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I really have to use Donnel sometime


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Donny is very much not worth the effort, but it is kinda satisfying to see him slaughter everyone in the main game after you've babied him for an annoyingly long time.

Ricken is kinda average. Not a bad unit by any means, but he's not good either. Just see him as a slower, weaker Miriel, but who can actually survive a light breeze.

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neither are really worth it

If you like a character its always worth it. My 2 cents.

Its easy enough to use anyone in Awakening on Nm or Hm honestly some just need a little work as per any fe unit who needs a small bit of a boost if you wanna use em. if I can do random deployment and random pairings on both modes (hm can be a little tricky at first with this) and have fun, then I see no problems but I am not other people so maybe I'm strange

May not be the top tier way to play, but in the end play how you want.

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PFHAHHAHAHAH, I'm on fair terms with Ricken.

It's the fact that I also want to get to know these two better. Ricken's unit concept also intrigues me: He can be sort of tanky. And I like Dark Knights quite a bit.

Don't know much about Donnel...just sheer curiosity, I guess? I'd also like to try out another Hero/Warrior.

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Common knowledge: Ricken is a midget.

Not so common knowledge: His horse is too. If you're going to try him (especially for aesthetic purposes) I'd strongly recommend Dark Knight.

Donnel's gig is that he never removes his pot, which looks... Interesting on promoted classes, and that he can reach 100% AT with just a tonic and no pairup/DLC.

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Not so common knowledge: His horse is too. If you're going to try him (especially for aesthetic purposes) I'd strongly recommend Dark Knight.

Oh gawd, I want to try this now...

Really sucks FE13 has only 3 game files. I have one ocuppied with a casual HM run (up to Para.19 WALHART), the middle one is a friend's and the last one is a LM file stuck at Ch.16. :L

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Donnel just looks too weird outside of Villager class. A majestic hero travels across the land, protecting innocent civilians from the dangers of evil. In his shining golden armor, with his battle axe and trusted horse, and... umm... a pot on his head?

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Really sucks FE13 has only 3 game files. I have one ocuppied with a casual HM run (up to Para.19 WALHART), the middle one is a friend's and the last one is a LM file stuck at Ch.16. :L

Not so, it has five. Play on Casual, and you can use the two mid-battle saveslots as well. I use one slot for my minmax file, one for my current playthrough, one for backup saves, one for anything, and one for a Cervantes save with a favorable RNG so I can hear "SEE HOW MY MUSTACHE MOVES IN THE WIND!" whenever I want to, and follow it with a DG, an Aether, and a crit on the Luna half. And that's on my physical copy of the game...

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Its depends on difficulty

-In normal mode, every character is good and so is Donnel.

-In hard mode, while you need to baby Donnel for quite a bit, if you really want to use him, he will eventually shine.

-In Lunatic(+), its not worth the effort, since you really need the XP for the others. Even recruiting isnt worth it unless you want a 100% completion.

This applies to the lower two difficuties, where hes usable

-You want to reclass to the merc class after lv10 (where you can start to reclass) or after lv15 (where he learns Underdog, which is a good skill). Either way, reclass ASAP, since otherwise he will hit his low villager stat caps

-Keep a Arms scroll ready to get past the E sword rank, assuming you have one by then, he cant use lances in the other classes.

-Why Merc? He gets Armsthrift (very useful given his Luck statt) and Patience (most of the battles are in the enemy phase, so..)

-Then after reaching Lv10 (or whenever the stat will cap again), promote him to the Hero class. (IMO, Hero > Bow Knight, since the hero has two melee weapons and hand axes have 1-2 range.

-Once you hit the caps again in his promoted class (which will happen fairly soon), drop the first skill, as the growths do not matter when everything is capped.

However, his stat caps are mostly lower than the other units so hes kinda less useful in the endgame. Two ways to use him:

-Support/Assist, since most of his stats are 30+.

-Hes the only parent that can give his child the villager skills (sure, you can reclass the child to the villager, but this is a very bad idea since the villager caps are very low)

Another issue, at least for me is that if I use Donnel, he will eventually end up being too strong when compared to everyone else. Not good since the other ones need the XP too. At least you can use him as support/assist..

[yes, babying is really needed but seeing him killing entire armies after that....]

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I may be biased, as I really love Donny, but I think he's worthwhile, especially of you have the EXPonetial Growth DLC. Without the DLC, he's kind of more trouble than he's worth, but I love that massive luck cap boost he gets (if I'm not wrong, his luck cap as a Hero exceeds 50, meaning 100% Armsthrift activation even outside a pair up). He's one of my favorite pairings for Lissa, because he can pass on that luck boost and Armsthrift to Owain, meaning infinite Sol Katti and Amatsu uses. Not to mention that Underdog is a pretty good skill for him to have if you do second seal abuse.

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