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Cool. Im gonna check Amazon for some of the manga. Reading it online is awkward lol. Theres so much of it though. A bit overwhelming....

Well, the first two parts aren't out in English. Viz has licensed part 1 for 2015, though. And don't worry about the volume. Once you get into it, you'll burn through so fast you won't even realise.

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Yes it is >> Québec is sadly home to a pretty fierce nationalist (I'm not the most patriotic person) movement that spawned a Separatist movement. We had 2 referendum about separation, though both failed. As of now, the Separatist movement is declining.

Ok that makes sense (my brother is in the same boat since he was born in October and started 1 year younger than everyone in his grade.

And I completely forgot in my previous post: Despite the amount of studies, do you like the subject you're studying at uni?

Quebec isn't leaving Canada as long as my name's Hashuni Mei!!11!1 I actually can't believe something like the Separatist movement exists

I like Health Studies :3 Although in my second semester we were talking about problems with emergency departments in Canada. Some of the examples given made me sad :(

How did you like studying Biology?

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Quebec isn't leaving Canada as long as my name's Hashuni Mei!!11!1 I actually can't believe something like the Separatist movement exists

Reminds me when over here something like that was tried. Not to actually declare independence, was more of a way to protest.

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Quebec isn't leaving Canada as long as my name's Hashuni Mei!!11!1 I actually can't believe something like the Separatist movement exists

I like Health Studies :3 Although in my second semester we were talking about problems with emergency departments in Canada. Some of the examples given made me sad :(

How did you like studying Biology?

Well I don't think it's a possible outcome in the near future. And if the Québec is ever about to separate, I expect you to either: 1. Come and stop it or 2. Change your name. (Well, the fact that Québecers are the descendant of French settlers and kept their original language as well as most of their customs and that they're isolated in an English majority has given rise to nationalism, which escalated in Separatism. Separatist claims that the current Canada doesn't represent us well and that we would have the best Country in the World by separating lel)

I don't know about other provinces, but my impression Québec emergency department is worse than in other provinces. (at the very least its worse than in Ontario). I remember talking several time with my family that while free healthcare is great, there a tons of change that could be made to the current system to make it more efficient (while keeping it public of course. Privatizing health care would be horrible).

I liked it. I'm considering doing a Master in 2015-2016

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Well, the first two parts aren't out in English. Viz has licensed part 1 for 2015, though. And don't worry about the volume. Once you get into it, you'll burn through so fast you won't even realise.

Yeah i noticed when shopping that amazon only has part 3 and onwards. Booooo. Oh well, i can read the first two parts online and maybe get the others in actual print.
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Reminds me when over here something like that was tried. Not to actually declare independence, was more of a way to protest.

Good golly :/ I wonder what makes states/provinces strive to protest. Do the laws of their country or the economy push them in that direction?

Well I don't think it's a possible outcome in the near future. And if the Québec is ever about to separate, I expect you to either: 1. Come and stop it or 2. Change your name. (Well, the fact that Québecers are the descendant of French settlers and kept their original language as well as most of their customs and that they're isolated in an English majority has given rise to nationalism, which escalated in Separatism. Separatist claims that the current Canada doesn't represent us well and that we would have the best Country in the World by separating lel)

I don't know about other provinces, but my impression Québec emergency department is worse than in other provinces. (at the very least its worse than in Ontario). I remember talking several time with my family that while free healthcare is great, there a tons of change that could be made to the current system to make it more efficient (while keeping it public of course. Privatizing health care would be horrible).

I liked it. I'm considering doing a Master in 2015-2016

If Quebec managed to separate, Canada would look pretty weird on the map. I'd end up taking option #2 if we went down that path :P I guess mandatory French from grade 4 to 8 is not paying enough respect to the French language, huh. Omg "best Country in the World" xD They'd have some serious competition to beat.

A major issue in all of our provinces is the wait times in emergency rooms. I mean spending 8 hours waiting to see a physician, just for the physician to send you home because your problem is "minor", is not fair :( Privatizing health could be devastating, especially since it took a lot of work just to get the health care we have now.

