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Which characters do you use the most/least


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Most: MU, Chrom, Morgan, Severa, Inigo, Lucina, Olivia, Gaius, Cynthia, Owain, Cordelia, and Priam.

Least: Frederick (Except for Lunatic), Tharja (Really I just hate her), Noire, Brady, Virion, Libra, and Aversa (I've Never used her. At all).

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Most: MU, Chrom, Morgan, Severa, Inigo, Lucina, Olivia, Gaius, Cynthia, Owain, Cordelia, and Priam.

Least: Frederick (Except for Lunatic), Tharja (Really I just hate her), Noire, Brady, Virion, Libra, and Aversa (I've Never used her. At all).

Forgot about that hag. I don't touch her either, except for streetpass troll teams based on spoiler characters.

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I have Katarina and Micaiah for that though (their best use is Galeforce Mire with 13 Mov (8+2(Boots)+2(Deliverer)+1(Mov+1) to clear Golden Gaffe faster).

Oh, and to fly into that little square in RaR3 and Nosfertank to clear the map at ridiculously low levels. Super early LB is fun. But by the time you have Aversa, you can clear that map normally...

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Come to think of it Ricken has never been used (Except for a short lived abandoned playthrough, deleted it on P4 so it doesn't count). Because I don't like him.

Virion is just a pain to get off the ground ( I know, I can just dlc grind)

Stahl is mostly because my first blind playthrough he died and I didn't reset because cavaliers always come in pairs (sully).

The next I actually USED Sully/Vaike as one of my main pairs.

The next was a Avatar/Chrom rush to unlock L+ classic.

Now I guess I'll do it once I figure out who hes pairing with (well, he WAS paired with chrom pre olivia but that heartless bastard dumped him for a woman he just met)

Slightly off topic, but for deliverer, is +2 mov to the unit with the skill if that unit has someone under them, or is it +2 mov added to their pair up bonus for the person above them, or both?

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Slightly off topic, but for deliverer, is +2 mov to the unit with the skill if that unit has someone under them, or is it +2 mov added to their pair up bonus for the person above them, or both?

The lead unit has to have it IIRC.

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Deliverer only affects the unit who has it equipped when they're in the lead (sadly, otherwise it would be a great skill. It still has its uses though). So does Defender.

It's always amused me how Ricken tinks Aversa with his Elwind and she's surprised anyway. Lol Ricken. I miss the days when new recruits were actually reinforcements to help you fight and not units with stats 5 below each enemy. For me, outside of Frederick and Morgan (who still required a little care), the only character in Awakening who was able to contribute to combat upon showing up without any babying whatsoever was Basilio, and that's because his Lunatic boosts and Hammer allowed him to 2RKO the Generals who start near him, and he has room to kite them, and a fresh support unit.

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Most used

Chrom - Forced, but I like Chrom anyway.

My Unit - Customization FTW!

Lucina - Because I like Lucina too.

Lissa - I use healers all the time.

Maribelle - Same as Lissa.

Noire - Because Noire is one of my favorite characters.

Morgan - Overpowered customization FTW!

Tharja - Overpowered mage.

Cordelia - I find fliers extremely versatile.

Sumia - Same reason as Cordelia.

Cherche - Same reason as Cordelia and Sumia.

Tiki - Manaketes are OP.

Frederick - Tank.

Say'ri - Because I like Say'ri.

Lon'qu - Because I li-

Nowi - Manaketes are OP.

Least used

Stahl - I like him, but I never seem to take him.

Miriel - She dies if you even look at her, poor Miriel.

Anna - I have little use for her when she joins.

Libra - Little use for him.

Gangrel - Low stats when he joins.

Yarne - I don't like his personality, voice or design. Sorry!

Sully - Similar reason to Stahl, which is to say, none.

I think I forgot about someone (kind of stole that joke, sorry about that too!)

The other characters are are used every now and then.

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I used Tharja the most despite loathing her, her skills are handy in battle. I also use alot of Lon Qu, Sully, Cordelia, Libra, Anna, Yarne, Stahl, Noire, Chrom, Cynthia, and Gaius

Henry is like used 99 per cent of time.

I don't use Donnel- Hate him sorry, he's annoying and a cliche stereotype, American version anyways

Virion- Love him, but sadly has already mentioned, he easily gets slapped to the ground like a ho getting pimp slapped.

Kellam- I usually have him as a shield at first, then have no room for him anymore.

Teach- Worst FE character ever, I would handle a day with Tharja than him anyday, I always ignore him, he's not there.

Miriel- Same reason as Virion, and with Tharja and Henry about she's really all that needed unless you're shipping her with a husbando imo.

Say' Ri- Never liked her, sorry.

Ricken- He's okay, but never really use him, unless like Miriel trying to ship him with a Waifu so future kid.

The rest are sometimes people, used whenever needed, or just feel like having them in.

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I hardly ever use Frederick (meh still have a thing against Jagens), Kellam (annoying), Gregor, Miriel (prefer other swordies/mages), Say'ri, Basilio, Flavia (all come too late to be useful to me ), Yen'fay, or Walhart (don't really care about these two).

