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Which character would you want to be friends with?

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For me, it would be...

Henry- Ask him to teach me, curses, and Hexes, on people.

Lon'qu- Badass Character

Owain- His Awsomeness~!!

Avatar/MU- Tactics

Morgan- Good persons, both gender are cute.. ;-;

Tiki- Adorble Manakete

Anna- Greedy


Stahl- Adorble

Lucina- She's Badass, female lord, I've ever seen.!

Chrom- he's cool, but a manly prince..







Nah- Same with Tiki


what are yours? o:

Edited by Tide of Waves
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Been waiting for this thread for awhile. Here's mine:

I want to say Henry, but in reality I would probably try to stay away from him.

Cynthia. Pretty entertaining.

Sumia. Animals like her, she's also a good person in general.

Noire, probably partially out of pity.

Lissa. Funny, got a good outlook even on crappy situations. What's not to like?

Stahl. Strikes me as a friendly guy.

Cherche. I'd probably get a dumb moment and decide that I really want to pet a wyvern.

tikinowiandnahbecauseMANEKETES (Non-sexual, obviously. Come on, Nah and Nowi look like they're 7 or something.)

Donny is also pretty friendly, but I don't like farmers that much.

Gaius. We'd probably share our sweets, and he'd be great for movie nights with all of the candy he'll more than likely have.

Edited by Dracojawn
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OK. Take care that you don't meet the same fate as Virion, Inigo, and almost all of their other male supports.

Wait, what? What fate? I didn't mean a sexual relationship. Moreso toward a friend/buddy sort of thing.

Also, what support? If you find it, can you link it?

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Also, eww, what person in their right mind would want to have sex with two little girls like that...even if one of them is OVER ONE-THOUSAND!!!!!

But yeah. Tiki, however...*COUGHCOUGHCOUGH*

Anyway, read my list, guys. It's the most interesting, I bet

[spoiler=my FE13 would-be pals]

Liz: She's adorable and has a great sense of humour I may actually appreciate of her. She also tends to be positive during harsh times.

Virion: Shakespear in the park. What's not to like?

Stahl: He's such a nice guy.

Vaike: This guy is amazing. His over-confidence is really amusing.

Miriel: Female Sheldon Cooper/10


Kellam: Yeah, you heard me. He's kind of cool, in his own way.

Maribelle: She's funny, classy and sort of a snot...which is cute, when she does it.

Awww fuck, the list just goes on.

I'm such a terrible person.

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Although this would probably put me on the strong fan-boy side, i don't really care because she is my waifu:


Cuz she is my kawaii-desu-ne daughter:


Because he seems like a good person:


and the others:



Chrom (despite the fact that i prefer it to be Krom)


Donnel (because the MaMU supports sounds like it would be a nice friendship)

Inigo (Azure because despite being the womanizer er i mean friendly guy he is, i wouldn't mind being his friend)

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Virion is the guy i would date. Repeatedly and shamelessly. :B We'd have tea together and make all sorts of flirtatious remarks at one another. And then later....

Cherche would be my best girl friend. We'd hang out and go shopping and eat at high class bistros and talk about fashion. And adorable abominations. CUDDLY!!

Henry would be my best guy friend. We'd hang out and talk about gore and guts and all the terrible things that could happen and how fun it would be. And then, we would burst into random evil laughter at the most inopportune moments.

Cynthia, Owain, and i would be in the Justice Cabal together. Id be the supervillain of course, but it wouldnt be any less fun.

Tharja and i would swap recipes and....ideas.

Gerome would get tired of me constantly pestering him to take off his mask. But he would find it difficult to stop hanging out with me.

Maribelle and i would run a campaign for Parliament together.

Lissa would be in mine and Cherche's fashion circles. She'd have blog all about hoop skirts and steampunk hats.

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I'd probably get along with. . .

- Sumia (if the animals like her, she can't be a bad person)

- Cherche (she TALKS to her wyvern, too)

- Laurent (his mind seems slightly more open than his mother's)

- Gregor (I like his outlook)

- Brady (mostly 'cause I'd feel sorry for him)

- Stahl (kitchen raiding, here we come~!)

- Sully (I admire her outlook, at least)

- Lucina (we'd go out and get tasteless fashion together)

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The one that comes at the top of my mind is LIBRA.

