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Bloodlines (2.4)


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So I was thinking about some new chapter design ideas and I was wondering your guys' (guys's?(??)) opinion on a couple.

Every 4 or so chapters, one chapter will be an "Open" chapter, in which there are no enemies, you can have all of your allies speak to one another, and see how personalities interact. Not for supports (Well, maybe, but for the time being I'm probably going to disable them because I intend to try to get something out from prologue-ch3), but just like a casual conversation for character development, There would also be shops too with some equipment you won't be able to acquire through other shops in fight chapters(kind of like secret shops but a lot less secret). As well as NPC's to speak to as well, it would just be a relaxing chapter to get caught up with things and figure out inventory and stuff i guess.

I think this can be doable through the IFCA condition but please confirm-- Thieves are given a map ability to 'construct' traps. Say there is a group of 5 tiles shaped like this


# x #


the x tile would trigger a trap that can be used to chip away at enemies. I always liked the idea of traps but they were so few and far between I kind of want to bring them back yanno.


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I thought of something like this to make it more "general" RPG like where you have to move around to talk to people and can interact with your party more and it feels slightly more open etc.

I dunno. It could be okay but if it takes too long it might detract from the more fun part of the gameplay. The interactions also would need to be kinda well done.

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How did it go when you tried it out? I was thinking of making Bram able to have like max move so he could move everywhere and talk to everyone to save turns/time. I would have to make another Bram unit specifically for that. And maybe I could prompt the player something like "make sure you put all of items in your inventory before you finish or something. Hopefully it won't end up being too much trouble for what its worth xD

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You might also want to make a supplemental asm that loops as a continuous area event makes everyone's turn status 00 (after you select "wait" they can move again so you don't have to cycle through phases)

It's not a bad idea albeit kinda boring. If you do that you should make it like a gaiden; give the player the option to play that map or just continue on. What was your idea for having it end?

I would have to make another Bram unit specifically for that.

Why? You can just change his move to like 30 for the chapter and change it back at the end of the chapter.

Edited by Brendor the Barbarian
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It's a weird translation because the open concept is meant for free movement RPGs like final fantasy so they don't translate 100% so to a turn based map strategy game. I think fe7's chapter 30x tried this concept and it wasn't bad so maybe try something like that

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I didn't try it out lol

you could make a very fast/easy ASM hack to temporarily give him high move. Easier than your solution (how would stats carry over too?)

yeah that makes a lot more sense. About the stats they wouldn't i guess. I just am going by my still very basic hacking skills so I don't even know how to asm anything,

You might also want to make a supplemental asm that loops as a continuous area event makes everyone's turn status 00 (after you select "wait" they can move again so you don't have to cycle through phases)

It's not a bad idea albeit kinda boring. If you do that you should make it like a gaiden; give the player the option to play that map or just continue on. What was your idea for having it end?

Why? You can just change his move to like 30 for the chapter and change it back at the end of the chapter.

that asm would def make it more convenient for the chapters. Though again i have no idea how that works, A gaiden wouldn't be a bad idea. Also it would probably just be seize (?) event, or like just have a tile that ends the where Bram started so if you didn't want to do anything you could just do that. But i guess that makes the gaiden option make more sense. As for the other Bram unit, it was a solution i thought of because i don't know how to do what you suggested hahaha.

Kitty had an open chapter for her hack. It was interesting concept, but it's rather... lacking somehow.

yeah i would really need to make character events really dynamic and interesting. But i think if i do it right it won't lack in anything,


It's a weird translation because the open concept is meant for free movement RPGs like final fantasy so they don't translate 100% so to a turn based map strategy game. I think fe7's chapter 30x tried this concept and it wasn't bad so maybe try something like that

That's what kind of inspired me to think of idea. I think if i could actually do those asm hacks then it would translate better (or as good as it can possibly be)

so it seems that asm hacking would really make this idea as good as it could be. That said, are there any tutorials that explain asm hacking well? if so could someone link me or something? It seems kind of overwhelming :|

thanks for the suggestions everyone!!!

Edited by GhastStation
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Pretty much the only tutorials for asm are in Blazer's UT

But these 2 routines are so incredibly easy that I'll do them for you if you want.

The routine that restores movement is easy too but more involved so idk

for a nominal fee of course

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if they are as easy as you say, then perhaps I should try them out? It doesn't seem all that ambitious by your words. But if I get too frustrated with it (which is totally possible) I'll request I guess. I don't know if you were serious with the strike-through text but if I actually go through with the idea then yeah I can wire some money if I can't figure it out :o

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The two to increase and restore Bram's movement shouldn't be that tough although to avoid glitches it will need to be a bit fancy with branches and whatnot, and like I said, the one that allows units to move infinitely is a bit more involved so you may not be able to get that one so easily.

Read Blazer's UT and if you can't get it you could ask around the hacking question section or just pm me and beg ask me to write them

Edited by Brendor the Barbarian
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lol, alright so I finished the fighting part of the chapter for chapter 3, and I can't decide whether I want to keep going or start refining what I have. I'm kind of jumping between both, which idk if its the best thing to do. I kind of want the first patch to be as big as a home run as possible. So I might release a patch for some betatesting for a few people in a week or two. Anyone willing to give it a whirl by then?

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lol, alright so I finished the fighting part of the chapter for chapter 3, and I can't decide whether I want to keep going or start refining what I have. I'm kind of jumping between both, which idk if its the best thing to do. I kind of want the first patch to be as big as a home run as possible. So I might release a patch for some betatesting for a few people in a week or two. Anyone willing to give it a whirl by then?

I'd be up for it. Do we get to see birdmen in the first patch? ;)

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