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What outfitsdo you like on your Characters, on certain classes?

Tide of Waves

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For me, my favorite would probably have to be the myrmidon and swordmaster outfits for male and female (female especially).

The tactician coat is also really nice, and the dancer outfit is incredibly confusing but also quite nice. And the cleric dresses are really cute. And war clerics.

The Knight class line is just eurgh. I'm not one for big bulky armor. The grandmaster is kinda clunky and weird looking too.

Edited by RightfulGod
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As far as favorite outfits go, I'd have to say Bride, Paladin and Dark Knight. Also, Priest/Cleric, Troubadour and Pegasus class lines. Least favorites are Berserker (Biggest fall from grace design wise by far), as well as Great Knights (they manage to be better looking design wise than they did in Sacred Stones. Too bad that it's still pretty lame unless your name is Frederick.).

Also, going back to the Generals and chains thing, I'm more convinced that it's that the lances Generals get in the DS games are just that long.

Edited by Levant Caprice
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Bride's Tron Jellyfish Dress does look really good on characters like Sumia, Maribelle, Olivia, and Cherche.

I love Virion's default outfit but his default class is ass. Him in a Dread Fighter get up is just unf! Same goes for Libra. Libra makes a lot of things look awesome including the Sorcerer gear. Yes.

I do love me some Dark Knight popped collar of hilarity. So awesome. Those weird thingdeals on the shoulders of Wyvern Riders/Lords are also pretty cool shit. I love the octopus design of the Swordmaster coat. Makes me feel like Cthulhu slicing things up and stuff. War Clerics: METAL HOOP SKIRT! UNG! \m/

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  1. Tactician/Grandmaster (battle hoodie and golden greaves for Grandmaster)
  2. Swordmaster (two decorative swords and fur collar)
  3. Dark Knight (popped collar)
  4. Dread Fighter (ninja samurai)
  5. Mercenary (arm shield and battle shirt for armor, bonus to generics for action headband)
  6. Hero (action visors/circlets for generics, Priam gets bonus for action scarf/tattered cape)
  7. Sniper (cyclops laser eye for generics, p.nice looking armor otherwise)
  8. War Priest (Brady's colour scheme especially, overall I like the simple design)
  9. Assassin (arms swords and scarf capes)
  10. Warrior (fur collar and shows how much you lift, bonus to generics for badass gladiator helmet)


  1. General (waddle waddle trip waddle waddle no chains what is your axe helmet generics)
  2. Sorceress (you are a mage, not an exhibitionist)
  3. Dark Fliers (do you even pants)
  4. Cavaliers (get that toilet off your head)
  5. Mage (droopy sleeves are disadvantageous in battle come on)
  6. Non-Frederick Great Knights (weird bumpy armor, take notes from Fred on how to not be bumpy)
  7. Bride (you're a bride not a jellyfish)
  8. Villager (TINPOTS)
  9. Griffon Rider (you are riding a bird, that does not mean you must wear a silly duck hat)
  10. War Cleric (METAL HOOPY DRESS)

Special mentions go to Nowi's human Manakete form (please stay as a dragon forever I don't want to get arrested for soliciting little girls wearing no clothes) Olivia's dancer class (shyest person in the world but wow you are wearing no clothes what is that about) and Wallhart's Conqueror class (you aren't bamboozling anyone rudolph you're just a great knight who painted their armor red get out).

Edited by Groyer
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I prefer the default outfits most of the time, if applicable, though I'm willing to forego some characters' default classes if they're bad (like Taguels, who can't do ranged attacks at all). And there's Sage Lissa in particular, who would look quite interesting if paired with Emmeryn.

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thumbs up :

thief for simplicity

berserker for bone armor, though almost everyone looks too small

warrior for the gladiatorial look, generic warrior helm is awesome and vaguely reminds me of big daddies

mercenary, though it really needs the other shoulder guard

wyvern lords look pretty badass as generics

dark knight have a bit of a vampiric vibe, especially the risen enemies with their glowing red eyes

sages look ok, the roman numerals feel funny though

villager for simple head protection that doubles as chamber pot

tiki because dayuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum

conqueror because he's the juggernaut bitch

entombed because pimpin' bling bling zombies

thumbs down :

almost all knightly characters except frederick as great knight look awkward, paladins are alright though

swordmaster for the dual swords that do nothing

hero for the cancerous arm shield tumor, the armor looking too tight is a bit questionable but not so much of a deal breaker

sniper for the superfluous armor and defense on an offensive unit, the visor is a fun and punny touch

battle clerics for wielding axes awkwardly and the metal skirt

nowi because what the hell

dread fighter just looks awkward in how they handle their weapons

no opinion/forgot/don't notice :

everything else

Edited by Woodshooter
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Because I don't feel like editing it in, I also have to give a thumbs down to snipers (the armor is just plain superfluous on a backline unit, and the visor is just plain unnecessary), as well as Panne and Yarne because wtf. Warriors get a thumbs up, though, for the Roman gladiator look. Sweet.

