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Next year is Ike's 10th Anniversary... Do you think...?

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Again with twisting my words. I never said that the GBA games didn't have ANY effort put into them, I said that they didn't have AS MUCH.

And no, I'm not being biased. I may like the Tellius games more, but that has nothing to do with how much effort was put into them or any game.

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And no, I'm not being biased. I may like the Tellius games more, but that has nothing to do with how much effort was put into them or any game.

So... where's your source?

Besides, you know, how inherently subjective "how much effort" was put into the game is?

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I can't remember where the source is, I heard this a long time ago. And from someone on this site, no less. I believe an interview was said source.

But I'll say this again, I don't think in any way that FE should not be on handhelds. I just think it needs more home console games.

Edited by Anacybele
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You also can't say "I'm not being biased".

Everyone is biased.

The fact that you even made this thread means you're not being objective.

And you don't have to be. You just need to take into account whenever you freaking state your opinions.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Again with twisting my words. I never said that the GBA games didn't have ANY effort put into them, I said that they didn't have AS MUCH.

And no, I'm not being biased. I may like the Tellius games more, but that has nothing to do with how much effort was put into them or any game.

Except Ike never got another game. So that idea is out the window. xP

But what confuses me is how did the games IS put so much love and care into not do as well as the GBA games, the ones they didn't give two shits about?

I honestly think PoR and RD are much better and should've done better.

I'm gonna be an asshole and point out that you did say IS didn't give a shit about them. Edited by Randa
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Whatever. It's not complete bias then.

EDIT: AGAIN, I didn't mean that literally. Wrong choice of words, apparently.

Edited by Anacybele
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I'd argue FE9 and FE10 have less effort put into them because of FE9's incredibly limited Supports and FE10's complete lack thereof, not to mention the horrible mess of a story that's all over the place.

Oh, and FE4 hardly has the best story. People remember it because of a couple of epic moments and DAT PLOT TWIST, but it has tons of loose ends and things that remained unexplained. Gen 2 of that game is pretty much on auto pilot.

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But that's how memorization works, you're naturally going to remember the parts that stood out, the 'epic' moments, and yes that plot twist, I say loose ends while unfortunate, are quite natural in some stories...

I don't think you'd have to worry much about a low selling FE after Awakening now that it's captured this much attention, the worst you'd likely get is enraged otakus who can't fap to their waifus and shipping and all that BS, I predict this happening to the next FE and SMTxFE while I'm at it

Dick =/= Dickhead, YHVH is A HEAD AND NOT A PENIS! EDIT : I'm sorry, i just... i'm sorry.

....... You haven't... Why hasn't anyone spelled it out, the scenario which it was used... Dick=Dickhead, you've never heard someone get called a dick before? In this context, it follows the same principle

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I'd argue FE9 and FE10 have less effort put into them because of FE9's incredibly limited Supports and FE10's complete lack thereof, not to mention the horrible mess of a story that's all over the place.

Oh, and FE4 hardly has the best story. People remember it because of a couple of epic moments and DAT PLOT TWIST, but it has tons of loose ends and things that remained unexplained. Gen 2 of that game is pretty much on auto pilot.

And I'd argue that Fe9 has the best writing and support system because of how simple it was and how much of an improvement over the GBA system was. Heck Awakening used the Fe9 system spliced with Fe4's

Fe10's story was actually pretty good up till about mid part 3 as well

Edited by Jedisupersorry
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I mainly dislike FE9 and 10 because furries. Laguz bother me far more than Manaketes ever will. But I'll not get into that.

Anyway, the sales figures speak volumes: FE9 and 10 sold only marginally better than Thracia 776, a game that had a very limited release AND was released on a long dead system.

As for having FE on another home console, do remember that those purdy graphics lead to much higher development costs. And when that happens, sales requirements need to increase to offset those costs. Remember how one of those games Square-Enix called a failure despite selling 4 million units? Yeah, take that into account.

IS has never been a huge company, so lower development costs lead to developing on handhelds.

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As for having FE on another home console, do remember that those purdy graphics lead to much higher development costs. And when that happens, sales requirements need to increase to offset those costs. Remember how one of those games Square-Enix called a failure despite selling 4 million units? Yeah, take that into account.

IS has never been a huge company, so lower development costs lead to developing on handhelds.

Wasn't that just Square Enix being tryhards? But I do see the point though, but remember Square Enix and their ilk shell out top dollar on grapics alone, and then complain about sales, graphics alone does not a game make after all, if FE is going to be on home consoles again, they just need to avoid that critical error in development and mindsets

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I mainly dislike FE9 and 10 because furries. Laguz bother me far more than Manaketes ever will. But I'll not get into that.

Aw, I love the laguz (and admit to being a bit of a furry). I don't like the manaketes though, because why bother with them when we have dragon laguz, who can transform without needing dumb stones and look so much cooler in dragon form (imo)? :P

And I'd argue that Fe9 has the best writing and support system because of how simple it was and how much of an improvement over the GBA system was. Heck Awakening used the Fe9 system spliced with Fe4's

Fe10's story was actually pretty good up till about mid part 3 as well

Exactly, I agree. PoR supports don't take nearly as long to unlock and they follow with the story. They're only unlocked at a certain point in the game so it relates to the main story's events and I really like that. It would be better if the characters could support with more people, but still.

RD's system did suck though, that much I'll admit. And the story wasn't quite as awesome in part 4. I loved part 3 though.

Edited by Anacybele
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Anyway, the sales figures speak volumes: FE9 and 10 sold only marginally better than Thracia 776, a game that had a very limited release AND was released on a long dead system.

The SNES had a huge fanbase in Japan though. Heck, the very reason it was released for the SNES instead of the N64 was that in the Japanese market the N64 was being trounced by the PS1, so they probably figured they would sell more units if they made the game for the SNES despite the system's lifespan having long been extinguished.

