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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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Haha no I don't live on a farm. In fact I think I would die from the smells. I'm playing Harvest Moon right now :)

And over here it's 10:20pm

Ah, that explains it. South Tyrol is one gigantic farm, you can smell the stench every day ;_;

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I didn't mean it in a bad way ɿ(。・ɜ・)ɾ

but like

I guess I am nearing okay

except with uncertainty of being okay

I don't think I'm making any sense

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That is a super-duper doorknob you have, Fre!

Oh, really?? =o

I guess I dunno since I've never had slidey closet doors before ^o^

ohh did you paint your wall color? o: it's really pretty!

though I guess you make a point there ;w; just takes a bit of time is all!

[spoiler=this conversation reminds me of this video]

Yup~! Uguuuuuuuu it's been so much woooooork and I don't think I preserved the paint enough and maybe I'll need to buy more ;~; I can't reach the top of my walls even with that footstool that we don't mind if we get paint on

Yeah it does~

Weeee yeah um... it's.... like that, you know?

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I didn't mean it in a bad way ɿ(。・ɜ・)ɾ

but like

I guess I am nearing okay

except with uncertainty of being okay

I don't think I'm making any sense

you know what would make you feel better?

Watching Evo

Edited by shinpichu
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Ah, that explains it. South Tyrol is one gigantic farm, you can smell the stench every day ;_;

Guh. They say people get used to it after a while but it seems like that's untrue.


Rhymes with Mei, sooo

We're one in the same

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kim u shud RETURN to the skype chat but i will appreciate the fact that you took the time and energy to tell me otherwise if you don't want to

maybe later

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Guh. They say people get used to it after a while but it seems like that's untrue.

We're one in the same

At least that's not the case for me. Some like it though, dunno.

Wait what

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