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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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Same story, same words, same ending...the locale changes, the actors change, the times change, but always the same fundamental narrative, driven by the same basic desire...you're walking in circles, and you know it, and you must certainly love it, or you would most definitely not follow it...

Well, Cold Steel finally pays out for the invest I've made into it. Nice little game. I'm feeling I'm nearing it's end, and I'm calmly looking forward to what the second game will be like.

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I don't know if you can handle an Australian summer

I'll take it over a Chicago winter.

we got like 3 inches of ice here

I miraculously managed to drive home before the worst of it hit yesterday.
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Thanks! There's like 58 of them, so it'll help (though 37 are from you and 21 are from Makaze. Maybe I'll leave those in case he ever logs on again). And SD sets are way easier to get than they were before. I got mine by buying the piece on the market and they were like 10M a piece and I had 60M by that point, so I still had money left. In the meantime I got 4 pieces doing SDs that I'll probably send to some of my other characters. And apparently there's Heroic Sets that are better but harder to get.

I'd say I'm eager to try him out, but they gutted the PvE abilities of tons of class in the same update where he got released in Korea, so I can wait (people seem to be wondering what Kog were smoking when they made those change). But design wise, I like him more than Arme Thaumaturgy. He's also teal colored when awakened in contrast to the aquamarine of Arme Thaumaturgy.

It surprisingly wasn't bad honestly. Tons of time during the study I thought about stopping to play games, but I somehow managed to stay focused without much difficulty.

It's still not good. If I hadn't realized before and went to see him before Thursday of next week, I'd have been stuck with a C- despite having the grades for an A. The university I'm at is kind of a notch (if not several) below the one where I did my previous bachelor. At least I don't have to drown in debt to go there though. I just paid my tuition for this semester and even after paying for a full year I still have a more than enough to pay for at least 1.5 years and I'll probably get enough money in the meantime to fully pay without having to borrow money.


I was pretty underwhelmed by the launch line-up. Zelda (which I can get on the Wii U) 1-2 switch and bomberman (which I don't care for). Splatoon 2 looks cool, but the paid online somewhat lowered my hype for it. Mario is still a year off, but it looks good. Xenoblade 2, I don't know enough about for the moment, but since I liked the last 2 Xeno games, I'm assuming it's going to be a game I'll enjoy too, even though I really don't like the clothes of the main character (what is going on with those pants an that helmet/hood thing). I hope third parties and Nintendo will reveal more games in the coming months to entice me in getting it (a Monster Hunter and a Metroid would surely help convince me to spend the 400$ we Canadians have to spend to get the system. Also the chance of playing a Dark Souls game and an Elder Scroll game would be nice for my poor self who never got non-nintendo systems or a powerful PC)


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Come to the Deep South where winters are hardly existent these days

I would love that. My happiness is directly proportional to the temperature outside.
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Really? Would you really not mind to have temperatures over 45C, daily?

Not at all, better than the -30 degree wind chills I got when I was in Chicago.

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