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Which characters did you dislike in the game?

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Nah, I misread your post completely, now mine is entirely redundant

I did edit my post to make sure there wasn't any more confusion.

Seem it didn't work as intended XD

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The senators of FE10 and a lot of Begnion officers also appears to be just jerks with no empathy. They kill people(even subordinates and peace messengers) on a whim, are full of themselves, support slavery and are incredibly selfish and self-righteous on top of that.

You then have Ashnard, the Black Knight and the 'real mastermind'(just as to not spoil the hypothetical readers that didn't play FE10. Those who played know whom I'm talking about) who are villains that do not do it for the sake of the evulz.

(I also think Neasala is a great 'gray morality character'. You can use him as a playable character yet he's greedy, treacherous and smug, but he has hidden depths that can make him quite sympathetic, likes his commitment to his country and his duty as a king.

The senators of Begnion are doing what they are doing mostly to stay in power. Thats not to say they arent a bunch of scums, they sure are. But its not For The Evulz as much as For the Powah. They want to continue ruling Begnion and get very cheesed off that Sanaki is not a puppet ruler. Sephiran has a lot to do with why she isnt.

Yeah, Ashnard is doing what hes doing because he thinks the current system is bollocks. Hes a Survival Of The Fittest type of guy. If someone is strong and powerful enough, regardless of birth, Ashnard thinks that cool. He has nothing but disdain for knighthood, bloodlines, honor, and other society conventions.

[spoiler=Some stuff about Tellius]

Its interesting to note that Almedha initially agreed with him seeing how Laguz choose their kings. Yet with the dragon tribe, its the black dragons who are royalty. Probably because they are the strongest. Almedha disagreed with her father about remaining completely neutral, and sought to use the power of her tribe to tip some scales. Thus she hooked up with Ashnard.

[spoiler=The Mastermind]

I think hes much more sympathetic than even Lyon. Sephiran/Lehran is a guy who wanted to bridge some gaps. He married a beorc and fathered the first Branded. But the fact that his heron abilities were removed upon this happening was a bit too much for the guy. Plus he keeps trying to do something about the Laguz/Beorc relations, even landing himself on the government of Begnion. Its told that he was in the throes of despair for ages, but the Serenes Massacre was what made that egg crack completely.

As for Naesala, hes a shit disturber but wound up between a rock and a hard place, which is why he ends up doing the shit he does. (i really like him.)

Walhart is actually kind of interesting. I wish the story expounded on him a bit more, but hes kinda like Ashnard in the sense he believes might makes right. However, hes also strongly opposed to the Grimleal. His motivations are about stamping out the Grimleal, but his whole CONQUEROR schtick really gets in the way and muddles up that motivation. Bah.

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The senators of Begnion are doing what they are doing mostly to stay in power. Thats not to say they arent a bunch of scums, they sure are. But its not For The Evulz as much as For the Powah. They want to continue ruling Begnion and get very cheesed off that Sanaki is not a puppet ruler. Sephiran has a lot to do with why she isnt.

Yeah, Ashnard is doing what hes doing because he thinks the current system is bollocks. Hes a Survival Of The Fittest type of guy. If someone is strong and powerful enough, regardless of birth, Ashnard thinks that cool. He has nothing but disdain for knighthood, bloodlines, honor, and other society conventions.

[spoiler=Some stuff about Tellius]

Its interesting to note that Almedha initially agreed with him seeing how Laguz choose their kings. Yet with the dragon tribe, its the black dragons who are royalty. Probably because they are the strongest. Almedha disagreed with her father about remaining completely neutral, and sought to use the power of her tribe to tip some scales. Thus she hooked up with Ashnard.

[spoiler=The Mastermind]

I think hes much more sympathetic than even Lyon. Sephiran/Lehran is a guy who wanted to bridge some gaps. He married a beorc and fathered the first Branded. But the fact that his heron abilities were removed upon this happening was a bit too much for the guy. Plus he keeps trying to do something about the Laguz/Beorc relations, even landing himself on the government of Begnion. Its told that he was in the throes of despair for ages, but the Serenes Massacre was what made that egg crack completely.

As for Naesala, hes a shit disturber but wound up between a rock and a hard place, which is why he ends up doing the shit he does. (i really like him.)

Walhart is actually kind of interesting. I wish the story expounded on him a bit more, but hes kinda like Ashnard in the sense he believes might makes right. However, hes also strongly opposed to the Grimleal. His motivations are about stamping out the Grimleal, but his whole CONQUEROR schtick really gets in the way and muddles up that motivation. Bah.

I was thinking after making my first post and I realized that even with all the horrors they commit, they are not doing it for the sake of being evil. I've been replaying RD recently and remember Levail I think, mentioning the senators were born into power, spoiled all the life and thought that they were more important than anybody else. These guys are convinced that what they are doing is right. The Laguz are only good as slaves for them and every other Beorc countries are nothing but children basking in the glory of Begnion. What right do they think they have to oppose them? Not saying that they are good people or justified in committing their attrocities, but they at least feel justified and are not doing it for evil's sake.

