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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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I had like the worst project to ever be a thing yesterday but it's done and school's only a couple weeks left, so I'm doing pretty amazingly now~

good to hear bruh! :D

Be sure to PM me, alright? We need to talk more anyway!

Lt is better. :<

I'll do that right now.

I got you bro! I'll get to it once I get the shiny honedge! with my luck it shouldn't take that much lol

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Oh good.

I'm guessing I don't get their asterisks then.

They're in chapter four, but spiritmaster is so OP that it's worth it. Also be sure to have your healer get to level 14 time mage sometime, that skill and a skill spiritmaster gets in combination breaks the game in half

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They're in chapter four, but spiritmaster is so OP that it's worth it. Also be sure to have your healer get to level 14 time mage sometime, that skill and a skill spiritmaster gets in combination breaks the game in half

Right then

Time to switch Agnes to Time Mage then

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i tried to masuada method a growlithe, but it was postponed after i reached 230 eggs until i finish the pokedex for the shiny charm

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Don't fuck with the duck or the duck will fuck you.

So is Duck a Memetic Sex God now?

Best phrase ever

Also I'm shiny breeding for a Froakie with modest and protean, and I've gotten up to over thirty


I wish you luck. Breeding sucks.

The I bred a Rotom with a Timid nature right off the bat a few days ago. I was so proud.

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Right then

Time to switch Agnes to Time Mage then

You most likely won't get it until late in the game because after level 9 job grinding takes a really long time, but be sure to grab it then

Well, arev there any LTc players there ?

Because I know how much you love horse, so I've something for you :

I'm doing an FE9 draft

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