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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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man I went out to a fast food restaurant today and I had to ask one of my friends to order for me because I have crippling social anxiety I SUCK

also we went out to the convention center thingo at a hotel and it was so fancy and pretty and gorgeous and grand and regal-looking which isn't important but it was so fabulous I have to mention it

also also I met some people from minnesota and they were great and it makes me sad that I won't see them ever again ;_;

also also also why is it so dark out it's only five

it's okay I get anxious when people tell me to order anything for anyone too l0l



life goes on! I would say you could look them up or whatever but you don't social media or whatever (I think)

I knowwwwww, I turned on my lights at like 4pm it's so UNNATURAL

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wow now i can't post in not fftf

i think introduction section doesn't count either


"Sorry we didnt recognize your sign in details Please check your Skype Name and password then try again"

well, fuck you too, skype

Edited by FaIa
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it also sounds kind of passive aggressive but it isn't


why do you chew with your mouth open???


it's tiring and loud and more effort than chewing with your mouth closed

I remember doing it before things and I also remember going "man this is so tiring why am I doing this I should stop" and it is like a hundred times EASIER

Actually, it's because that way you can breathe. Some of us have chronic nasal congestion and can't breathe through our noses worth a damn. So no, it's not more effort or easier at all.

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