It's funny that Awakening seems to push a link between Ahsnard and Gangrel by titling them both Mad Kings while Walhart is much closer to Ahsnard in terms of philosophy.

[spoiler=The Mastermind]I find Sephiran really interesting. Currently, a lot of people have become cynical due to all the wrong that is present in our world, me included, but I still hope that things will change for the better. Sephiran is someone that suffered great losses and saw all his hopes in the goodness of people dashed by atrocities. It is no wonder that after suffering for centuries, the Serenes Massacre made him decide that the world wasn't fit to continue and that there was not hope for it to change.

Edited by LuxSpes
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Walhart is actually kind of interesting. I wish the story expounded on him a bit more, but hes kinda like Ashnard in the sense he believes might makes right. However, hes also strongly opposed to the Grimleal. His motivations are about stamping out the Grimleal, but his whole CONQUEROR schtick really gets in the way and muddles up that motivation. Bah.

Walhart and MU's convos are actually some of my favorite in the game (easily the best spotpass convo by far) and is great characterization for Walhart, but the interesting premise of the character is marred by a lot of missteps (making the rest of the valm army comically villainous/ridiculous, the exaggerated portrayal of Walhart, etc) that really hurts the only not shit interesting antagonist in the game. There's a lot in Walhart that could make for a truly fantastic character comparable to the likes of Alvis, Nergal and Lyon, but this game's tone and direction really hurts the significance of the dude as a whole.

Edited by Constable Reggie
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This Nah bashing makes me sad. Sure, she can be pretty bratty and whiny, but I feel her reasoning is a lot better than Severa's. She was abused by her foster parents in her new home after Nowi and whoever was her father died, and she sadly tells her father all about it in their A support, which makes her behavior justified. And Inigo deserved everything he got from her, since IMO, he acted a bit condescending to her in their supports.

And again, Severa's behavior isn't justified in the slightest. Inferiority complex? That's fine. Act like a complete bitch to others (Cynthia, Owain, whoever Severa's father is) who don't deserve it? Yeah, screw off.

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This Nah bashing makes me sad. Sure, she can be pretty bratty and whiny, but I feel her reasoning is a lot better than Severa's. She was abused by her foster parents in her new home after Nowi and whoever was her father died, and she sadly tells her father all about it in their A support, which makes her behavior justified. And Inigo deserved everything he got from her, since IMO, he acted a bit condescending to her in their supports.

So being condescending makes it okay for Nah to basically force Inigo into marriage and to threaten to eat him, huh? Would you say the same thing if Nah and Inigo's positions and personalities were reversed? Also, just because Nah's reasoning is good doesn't mean it's an excuse, and it doesn't mean I have to like her. Sasuke from Naruto and Raven from FE7 had their reasons for being the way they were. Doesn't excuse them from being a total dick to everyone, and doesn't make me like them any more.

Edited by Sangyul
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First generation, I didn't like Maribelle or Vaike because of their attitudes.

Second generation, I didn't like Inigo, Yarne, or Gerome.

I also dislike Excellus for being terrible, Validar for being a really lame Gharnef, Kellam and Virion are also pretty unappealing as characters, and... uh. That's about that.

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I hate Inigo. Half of his S supports end with him intending to see other women, it's just wrong.

Virion, for all of his playboy attitude, seems like he intends to be faithful during his S supports.

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Of the first-gen characters: Tharja, because she's a horrible mother. Nowi, because she's designed to appeal to lolicon enthusiasts.

Of the second-gen characters: Severa, because tsundere.

I don't really dislike anyone else.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and gameplay-wise, I dislike Donnel for his recruitment requirement, and his weak bases. Personality-wise, he's awesome though.

Edited by Folt
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So being condescending makes it okay for Nah to basically force Inigo into marriage and to threaten to eat him, huh? Would you say the same thing if Nah and Inigo's positions and personalities were reversed? Also, just because Nah's reasoning is good doesn't mean it's an excuse, and it doesn't mean I have to like her. Sasuke from Naruto and Raven from FE7 had their reasons for being the way they were. Doesn't excuse them from being a total dick to everyone, and doesn't make me like them any more.

I might've just said that because I dislike Inigo, so...

But I see what you mean.

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Difference between Nah and Severa:

Nah expects too much out of people.

Severa's insecurities lead her to be hurtful.

Both are prideful, but i feel Nah was better handled. I dont like her supports with Inigo much, but i like her other supports.

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I'll be the thread weirdo and say I don't dislike a single character in this game.

I do like some characters better than others, but I can safely say that I found every character interesting in his/her own way.

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I'll be the thread weirdo and say I don't dislike a single character in this game.

I do like some characters better than others, but I can safely say that I found every character interesting in his/her own way.

As do I.

I personally think it's possible to dislike who a character is, but still like the character itself for what he/she/it brings to the story.

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I feel like I'm beating a dead horse here but whatever...

Vaike - Stupid and arrogant meathead whose world revolves around himself and fighting.

Owain - Really annoying attention whore who needs a nice big cup of "STFU".

Severa - Total bitch without a good excuse.

Gerome - "Fate" this and "Leave me alone" that.