As for the Tellius games... The Gamecube was hardly a sales' success, and RD was a sequel of a game that had sold poorly compared to other entries in the series, so it didn't do too bad considering what it was.

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I don't mind the Support system in FE9. I agree it's better than the GBA games, but I didn't like that every character's support options felt so limited. Most characters only have three or four choices, for some reason siblings can't support and you can't make much triangle supports (I think the only ones are Ike/Ranulf/Lethe and Titania/Boyd/Mist, correct me if I'm wrong here). It really feels unfinished, which it is, since the game code has plenty of unused data that shows additional Supports. I really wish they would have taken the time to flesh this part of the game better.

And story wise, I do like FE10 Part 1. In fact, I've argued many times that FE10 should have been just an expanded Part 1, then release a third Tellius game that follows FE10 Parts 3 and 4 (Part 2 is mostly filler and I don't care for it). I think that whole story of Tellius would have flowed better that way, giving an equal view of both sides in separate games, then have it all come together at the end of the trilogy.

Edited by Jave
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I feel like the Tellius games are the ones IS "didn't give two shits about" especially since RD doesn't even have a support system.

RD does have a support system, one much more extensive than any other game in the series, in fact. What it does not have is (full) support conversations.

I didn't mean that they LITERALLY didn't care at all about the GBA FEs, but they didn't care about making them as much as they did the Tellius FEs, which is why I don't get why the Tellius FEs didn't sell better.

You should really stop making this claim if you can't prove it.

I'd argue FE9 and FE10 have less effort put into them because of FE9's incredibly limited Supports and FE10's complete lack thereof, not to mention the horrible mess of a story that's all over the place.

Whether or not they were successful, I think it's pretty clear that FE10's story was given more time and effort than most in the series. It's the only one that really breaks the mold and tries to go for something really big.
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The SNES had a huge fanbase in Japan though. Heck, the very reason it was released for the SNES instead of the N64 was that in the world market the N64 was being trounced by the PS1, so they probably figured they would sell more units if they made the game for the SNES despite the system's lifespan having long been extinguished.

Yeah, the N64 sucked. FSR, people think it was a lot more popular than it actually was.

Also still don't see how they're going to do anything for Ike's 10th anniversary, but I wouldn't be particularly chuffed if they did.

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Yeah, the N64 sucked. FSR, people think it was a lot more popular than it actually was.

Also still don't see how they're going to do anything for Ike's 10th anniversary, but I wouldn't be particularly chuffed if they did.

The difference was less in the Western market because Rare's games were better received in the West.

BTW, sucking in terms of sales doesn't mean it was a bad product. The best games of the N64 were among the very best games of the era. The N64 had the best shooters (Goldeneye and Perfect Dark) and arguably the best platformers. There was a lack of RPG (except Zelda) and fighting games on the console, though, and the cross-platform ones were generally worse on the N64 (I'm looking at you, Mortal Kombat).

However, I referenced the Japanese market because back then Nintendo wasn't even considering localizing Fire Emblem, so the only applicable market was the Japanese.

Edited by Malebolganone
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BTW, sucking in terms of sales doesn't mean it was a bad product. The best games of the N64 were among the very best games of the era. The N64 had the best shooters (Goldeneye and Perfect Dark) and arguably the best platformers. There was a lack of RPG (except Zelda) and fighting games on the console, though, and the cross-platform ones were generally worse on the N64 (I'm looking at you, Mortal Kombat).

However, I referenced the Japanese market because back then Nintendo wasn't even considering localizing Fire Emblem, so the only applicable market was the Japanese.

I don't disagree with that statement, but I do disagree with the end result that it wasn't a bad product. It was sorely lacking in quality games. Yeah, yeah, quality over quantity but even so.

Fair enough on your second point though.

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The SNES had a huge fanbase in Japan though. Heck, the very reason it was released for the SNES instead of the N64 was that in the Japanese market the N64 was being trounced by the PS1, so they probably figured they would sell more units if they made the game for the SNES despite the system's lifespan having long been extinguished.

As for the Tellius games... The Gamecube was hardly a sales' success, and RD was a sequel of a game that had sold poorly compared to other entries in the series, so it didn't do too bad considering what it was.

That probably explains why the N64 FE was canceled (and probably later became PoR). The console wasn't successful enough in Japan (though the US totally loved it, it appears).

And yeah, if PoR was on a console that didn't do too hot, then it and RD didn't do all that bad for what they were, you're right.

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Add to that that FE10 was a "serious" game in a console dominated by the casual audience. The majority of the people who owned a Wii didn't care for Fire Emblem.

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Add to that that FE10 was a "serious" game in a console dominated by the casual audience. The majority of the people who owned a Wii didn't care for Fire Emblem.

Basically what I wanted to say earlier. It was unlikely that people who bought the Wii to play Wii Sports would venture into RPGs and other kinds of more "hardcore" games.

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Well if Nintendo learned anything with Awakening and how to get more sales on future FE's, they'll advertise it like they did with Awakening, and with people are already looking at the Wii U for SMTxFE it wouldn't be a surprise if console FEs after this point sell even greater numbers...

Also, Malebolganone... Zelda's not an RPG

Edited by Soledai
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Plus he forgot the best N64 RPG, Quest 64! And Paper Mario I guess. They should totally make a crossover of those 2 games, after all they are N64 RPG bros! I mean if FExSMT can happen then this TOTALLY has a chance!

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Haha, I suppose if you look at that way, but I think Nintendo is crossing-over games in their original genre with other games in said genre or close to it, with FE being SRPG and SMT being an RPG; Zelda being Action-adventure and Musou being hack-and-slash

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