Always use Chrom/MU, Cordelia, Sumia, Lissa, Maribelle, Sully, Cherche, Gaius, Henry, Lucina, Owain, Severa, Gerome.

I use the others to varying degrees depending on the playthrough.

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I hardly ever use Frederick (meh still have a thing against Jagens)

I know that it's not going to matter in Normal/Hard, but go play Lunatic(+), and see if your "thing against Jagens" statement works out for you.

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Basilio is literally one of the only three characters in the game that can kill an enemy all by himself in Lunatic(+) right off the bat without assistance or critical manipulation (the others being Frederick and Morgan). He may come late, but he's certainly not useless (he also comes with a Silver Bow; very nice for the Wyverns in the next chapter, and Rally Str for Grima).

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How come you use Tiki because you like Manaketes, but not Nowi who comes way earlier and can support? Just curious.

Because I forgot about Nowi, just added her to the list of most used!

Also, I prefer Tiki's few supports to Nowi's many. Except for the MaMUxTiki supports, not a fan of those. Tiki starts out with some pretty good stats too, especially since she comes with a Dragonstone+.

And Nah is kind of out of the way, so sometimes I use her, sometimes not.

Edit: I can't say I'm a fan of Manaketes, but I don't mind them either and they are very good units. Manakete Morgan would be cool, but I tend to ship my MaMUs with my favorite female characters, of which the existing Manaketes are not included.

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I know that it's not going to matter in Normal/Hard, but go play Lunatic(+), and see if your "thing against Jagens" statement works out for you.

Oh I know, I don't play higher than Hard though.

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True, Nowi has a couple of creepy supports and a few more outright bad ones, but her supports with Avatar are decent and that's what you need for Manakete Morgan. I meant supports from a gameplay perspective though, even if they're aesthetically unpleasing they still give big stat boosts.

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True, Nowi has a couple of creepy supports and a few more outright bad ones, but her supports with Avatar are decent and that's what you need for Manakete Morgan. I meant supports from a gameplay perspective though, even if they're aesthetically unpleasing they still give big stat boosts.

True, her supports with the MaMU are better than most of her other supports. And yes, gameplay-wise it does make sense.

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To be honest I basically never use Frederick at all, because despite the game having infinite level-ups I just don't find him worth the effort; yeah, he comes stronger than your other units to begin with, but unless you're playing Lunatic/+ he's not really necessary for anything. Additionally, other units can easily match or surpass his base stats before even promoting and Frederick simply takes too long to attain level ups that are generally fairly mediocre, so he ends up left in the dust and giving me no real (gameplay-based) incentive to use him. I do like his personality though, but not enough for me to want to go so far out of my way to use him. Also, his hair is brown which does not fit in with Operation Screw Kozaki's Coloring Preferences (in which I attempt to maximize weird/flashy hair colors for children for no reason other than to rebel against Kozaki's disdain for said hair colors), although admittedly that's a more minor thing.

I also admittedly don't really use Gregor much, which again is not nearly as much a problem with his personality (I actually like him character-wise) as much as the fact that by the time I get to him I kinda always have a pretty established team set up that I don't feel he really fits into anywhere.

Just about everyone who is only pairable with the Avatar (unless they actually ARE paired with my avatar) gets the bench, too.

As for characters I almost always DO use... Aside from Chrom (forced), I always use the avatar (surprise surprise, I know), Sully and Stahl (although rarely as a couple because Kjelle gains like, one class from the pairing and it's not even a good one (Archer)), Lissa and Donnel, as well as Kellam for earlier chapters at least. I use others, too, but these are the only ones I can recall really being constant.

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I always use the fliers, though sometimes I just bench Cherche because of the children characters comming up next. And I mostly always seem to pair up SumiaxChrom and CordeliaxStahl, as I really like dat Lucina and Severa with dat hair. NowixGregor too, though I use them very little. I hardly use Gaius, and I never used Miriel, Vaike, Kellam and Donnel (such terrible stats and everything else, not worth babying). I hardly use Olivia.

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My avatar is a sorceress and my most powerful unit, then it goes Henry, Lon'qu, Chrom, then Frederick. I didn't use Frederick for ages because I was scared of overpowering him, and now he's kind of weak.

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Most (used in all three of my play-throughs and saw heavy use): Avatar, Chrom, Lucina, Gaius, Sumia, Owain, Gerome, Lon'Qu

Least (essentially un-used in any of my play-throughs): Vaike, Miriel, Ricken, any gen 1 character that joins after Henry....

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  • 2 weeks later...

I waifu'd Aversa once. The resulting Morgan was glorious! Dark Flier wielding dark magic. I was happy.

Same here, but I reclassed Morgan into a Valkyrie. A dark magic wielding, mounted healer? Yes, please!

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My earlygame a-team usually consists of....

Avatar (duh)

Chrom (duh)

Freddy (so useful on lunatic earlygame)

Kellam (only used for +5ef)

Midgame my MVPs are




And Cordelia after I reclass/promote her into hero because I don't like her as a peg knight for reasons.

Late-postgame my A-team is





These guys always are deployed unless im messing around with low levels for fun.

Never used? This is actually shorter than I thought.

We got Yarne and ricken and donnel and panne. The rest of the cast at least gets to get off the bench and stretch occasionally.

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