Anna - Acts like a stereotypical Jew.

Henry - They overdid it with the Black Comedy.

Cordelia - Catria except exaggerated.

Tharja - Creepy-ass abusive bitch.

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Vaike, Sully and Tharja are my least favorites, although Virion & Inigo and Sumia get special mention.

Vaike for his pervertedness and his arrogant speech. Sully for her relentless swearing and also for the scene where she finds out Lucina is her daughter. Tharja because she's creepy as heck and is always lusting after the avatar, regardless of gender, and regardless of whether she and/or the avatar are married to other people. Virion has a bit of arrogance about him and is hitting on everyone he sees. (Inigo has the latter going for him as well.) And Sumia...is just a terrible character. She's klutzy, ditzy, cries way too easily, and she GRABS A BEEHIVE OFF OF A TREE AND HANDS IT TO GAIUS, BEFORE RUNNING OFF.

However Inigo gets out of the 'I hate using him' box by having the same sexy voice actor as Dion in Star Ocean 3.

And I usually end up using Virion because he's the only default archer. Well, besides Noire.

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I don't really dislike anybody, except for Sully. There are more characters with annoying bits, but Sully just doesn't appeal to me... at all. Yeah, she's a boyish woman which is alright, but I don't like how they made her.

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In terms of their actual character: Kellam (has one gimmick and that's about it), Miriel (she honestly seems inhuman. Laurent is at least somewhat convincingly real.), Owain (his shtick gets old really fast), Cynthia (way too "lolrandumb!" for my tastes), Yen'Fay (so dark, so brooding), Emmeryn (really, I just don't like that they had her survive, that ruined the whole effect of chapter 9), and Nowi (ehh... I guess I just think how childish she is is annoying to me).

In terms of gameplay: I find that I end up not using Maribelle, Miriel, Stahl, Kellam, Libra, Tharja, Henry, Gregor, and Cordelia. I don't really have any insight on that, or why I don't use them.

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I used to like Kellam and I used to love Vaike (him and sully A rank ripped hard/casual to shreds for me) but they got old after the first playthrough for me.

I don't mind avatar that much other than he/she is a gary stu/mary sue. Pretty boring really, but he gives birth to Femorgan who is one of my favorite characters.

Yarne annoys me to no end, as did his mother. I do lack credibility as I didnt get most of the supports for them, but the supports I did get really didnt give me an urge to keep going.

I want to like Anna, I really want to like Anna. Some of her quotes in paralogue 4 really amused me... but she got screwed hard by an extremely shallow puddle of supports and a class pool that allows for very little creativity. I have tried to break her down as a unit and find a way to make her awesome, but it just feels like a waste of energy that could be better spent elsewhere. She is doomed to mediocrity and it kills me. If she had more supports and just a couple more useful classes (pegasus knight, cavalier, or hell, even just myrmidon) she would be one of my main units. Back on the support thing, it also hurts her character. I'm more than willing to gimp myself to use a subpar unit that I like, but Anna never got enough development or lines to really get there for me (they also dropped the ball by not allowing Anna to give birth to another Anna). I really want to like her, but as she stands now though, the RNGoddess is just a benchwarmer.

I dislike Severa a lot less than I should considering her character is just completely unlikable. Shes mean, rude, unempathetic, and she plays on the emotions of others to get free stuff. She is just a killer unit though and I guess thats why I cant bring myself to hate her. I've found that I tend to have a hard time disliking units units that perform exceptionally, and Severa has done that for me. One could say that "oh why do you like Anna then? She's selfish, greedy and manipulative." Well, the difference here is that Annas selfishness is a lot more entertaining and makes her (few) interactions with other characters more fun to read. She's kind of the opposite of Severa in that case. Anna is a fun character screwed by being a crappy unit and not having enough supports to really flesh her character out whereas Severa is an exceptional unit screwed by being an unlikable character with a ton of supports to flesh her out. Maybe Anna would have been like that had she had more supports, but no one can say for sure.

Almost forgot to put kjelle here. Me forgetting to put her here should probably say enough.

There are probably others, but those are the big ones.

Man, if only the writing in this game was done better. The characters in this game had so much potential but very few really stand out to me. Maybe if the gimmicks were less overused? This merry band of sociopaths could have been so much more awesome.

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Nowi, because she's designed to appeal to lolicon enthusiasts.

Oh, Nowi. On the one hand, I actually find her downright adorable. On the other hand, I hate having to marry her off to get an S-Support Boost and Nah. Just, ew.

I don't think I dislike any characters in the game. I can more-or-less objectively find fault with many of them, but I still like them nonetheless - they all have at least one moment or support conversation that redeems them and endears them to me in my eyes.

Having said that, my least favorite would be Ricken. I like him well enough, but, I dunno, meh.

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Probably Virion and Excellus, Virion just annoyed me to hell, he died pretty quickly on my run, and excellus just made me want to bang my head into a wall and kill him with rusty farm implements (which was probably the aim of his character actually, didn't stop me hating him though).

I don't know what people have against Owain though, I thought he was funny >.<

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