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[Battle: FE9] AnonymousSpeed vs Espinosa


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Espinosa vs AnonymousSpeed begins!



-Custom Skills allowed.

-Statboosters allowed.

-Ike Oscar support is banned.


Unit     HP  Str  Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Acc Avo Crt Sk%
Mia      49   22   16  27  30  21  18  12  75  81  28  13
Largo    60   30    5  24  27  16  13  10  64  70  27  24
Tauroneo 59   27   11  23  23  19  28  17  65  65  11  23
Rolf     52   25   10  30  28  20  19  14  80  76  30  15
Tibarn   66   32   12  32  25  26  27  20   0  76   0  32
Tibarn   66   39   13  37  28  26  30  21 100  82  18  37

Ike      59   26   11  27  28  20  24  22  74  76  13  27
Elincia  52   16   25  25  28  31  16  22  81  83  12  12
Makalov  51   26    8  26  27  15  25  11  67  69  13  26
Giffca   68   32   10  28  25  22  25  16   0  72   0   -
Giffca   68   40   10  32  29  22  30  19  86  80  16   -
Nasir    60   25   11  27  29  19  30  28   0  77   0   -
Nasir    60   35   11  32  32  19  35  33  83  83  16   -

AnonymousSpeed's Team



Espinosa's Team


Giffca transforms!

Tibarn transforms!

Rolf activates Shade! Rolf cannot be attacked for 2 enemy phases!

Nasir activates Shade! Nasir cannot be attacked for 2 enemy phases!


RNG has decided that Espinosa gets to act first. Choose your character, his/her weapon and his/her target!

Edited by PKL
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[spoiler=Teams here]

AnonymousSpeed's Team



Espinosa's Team


Turn 1


Espinosa's Makalov (Vague Katti) attacks AnonymousSpeed's Largo (Tomahawk)!

25 dmg 70% Hit 32% Crit 26% Adept


(71 79 85)

Makalov missed!

Largo counterattacs puny man!

14 dmg 70% Hit 12% Crit

(94 48 70)

Largo misses!

Both sides survive the fight!

Best round ever!


Mia 49/49

Largo 60/60

Tauroneo 59/59

Rolf 52/52

Tibarn 66/66 20/20


Ike 59/59

Elincia 52/52

Makalov 51/51

Giffca 68/68 17/20

Nasir 60/60 9/20

AnonymousSpeed's turn!

Edited by PKL
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That...was...the best battle EVER.

I'm not kidding, that's seriously one of the best fight's I've ever seen!

Now, choosing my counter is hard, but...I think I'll have Ralph activate Parody and attack No Sir!

Also, does Parity negate items or just skills and supports?

Edited by AnonymousSpeed
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[spoiler=Teams here]

AnonymousSpeed's Team



Espinosa's Team


Turn 2


Anon's Rolf (Laguz Bow) activates Parity and attacks Espinosa's Nasir!

5 dmg 78% Hit 11% Crit

(30 18 82)

Nasir receives a whopping 5 damage! Thanks for the gauge, man! <- Said Nasir

Both sides survive the fight!


Mia 49/49

Largo 60/60

Tauroneo 59/59

Rolf 52/52

Tibarn 66/66 17/20


Ike 59/59

Elincia 52/52

Makalov 51/51

Giffca 68/68 17/20

Nasir 55/60 11/20

Espinosa's turn!

Edited by PKL
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Don't forget that the Laguz gauge gets a +4 increase at the start of the battle before any turns. So Nasir is at 15/20 at the end of turn 2 (5 + 4 + 4 + 2) and gets another +4 during this turn (at the very beginning).

Anyway, if Rolf has Parity that means I can attack through his Shade as well (this really should've been checked and questioned in the teambuilding process by the way)... Makalov will Silver Axe Rolf! Hell, his support bonuses are apparently cancelled as well. Don't think Parity + anything is a good combo (Parity + Renewal maybe).

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Parity would only pair well with non combat skills. Renewal is one, perhaps Reinforce if we ever use that and there's still Boon if you're really afraid of Deadeye Snipers. Nasir and Ena having no supports whatsoever, it's a nice fit on them as they negate all sorts of nasty bonuses.

Edited by Woodshooter
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Don't forget that the Laguz gauge gets a +4 increase at the start of the battle before any turns. So Nasir is at 15/20 at the end of turn 2 (5 + 4 + 4 + 2) and gets another +4 during this turn (at the very beginning).

Anyway, if Rolf has Parity that means I can attack through his Shade as well (this really should've been checked and questioned in the teambuilding process by the way)... Makalov will Silver Axe Rolf! Hell, his support bonuses are apparently cancelled as well. Don't think Parity + anything is a good combo (Parity + Renewal maybe).

I would've questioned it if Shade mechanics weren't invented ;)

Also, I've been keeping track of Nasir's gauge just fine, thank you.

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I'm an idiot...I really should have made sure my parity would negate any beorc/full guards...

Don't be so hard on yourself. Also, I'll do the next turn tomorrow because sleep is a thing.

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I would've questioned it if Shade mechanics weren't invented ;)

Also, I've been keeping track of Nasir's gauge just fine, thank you.

Even if you disagree with a mechanic, the concern to keep the metagame working is still an existing concern.

And you haven't; that's the problem. We introduced the +4 before battle starts thing so that which royals transform isn't determined by which player gets the first turn, e.g. I move second so my 25 AS Giffca is open to be torn apart by the other Giffca that just transformed.

So it's 5 (base gauge) + 4 (start of battle) + 4 (turn 1 comes up) + 2 (Rolf fights Nasir). Adds up to 15, and it's 19 at the start of turn 3 (so if there were an extra point I could act if I wanted to).

Anyway Anon, this is a really good team (I'd replace Tibarn with Ike since Ragnell still isn't banned, but Tibarn is really threatening too) and there are many ways how you could destroy me with it.

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is nasir untransformed? he's not weak to the laguz bow anyway.

He is if left without a Full Guard/Beorcguard actually. Untransformed Laguz are still displayed as Laguz in their in-game menus, and when they transform they're further classified as beasts and fliers and so on, receiving additional weaknesses (elements and bows).

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