Edited by Levant Caprice
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I kinda dislike the the female Thief and Assassin models show so much cleavage...I know it's fanservice but it just looks so out of place on some characters. I also don't like the fact that they're always moving like they have to pee. The arm spikes on Assassins are also kinda silly, though otherwise their design is pretty cool. Berserkers, Griffon Riders, and Warriors are just...what. Those skulls. Those feathers. Why. Generals look more dignified than these classes do, and they literally waddle so hard the ground shakes.

I admit I actually kind of like how shiny Chrom and the avatar get as a Great Lord and Grandmaster, respectively. It's just kind of amusing to see them on the field and have Chrom basically be a giant glowing mirror.

I feel like I'm in the minority on this, but I actually kind of like Nowi's outfit. It's cute and frilly and really doesn't bother me all that much. Olivia's Dancer outfit is also really pretty. Swordmasters and Mercenaries look cool, and I like the simple design of Sages and War Monks. Lucina's overall design is excellent as well.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Now condersidering unique designs....


1. Frederick as a Great Knight. In contrast compared to other armored classes..

2. Priam as Hero. That scarf really helps to offset that odd shield

3. Nah as Manakete. Especially when compared to her mother.

4. Henrys default outfit. A dark mage that is not an exhibtionist..looking at you Tharja!!

5. Dread Fighter. All of them.

6. Merc outfit, simple yet effective

7. Wyvern Rider/Lord. Especially Gerome.

8. Sniper. Nice Helmet

9. Archers, especially Virion. Maybe its just him.

10. Sages. Unlike mages, this time it makes sense


1. Anything related with Donnel. That pot-head is still there! Villager is an exemption because it fits there. Not so much when he is a hero.

2. Nowi as Manakete...I think it explains by itself.

3. Anything related with armor, Frederick does not count here. Strange animations and lack of chains. Come on, look at the GBA designs, they did that right.

4. Female War Clerics. That skirt thingy is not nice at all...

5. Female Wyvern Lords. You are supposed to wear armor for that armored class. Then again, maybe its better that way when looking at the other armored clases

6. Cavaliers. Toilet bowls? At least you can promote out of it

7. Mages. Wizard hats...really?

8. Female sorcerers....see above.

9. Berserkers..uhm.....

10. Lissa as Sage. A bit too close and too soon..

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Best: Swordmaster.

Runner-up: Myrmidon.

Other cool ones: Wyvern Rider (female), Nah's default outfit, Tactician's robe (female), Lucina's default outfit, Lissa's Sage outfit

Not cool: Nowi's default outfit, Olivia's default outfit, Panne's Trickster outfit, actually the Trickster outfit in general. Also, generals. And Cavaliers with the toilet neck things.

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Best: Dread Fighter, Dark Flier, Bride, Wyvern Lord, Hero, Swordmaster

I also really like the black and green color scheme of neutral-oriented Dark Knights. It'd totally do that if it were possible.

I'm a little sad that Awakening didn't have like a customization setting for picking a color that you could set as the color scheme of all your outfits. *shrug*

Also, I like being a Grandmaster. When I give GM MU Eliwood's Blade he looks like some kind of classy sea admiral, hahaha.

As far as things that bug me, basically any impractical sexualization of the female versions of certain outfits. Wyvern ladies, fem Dark Mages, and fem GKs all wear less armor and/or have skin showing in place of armor on the guys. In particular I notice that they typically have their thighs bare, which seems EXCEEDINGLY impractical for anyone with a mount.

I really don't want to drill them on the character design too much, because I like that they were bold enough to tread new territory (like the mages, making them look like typical FF black mages...?) ...in most respects... It's a bit hit or miss, but I like that they didn't pull the New Super Mario crap of just bringing back old stuff exactly the way we remember it. Actual effort went into the designs, and I appreciate that.

Edited by BANRYU
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