Then a few others I'll list, later.

yeah same here, Libra. He seems like the most nicest and understanding out of all of them, and the most truest and supportive.

Gaius would be awesome during movie nights and marathons, imagine how much candy and chocolate he'll have stored up. Awesome.

Edited by mikan-tsumiki
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Henry: I'd watch The walking dead, resident evil, and (insert zombie movie here).

Cordelia: My wife

Severa: My daughter( I adore her)

Lon'qu: Just cuz he's a badass mofo. I'd have sparring matches with him( provided he doesn't kill me in a match)

Kellam: If I ever find him. :/

Olivia: To hang out on dance night and maybe karaoke night

Gaius: I love sweets too! We'd share sweets or steal from each other. Perhaps we'd steal from other people together :D

Anna: Cha-ching! Enough said.

Tiki: Seems like she would have an interesting experience with technology.

Lucina: Let's go shopping for underrated clothes!

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Severa: If you don't have anything nice to say about anybody, sit next to me! We can go shopping together, too.

Aversa: Let's sit on the top of that hill and make catty remarks and throw shade at people who pass by!

Tharja: My boss is a huge asshole to me lately; could you do me a huge favor and curse him? We can go get ice cream afterwards, my treat!

Henry: Horror movie marathon at my place! Bring popcorn.

Laurent: Have coffee together to catch up and compare what we're currently reading and our thoughts on them!

Any ruler: Because it's good to have friends in high places.

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Ricken- He's so cute and immature. We could be immature together, and pull pranks on everybody :3

Gaius- We both have a sweet tooth. I would introduce him to the concept of salty liquorice, and find out whether his love for sweets applies to all kinds of sweets.

Miriel and Laurent- My science pals!

Cherche- She seems like a very friendly person, and perhaps she'd let me pet Minerva.

Stahl- Nice guy. We'd start a food club,with the occasional input from Priam (meat dishes) and Ricken (fried... fish... something...)

Nah- She is SO cute :3 I would hug her all the time, because she really needs some hugs :3

Libra- To talk about deep, serious stuff, and do charity work for the local orphanage.

Lissa- My ultra girly friend. We would have PJ parties and stay up all night while gossiping about clothes and make-up. Maribelle would probably also be there, and bring an unlimited supply of tea.

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If Marribelle existed, she would totally be my running mate when I run for president. She is less corrupt that all of America's politicians put together. Lon'qu could be the head of my secret service. I would have intense debates about God's existence with Libra. I would talk about military strategy with Walhart.

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Cordelia. Making her overcome her love for Chrom would be a long and excruciating process, but the reward is the best waifu in the game, so it would be worth it.

Stahl and Lon'qu.

Actually, there's not a single character I wouldn't want to be friends with because most are friend material. There are some who are a little rough on the edges, like Panne (she isn't really approachable), but, since we would be fighting together, it would be hard not to interact with everyone. Especially since the player is the tactician, and the tactician must know everyone's abilities to succeed.

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Wait, what? What fate? I didn't mean a sexual relationship. Moreso toward a friend/buddy sort of thing.

Also, what support? If you find it, can you link it?

Virion and Inigo are womanizers, right? Always looking for dates? Nah basically walks up to Inigo and tries to talk him out of flirting with random girls, and when he doesn't pay attention she turns into a dragon and threatens to eat him, right before demanding that they get married and renewing her threat to eat him if he so much as looks at another girl. Nowi, on the other hand, guilt trips Virion into putting his life on the line for her again and again, not in the heat of battle but by making him allow her to chase him around as a dragon for sport. Every time he tries to wiggle out of it, she turns his words on his head and makes him talk himself into another round.

Then there's also the issue of Nowi x Gaius, in which their first two supports consist of her mercilessly hounding him for a confession of undying love. Good luck having a friend/buddy relationship with those two.

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Quite allot but I cut the list massively:


Lissa: Regardless of how she is not a good waifu, I could relate to her in real life and would most probably ask out unlike most of the other girls

Cordelia: She's smart and beautiful... Need i say more?

Olivia: That blush


Now that the bias to the three girls I usually marry on my runs are all picked now to the people I would be friends with:

Donnel: He seems nice and interesting

Nowi: She acts young and seems fun

Henry: His comedy and creepiness

Inigo: He is a womanizer and likes to have fun

Morgan: (S)he is cute and innocent.

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