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26 minutes ago, Soledai said:

I like how we need topics about every little thing regarding Heroes.

"is it just me or does heroes play like fe?"
"i leveled up a chart with crystals"
"did the 'rena hour ago it fun"
"pas you can play heroes on the go or in the bathroom"

"does nintendo want me for my money"

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11 minutes ago, SecondWorld said:

Are 5 star Marth and 5 star Lucina too much to ask for


10 minutes ago, Robert of Normandy said:

Is a 5 star that's not Camilla too much to ask for?

Is a new 5 star or any unit I actually like too much to ask for 

6 minutes ago, Soledai said:

About 3 of them are duds

The first one better be a dud then

it sounds too stupid 

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Depends, what units do you actually like?  If a lot of them are from Jugdral, Magvel, or Tellius, it probably is. =(

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8 minutes ago, Refa said:

Depends, what units do you actually like?  If a lot of them are from Jugdral, Magvel, or Tellius, it probably is. =(

Like the most i want now is Laslow or Sheena or Ogma
or Cain and Maria

Marth, Roy and Ryoma are on the "gonna happen, but it'd be cool to have" list

Edited by Trisitei
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[4:46:31 PM] Tristian S.: why isn't nabarl/Navarre/whatever on the gacha
[4:46:33 PM] Tristian S.: this is stupid
[4:46:35 PM] Lame: It hasn't ended yet
[4:46:40 PM] Lame: Wook - Today 1:46 PM
> why isn't nabarl/Navarre/whatever on the gacha
[4:46:43 PM] Lame: Fuck this game
[4:46:46 PM] Lame: I'm uninstalling

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aka the song I barely hear in the latter part of XCX cause Wir Fliegen always plays over it.
Shame cause it's a good song

But Mika Kobayashi has a couple of good song on XCX's OST, like this one:


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10 minutes ago, Nobody said:

Wir fliegen is great tho

Oh, it is a great song


4 minutes ago, Nobody said:

Best one

My only problem with Don't Worry is that I end up hearing the first few seconds of it every time I jump while in a skell and it makes the area themes loop back at the start which can get annoying since they're pretty great too. 

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Hi Kim! And same to you, I hope you a good day!

My day was good. I saw my brother a bit this morning before he left for Montréal again and I finally made some progress in a particularly hard school project.

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