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joshua's audition video is so funny

"hi my name's joshua (normal things u'd expect for an audition etc) also i like to eat and sleep"

Eating & Sleeping are the best answers.

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woof i just passed out

You can do those weapon upgrade quests from cid, yeah?


Level 10.

I'll have it hold a Rare Candy when I trade.



if you need i can give you my fc and you give me your's

we can find each other easier

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ily jedi also i really like your usename right now

Haha thanks, Its off of Ys's protaognist, he's known as Adol the Red for his flaming red hair, and I've always wondered what I'd look like with red hair, apparently I was born with it, but it very quickly turned blonde then brown. Which it stuck as.

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Overall I found Ys 1 & 2 very enjoyable, playing Origin first made me appreciate the entire situation more, (Darm Tower, Feena & Reah, the various Ys Priest families etc) and the gameplay while simple was very addicting and interesting to me, I also liked the dialog quite a bit and such.

yeah i played them in the same order, good to see you liked them ys 1 & 2 are a real treat, bump system is so simple and fun

still best trailer

the first boss in ys1 is still the worst

Edited by Tonfaton
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i'm tired still

what's it doing?



I have my upgrade-able weapons in my inventory and when I go talk to cod, he just says his generic lines

And there's no icon telling me there's a quest either even though there should be since I did some of those quests before

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i'm going to guess

1) you had a weapon you forgot that is being upgraded

2) you don't have what you need still

3) if its not that then yeah its glitched

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Don't see a problem

it took ten years but you know what took longer but was worse


FFXV is at least a fun game compared to..

To that

But anything would tbh

Edited by Trisitei
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[6:13:22 PM] Shadowfrost Zenbiniar: I could literally leave this game
[6:13:23 PM] Shadowfrost Zenbiniar: go eat
[6:13:30 PM] Shadowfrost Zenbiniar: and come back and it would still be going
[6:13:35 PM] Shadowfrost Zenbiniar: why is Civ so slow
[6:14:22 PM] Charlotte: because you dont have gandhi to lay destruction upon his enemies yet

it took ten years but you know what took longer but was worse


dead imo

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I think fear of progressing through life is why I haven't gone to university yet :/

Just think of the alternative; a slow, painfully boring, wasteful, stagnated, atrophied lifestyle.

Surely you would rather take risks moving forward rather than sitting perfectly still, Then naturally regretting it later on.

And one tiny little thing, uni is not required to make strides in life, sure it helps, but it is not necessary.

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