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10 hours ago, Trisitei said:

but did the butterfly come back

i think i might have an idea on who it is. but it wont matter now.
basically i dont think they'd ever really notice here anymore if it is who i think it is

people are dumb sometimes

i still dont think he would mind
or maybe he'll get to it after he's all settled after vacation 

no =(

o I have no idea, I never really interacted with the person in question(or the other guy) prior to joining the discord chat they're in but you're probably right either way

and yeah he did lol

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8 hours ago, Trisitei said:

i just saw it too
dude you have a problem here
lucina likes you too much


(though this is coming from a guy that just got a +1 lyn from the voting gauntlet banner solely because he wanted one that wasnt -atk +res lol)

I wasn't even pulling from the gauntlet banner. She was just a random 5* from the Brave banner... and if Lucina likes me too much, why does Lancina refuse to be pulled :< 

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8 hours ago, Claudius I said:

tfw you find a page called "images of tar-palantir" so you click it and then there's three images

three images


smh internet treat my bias with a little more respect

threaten the internet

3 hours ago, Fleece said:

no =(

o I have no idea, I never really interacted with the person in question(or the other guy) prior to joining the discord chat they're in but you're probably right either way

and yeah he did lol

two huh?
hopefully i am

hes such a chill guy

1 hour ago, LuxSpes said:

I wasn't even pulling from the gauntlet banner. She was just a random 5* from the Brave banner... and if Lucina likes me too much, why does Lancina refuse to be pulled :< 

that one doesnt like you as much as the other one

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1 hour ago, LuxSpes said:

I'd say wake me up when September ends, but skipping the entire first month of school to sleep sounds like a bad idea

I remember this one time some guy I follow on Twitter said: "Wake me when September ends" as a joke somewhere in early September.

Then later, he deleted his Twitter account without anything leading up to it or any explanation and everyone got really confused over what was happening.

Then he reactived his Twitter account in October and tweeted: "September has ended and I have woken up."

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wow really do u mean it


i will ask more but i was worried because i kinda piled 20 on you before i realized that there were also 20 other people who wanted to ask you 20 questions lmao


I WILL BE BACK but when does ur interview end

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1 minute ago, Hitori said:

wow really do u mean it

i will ask more but i was worried because i kinda piled 20 on you before i realized that there were also 20 other people who wanted to ask you 20 questions lmao

I WILL BE BACK but when does ur interview end


nah, it's all cool. just don't put 200 questions on me at one go and you'll be a good little frient in my book : )

sunday, maybe late saturday for you?

have you even looked at my answers? i think one of them may surprise you!

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if u mean the one to 20 i felt like i should have been but tbh i did suspect it a few years ago lmao, i just figured it wasn't really my business



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5 minutes ago, Hitori said:


if u mean the one to 20 i felt like i should have been but tbh i did suspect it a few years ago lmao, i just figured it wasn't really my business


tbh a lot of people joked about it, so???? but thinking it wasn't your business was fair enough

honesty is a virtue! except for when it bites you back in the bum

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omg i am actually sobbing i finally got curious enough about hitori's rap in spice to try and find the source of the lyrics and ALL the other rap covers (a.k.a. like three) i could find had different lyrics so along with the fact that she did not credit the lyrics to someone else i thought "huh wow i guess she did write them herself, i should look it up" and fortunately for me i did not have to attempt to transcribe the lyrics myself because the last three lines (and only those three, idk why) were already transcribed in the comments so i googled them BUT I CAN'T FIND SHIT AND I AM VERY STRESSED BECAUSE NOW THAT I'M AT THIS POINT I ACTUALLY GOTTA KNOW WHAT SHE IS SAYING (ESPECIALLY NOW THAT I KNOW THAT THERE'S A PRETTY GOOD CHANCE SHE WROTE THEM HERSELF?? or it was ghostwritten but i doubt it's that deep lmao, it's not like she hasn't written raps before. I GOTTA KNOW IF I STAN A TALENTED LYRICIST OR NOT IT'S IMPORTANT) EXCEPT I'M INCOMPETENT AND I CAN'T UNDERSTAND JAPANESE SO EVEN IF BY SOME MIRACLE I DO MANAGE TO TRANSCRIBE IT (wtf is kanji) I WILL NEVER ACTUALLY GET IT AHHH WHYY DID THIS HAPPENNN

STANNING KPOP WAS SO MUCH EASIER, EVERYTHING WAS IN ENGLISH AND IT SO ACCESSIBLE FOR INTERNATIONAL FANS........I MADE A MISTAKE no i didn't i don't regret going back to hitori at all and this will not change my love for her or her songs


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