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lotr - do you prefer the movies or books?


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Just something I wonder.

Personally I like the books more, it's not that I don't enjoy the movies, I just prefer them.

Both have their pros and cons and while the books are more of a world building narrative, the movies are more character driven.

I just prefer the books because I think that they do a good job of convincing that their telling a story about a place that once existed, with many cultures, races, languages etc.

Is there anything that just makes you like one or the other more?

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The movies. For all of Tolkien's strengths, writing (as in the act of putting words on the page) was not one of them. They're just boring. It's not the fault of the plot, world, or characters, it's the prose that's the problem. I've caught myself pages and pages ahead of what I last remember reading because they just don't keep me engaged. And also the movies are just good.

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The books have that annoying pedophile, tom bombadil


I like both actually, but generally prefer the books. I do like the visuals of the films and the way Rivendell looks in the movies, its like that came right out of my own brain. I so floored by that when the films came out, i just kinda blubbered with nostalgia tears. (Elrond too. <3) Arwen getting a bigger role in the movies was neat but i do prefer the original books. I can say with absolute certainty that, while i am enjoying the Hobbit films, the book is superior in every shape and form.

Silmarillion... Nothing tops that.

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The books. I read them every single year I just love them so much. The movies are also great they capture the spirit of the books and add their own stuff to them. While differences may annoy people I find it interesting to see how Jackson invisions Tolkens world

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In general, the movies. It was difficult to get through the books, at least for me, a lot of the time. The Hobbit, on the other hand, I absolutely loved the book. It was a very different style from the rest of the trilogy, I think, and I loved that style. The 2 movies so far have been good, too, I just really liked the writing style of the book.

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I tried to read those books a while ago and I only got halfway through the series before I had to stop. It was just so boring. And I'm not usually the kind of person who gives up easily just because a book is long. Heck, my favorite book ever is Les Miserables, and that's longer than the entirety of LOTR and spends at least as much time on stuff that's irrelevant to the overarching plot! I just found it really difficult to get into the characters; they all seemed virtually indistinguishable with few interesting features to them. (I liked some of them, but the human characters in particular I found difficult to keep track of.)

On the other hand, I really like the movies. Not like they're my favorite films ever made, but I watched all three and thoroughly enjoyed them.

(And although this isn't what the topic is asking, unexpectedly, I vastly prefer The Hobbit book to the movies.)

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I tried to read those books a while ago and I only got halfway through the series before I had to stop. It was just so boring. And I'm not usually the kind of person who gives up easily just because a book is long. Heck, my favorite book ever is Les Miserables, and that's longer than the entirety of LOTR and spends at least as much time on stuff that's irrelevant to the overarching plot! I just found it really difficult to get into the characters; they all seemed virtually indistinguishable with few interesting features to them. (I liked some of them, but the human characters in particular I found difficult to keep track of.)

On the other hand, I really like the movies. Not like they're my favorite films ever made, but I watched all three and thoroughly enjoyed them.

(And although this isn't what the topic is asking, unexpectedly, I vastly prefer The Hobbit book to the movies.)

Just out of curiosity did you read the abridged or unabridged version of Les Miserables?

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Just out of curiosity did you read the abridged or unabridged version of Les Miserables?

Unabridged, although I've also skimmed through an abridged one for comparison. I don't think it's really a book that can be shortened satisfactorily because a lot of the stuff that's seen as irrelevant by the abridgers (??? is that a word) really adds to the themes and I like it better in there, even if it doesn't drive the main plot forward. Which is probably more than you wanted to know, but yeah.

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I absolutely adore both of them but my favourites would have to be the books. I find that Tolkien's style of writing is a bit dry but the plot and story in general more than compensates for that. It was also the first large series of books I ever read and I found them quite difficult at the time but in the end I really enjoyed them.

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