot defy the King, lad. I know him well, he would murder my wife and children to set an example. But you... I will take responsibility for your actions tonight. Now go!"

"Wait sir, I... I can see a cause worth fighting for. Loyalty to my general."

"...Aye. That's a good lad."

Definitely that.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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The Lon'qu x Cherche supports were a little touching, but not as much sad. I didn't ship them on my playthroughs, I only know of it because my cousin did.

Cordelia/Severa supports.

Ricken/Henry supports.

Inigo/Father B support.

Oh, and Mustafa's conversation with one of his soldiers. Czar_Yoshi said it all.

Edited by dracojawn
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Chrom: "....You deserved better from me than one sword and a world of troubles. Im sorry."

*Lucina breaks down crying*

"Oh...Father! Father!"


Well presumably her childhood was fine until then.

In the event of MUxLucy thats gotta be weird though.

Growing up watching someone bone you 20 years from now.

I imagine thats far more traumatic than her future.

Edited by Tribute
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"My apologies, sir, but... I see no justice in hunting these people down. I am sorry, sir, and will accept any punishment you see fit, but I cannot continue fighting."

"What!? How dare you question the general's orders?"

"...You were there when Emmeryn spoke, weren't you? So be it! Those of you unwilling to fight are dismissed!"

"But sir, we don't wish to abandon you!"

"...I cannot defy the King, lad. I know him well, he would murder my wife and children to set an example. But you... I will take responsibility for your actions tonight. Now go!"

"Wait sir, I... I can see a cause worth fighting for. Loyalty to my general."

"...Aye. That's a good lad."

Definitely that.

Gosh. That whole chapter. They really played the music up really well. The preparations screen has sad music, the chapter itself has sad music. And I really hate how this whole chapter is one large guilt trip on the player, and we have no choice but to kill men that really don't want to fight us, but HAVE to. Had Chrom not been in such a grieving, irrational state, perhaps we could have reached some other conclusion. Then again, I'm probably asking too much.

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Oh, there's also Cynthia's A support with her father. Maybe it's just me, because she came off as a humorous character and then became serious and darker in a moment.

Well, you said spending time with me was fun! Riiight? Hey, why don't you come to town with me? We'll spend the whole day together!


Yes, now! We'll walk the streets and visit the market and hold hands the whole time! Then we can find a tasty cake shop and when the evening falls we can go caroling and--

All right, Cynthia, that's enough now. Look I know we're family, but even family needs time apart sometimes.

--and eat pie, and it'll totally be the best day ever!

Are you even listening to me?

You...will remember me, won't you, Father? Even once the Cynthia of this world is born?


You see, I DO understand how this time-travel stuff works. I know you're not my real father. That man exists in another history. So as soon as the me from this time is born, I promise to leave you alone. It's just that...until that happens, I want us to spend as much time together as we can. Then, when you have a proper family, at least we'll still have our memories.

I... I didn't realize...

Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm ever so grateful for this time. You've shown me what it's like to have a father, and you've been so nice to me. But i know that, in the end, your love is meant for the other me.


Father, are you...crying? Oh, silly! I didn't mean to make you sad... It's nothing to be sad about! Besides, we can't very well have my hero all teary eyed, can we?! I don't want to remember you like this. I want to remember you how you really were. Strong, and kind, and brave... My father, my hero...and my friend.

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Gosh. That whole chapter. They really played the music up really well. The preparations screen has sad music, the chapter itself has sad music. And I really hate how this whole chapter is one large guilt trip on the player, and we have no choice but to kill men that really don't want to fight us, but HAVE to. Had Chrom not been in such a grieving, irrational state, perhaps we could have reached some other conclusion. Then again, I'm probably asking too much.

I don't think it's asking too much for them to bring back the Capture mechanic. Pretty much all of Thracia 776 was like that. Most of the bosses even had alternate dialogue if you spared them.

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Say what you will of the Awakening's story, I find there are a lot of sad parts in it.

- The whole apocalyptic future thing, especially Lucina (and her theme).

- Chapter 9, but it could have been much improved. I do like Emmeryn though.

- Chapter 10, which also retroactively gives Chapter 9 some impact.

- Emmeryn's fate.

- Lucina's attempted murder.

- Lucina's reveal to her father.

- Seeing "Fated Clash II" happen a second time, until Basilio ruins it.

Other stuff I'm too tired to remember I guess.

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I don't think it's asking too much for them to bring back the Capture mechanic. Pretty much all of Thracia 776 was like that. Most of the bosses even had alternate dialogue if you spared them.

It would be nice if you could recruit Mustafa. Awakening needed a story character who starts off as Barbarian/Berserker.

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Probably the moment when I realized Mustafa had to die... Or when I realized that all the kids had a terrible childhood and either watched their parents die or didn't see them at all (family problems always gets to me somehow...). Or the cutscene in Chapter 13 and 21 with Lucina... Oh, and definitely what happened between Yen'fay and Say'ri.

Chapter 9 was pretty sad, but I kind of expected it (the name kinda gave it away) so it didn't have that much of a big impact on me.

Gosh I'm just a big emotional goof aren't I.

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Oh, and definitely what happened between Yen'fay and Say'ri.

I forgot about that! How could I!? It's one of my favorite parts of the game.

Also, it feels right if Say'ri is the one to take Yen'fay down, way more emotional with the added dialogue than if you use another unit.

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It would be nice if you could recruit Mustafa. Awakening needed a story character who starts off as Barbarian/Berserker.

I think he would work best if you found him at the start of Cht.22, reluctantly following his family to Grima's Table, and he agreed to help you stop Grima to save his family. That would be a cool way to recruit him.

Cervantes should be recruitable, too, but he should have a more difficult objective, such as beating Cht.20 without killing him.

Yen'fay and Say'ri... Excellus had some good writing in that chapter, but Say'ri's "resistance" is completely invisible, not even a single troop, she has no supports, and her country isn't even on the map, which makes it a little hard to care about her.

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I had nothing against them, but Yen'fay and Say'ri moment is some of the biggest disapointment in the game

Like.... after the whole Yen'fay thing is resolved, I was like, dude nobody gives a shit

Which is weird since Camus characters are usually some of my favorites(I only disliked Ishtar so far)

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I had nothing against them, but Yen'fay and Say'ri moment is some of the biggest disapointment in the game

Like.... after the whole Yen'fay thing is resolved, I was like, dude nobody gives a shit

Which is weird since Camus characters are usually some of my favorites(I only disliked Ishtar so far)

Well, in defence of the whole Say'ri/Yen'fay/Excellus thing, most of Valm is uneven, unfortunately. I agree with you, though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

(During the chapter 9 cutscene)

Emmeryn: No reaction... was I wrong, then?

That scene was good, actually. It was a nice touch that the "game over" music played when Emmeryn fell.


The children characters' death quotes in their paralogue before being recruited.


All of Emmeryn and Gangrel's dialogues (as playable units, that is), especially their conversation in Hot-Spring Scramble. Maybe less "sad", but certainly emotional.

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