Ooo. Aiming for Masters! :) Good fortune to your grades in the coming years :)

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What exactly do you mean strive to protest lol. People have reasons for protesting. From what I have seen typically laws or low wages or bad working conditions or oppression.

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Good golly :/ I wonder what makes states/provinces strive to protest. Do the laws of their country or the economy push them in that direction?

Well, more or less. Over here thought, the case was both. Just last December a reform was made that made the tax equal across the whole country. You see, before that, tax was 16% for most of the country, and 11% for the states bordering the US. It was this way because the lower taxes in the US meant people would just cross the border to get cheaper products, so the lower tax was so national prizes could compete. However, the reform made it 16% across the whole country. Needless to say, this didn't bode well for the border states. In fact, not just us, but pretty much all of them did the "Pseudo-independence movement as a form of protest".

Just in here, for example, the situation is quite bad. California's tax is just 8%, that's pretty much half of our now 16%, so of course people here are now crossing the border more to buy stuff. There had already been cases of factories and the like closing up, again, because of the higher tax, leaving many unemployed. So basically, it was a crippling move to our state economy. So yeah...

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What exactly do you mean strive to protest lol. People have reasons for protesting. From what I have seen typically laws or low wages or bad working conditions or oppression.

Hmmm... Meant more of protesting for a province/state to separate from the country. That's a pretty big protest. Bad working conditions and wages are seen more within states, that the state government needs to address. Don't take my word though. I slept through most of civics in high school.

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Well, in any case, the whole protest thing has overall died down too... then again, I don't exactly keep up with it so I'm not really sure what's the exact situation there. Ah well...

At least things haven't gotten quite that bad yet... hopefully they won't...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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let's talk about the wonders of life

why do we park in a driveway, yet drive in a parkway?

wait, yet is not the right word

Edited by Kinumi
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Good golly :/ I wonder what makes states/provinces strive to protest. Do the laws of their country or the economy push them in that direction?

If Quebec managed to separate, Canada would look pretty weird on the map. I'd end up taking option #2 if we went down that path :P I guess mandatory French from grade 4 to 8 is not paying enough respect to the French language, huh. Omg "best Country in the World" xD They'd have some serious competition to beat.

A major issue in all of our provinces is the wait times in emergency rooms. I mean spending 8 hours waiting to see a physician, just for the physician to send you home because your problem is "minor", is not fair :( Privatizing health could be devastating, especially since it took a lot of work just to get the health care we have now.

Ooo. Aiming for Masters! :) Good fortune to your grades in the coming years :)

Well, Alaska is pretty split up from the rest of the states, but it's true that the Québec leaving would create a big hole. Is French mandatory in all provinces/cities? I thought Ottawa was special for being the capital of the country and officially a bilingual city. Some Québecers have some serious case of hubris.

In Québec, it's sometime 12h+. The movie 'Sicko' by Michael Moore showed how the Health care system worked in England and France and I think there's some elements we could use.

Thank you ^^

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Well, more or less. Over here thought, the case was both. Just last December a reform was made that made the tax equal across the whole country. You see, before that, tax was 16% for most of the country, and 11% for the states bordering the US. It was this way because the lower taxes in the US meant people would just cross the border to get cheaper products, so the lower tax was so national prizes could compete. However, the reform made it 16% across the whole country. Needless to say, this didn't bode well for the border states. In fact, not just us, but pretty much all of them did the "Pseudo-independence movement as a form of protest".

Just in here, for example, the situation is quite bad. California's tax is just 8%, that's pretty much half of our now 16%, so of course people here are now crossing the border more to buy stuff. There had already been cases of factories and the like closing up, again, because of the higher tax, leaving many unemployed. So basically, it was a crippling move to our state economy. So yeah...

The bordering states were doing better at the expense of profits in other states. So change wasn't something they wanted... I understand why The"Pseudo-independence movement" sprung up in regards to that situation. Ugh, I used to think the equalize affect was the best idea for a lot of things but yeah that thought clearly doesn't work all the time :(

Economy is crumbling huh. Sorry to hear that. :( Hopefully it picks up in the future.

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