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Me: man dios overrated i dont really get how people like smug anime blonde guys like him - i mean gilgamesh i can get but thats about it

Anime: tumblr_od8xbh1EoV1tqvsfso3_540.jpg

Me: you know what sucks? my life

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Good luck, stay strong.

(don't get sick, one day visit vs many days sicks...)

Turns out less-than-great anime some times have great music. This is terrible. That means there are tons of great anime soundtracks I have never heard. Sad stuff.

Also, somewhat tempted to buy pokemon once again today after all the chatter I've seen about in this forum. But I resisted!

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Turns out less-than-great anime some times have great music. This is terrible. That means there are tons of great anime soundtracks I have never heard. Sad stuff.

i felt that way about sword art online

best news is i can take my ps4 so i can play bloodborne at my grandparents for thanksgiving

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i felt that way about sword art online

best news is i can take my ps4 so i can play bloodborne at my grandparents for thanksgiving

But the Mother's Rosary arch is worth all the other mess and more, so it's definitely not completely terrible. Other anime can't do something comparable.

So far I've avoided watching stuff like Tokyo Ghoul and Kill la Kill because I don't want more stuff on my list at the moment, but they do have some great tracks.

Also, hope your Thanksgiving turns out well.

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tbh i dont really like tokyo ghoul? first part was okay but it kinda felt like a cash in on the edgy kill a lot animes that got popular at the time

kill la kill was fun though and hiroyuki sawano is one of my all time favorite composers

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Hiroyuki Sawano is a monster...i love his stuff.

tbh i dont really like tokyo ghoul? first part was okay but it kinda felt like a cash in on the edgy kill a lot animes that got popular at the time

and that sounds somewhat ironic considering you're playing bloodborne, haha, but yeah, I have never been a fan of that trope myself...

(also, i'm completely ignorant on the dark souls series, so I have no idea how dark it is)

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and that sounds somewhat ironic considering you're playing bloodborne, haha, but yeah, I have never been a fan of that trope myself...

(also, i'm completely ignorant on the dark souls series, so I have no idea how dark it is)

tbh i can't say bloodborne is edgy

it's dark but it doesn't feel like it's "trying too hard"

then again there's a thin line of darkness with me

berserk is okay but akame ga kill is horrible for example

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well tbh myself, it never did seem to be edgy, just like its going for a dark atmosphere, and it seems to do it well if the popularity is anything to go by.

then again there's a thin line of darkness with me

berserk is okay but akame ga kill is horrible for example

I can't quite imagine, but than again, may be in some way I can. I've only watched Akame ga Kill, and there were parts where themes and the atmosphere felt disjointed, pieces that didn't quite fit. I get the impression Berserk knows what it is and doesn't try to be something else.

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