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Time to resume with Stage 30.

Just two landships left. Timp in the Gibros and Elche in the Gear Gear. Still need to have Jiron talk to her, but other than that, this is almost over. Annoyingly, they both have Support, and like Hola and Geraba, they position themselves to abuse it.

Oh wow, the Gibros is an upgraded Deravasgalan! It has a little over 40K HP as well...!

And Timp has been defeated. Now to deal with Elche. Having Jiron talk to her results in another failed attempt. And then she transforms the Gear Gear to boot. Oh well, but unlocking stuff is unlocking stuff...

Once Elche is defeated, she runs off into the Dome, with Jiron automatically going in as well. Since she was the last enemy, I got the skill point for routing. It's important to leave her for last because the stage will prematurely end when she runs off. The deployed battleship will move into position, and in we go!

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Reports of our infiltration have reached the dome. Kashim orders units to be sent where Arthur is being held, but at the same also orders the evacuation. He reasons that Arthur won't survive for long outside the dome so it doesn't matter if we rescue him. But just in case, he wants to activate "something" to destroy the place.

Inside, Skull Squadron automatically deploy (stragely amusingly without Kakizaki...?), plus a few other units of my choice. Roy will take command of this operation, and the objective is to head to a tile on the opposite corner of the map. Pretty much an "arrive" objective, since it's where Arthur is. And thus, we find out first indoors map (that I know of, considering route splits). Devoid of enemies except 4 Brans blocking the tile. Obviously more enemies will come, especially since the map is composed of snaking hallways where not even aerial units can pass through the walls, since this place is indoors and all that. Strangely enough, attacks will pass through, so... yeah, that makes no sense. Oh well!

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A few turns in, enemy forces show up, led by Calloon. Brans and Drans, and a few Zamels for a change. And... oh come on guys, why AI-controlled? It doesn't hurt to have actual Breakers piloting Mobile Suits...

Speaking of, there's on last secret to obtain in this two-part stage. On the map there a few tiles like the one Arthur is in. Best I can describe it is a glowing grate? Something like that. Anyway, the map has four. One has Arthir. The other was in the starting area, which I guess it implies that's how they go in? One does nothing... that I know of. And the last houses a secret. It's the same principle as the Mountain Cycles. Move a unit over, you get stuff, determined by the difficulty. That is, the number of skill points. As we know, last two cases the best stuff was for those who were on Easy. Since I'm in Hard difficulty... well, let's see...

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