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6 minutes ago, Marcus Aurelius said:

Sometimes I wish SF had a function to favorite posts.

i think the same thing at a lot of ur posts too

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omg yeri released two self-composed self-written songs for her birthday, one of which is for reveluvs.....1000 is so good i hope sm lets her publish her compositions on red velvet albums soon ;_; yeri is so talented and sweet and pretty and receives so much baseless hate even from within the fandom and yet she manages to keep smiling all the time i love her


merry birthday to this angel

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itt: an evanesce appreciation post, 2.0


evanesce is literally suju’s best b-side what the fuck i can’t believe i didn’t like this song three years ago BwpZKuH.png it’s actually perfection. gulliver who? midnight blues who?? raining spell for love who??? rock n shine who???? the first story nuguseyo????? i only know evanescesus BwpZKuH.png like lemme whip up a short appreciation post for it real quick bc i’m kim:

1. ok i know i’m talkin abt the song but i must talk about this and get it out of the way: the music video is perfect. i am stunned that shindong directed the music video for both this is love and evanesce because the set is gorgeous and although both music videos use the same set and even same colouring more-or-less he totally changed the vibe of the evanesce video with the twigs and leaves and flickering lights!! i loved how both music videos began with kyuhyun opening the door and donghae exiting bc even though they were like yeah the same they were executed totally differently and MAN the way the focus transitions between each member in evanesce is amazin. the dance break with eunhyuk and han cholm is absolutely flawless and is hands down my favourite part of the music video!! the choreography is designed to look great from all angles so when the camera starts spinning around i’m always like WHOA FUCKIN SHITE eunhyuk is an exceptional dancer of course and i loved his and han cholm’s attention to detail (fingers wtf!!) but her elegance and control rly made the scene imo. again evanesce is hands-down my favourite music video cinematography-wise and i’m STILL amazed that it was directed by shindong bc the only other idol i know of who directs and edits her own music videos is amber, whose mv’s aren’t anything particularly unique. suju is versatile as fuuuuck


in fact i'll talk about the cinematography right now

as i said the music videos for both this is love and evanesce were shot in the same place and begin the same way: with kyuhyun walking in from the right, looking at the camera, and then opening the double doors in front of him (he hesitates more in evanesce though, he opens the door an entire two seconds later). in this is love he's greeted by a lively set with the other members casually walking around or just relaxing, and in evanesce he instead sees the same set with broken lights and covered furniture. incidentally the background for evanesce is also blurrier which adds to the dreamlike atmosphere (and i think it's funny how the members disappear in this mv bc the song is titled evanesce heh)

CCJ5bln.gif Lkul7CE.gif

this is love highlights the colour red and has everything else greyscale, im pretty sure i don't have to tell you what red represents and what it has to do with the title of the song. on the other hand evanesce not only lacks a selective colour filter but it's also heavily desaturated; although it's the same set the red that seemed so prominent in the first mv is barely present in the second—if u pay attention to the red wall in the left gif and look for it again in evanesce it's no longer as vivid nor intense. this fits nicely with the lyrics and just sets up the rest of the music video rly well

84be55d9aa.png 810c6b9780.png

im not sure if this is on purpose (im doing this as i go so i guess i'll find out later!!1!!) but the first "scene" of the mv takes place in the same room. since the framing in the evanesce mv is much closer u can no longer see the lights lining the edges of the walls and ceilings. the instruments are also blanketed in sheets and debris which is like...they have not been used in many time and during that many time they got ungood. like, evanesce woosh boom pow

bdPt31R.gif PxqbCrV.gif

ok well apparently the mv's don't go room-by-room, this is love goes to the dining room while evanesce heads for the bar. thats ok i can still work w this. while both music videos are nearly the same length with this is love being a second shorter than evanesce, at this point evanesce is a minute in and this is love is at just under 40 seconds. that's because evanesce is a much slower song yeah duh. but i think it is interesting becos iirc every room on set is shown at least once during this is love while evanesce only gets to some of them. a daydream indeed.....


so anyway kangin changes into siwon who picks up a red rose which is a little "whoa" because it showed up at literally no point during this is love but it's actually really cool cuz 1. it's red and 2. not only do red roses symbolize love but they also represent sacrifice and loss. get it bc evanesce and shit haha. nah i highly doubt that that was on purpose but i like to imagine that it was because it makes evanesce even better. anyway while siwon's on screen he sheds his jacket and throws it and then whoa shit it's ya boy shindong


for some reason, even though shindong directed the music video, he gets relatively little screentime (i will measure everyone's screentime later) and the time that he IS there he's obscured by a pretty foggy-looking filter that no other member had, unless you count sungmin peering into the mirror. plus many of his shots are fairly long


i like to imagine that he was like "hey y'all which one of you shits wants to have a hazy-ass filter over his part of the mv" and the members were like "fuck off" and he was like "ok fine i'll do it for the sake of my ~artistic vision~" bc thats totally something he'd do. anyway i want to talk about the stick at the bottom right corner of the gif above, even though shindong is presumably the subject of that shot that branch is 1. adhering more closely to the rule of thirds (which shindong follows pretty carefully through the rest of the music video), 2. exhibits more movement and is therefore more eye-catching, 3. is not edited or cropped out, and 4. is focused upon. so this was on probably on purpose, now you're gonna ask "why kim, tell me the meaning of this moving twig" and i just gotta say i have no fuckin clue it doesn't look like an accident tho


while the members before him seemed to be walking around lost in thought shindong gets up bc something catches his eye and when he transitions (idt thats the right word here) into donghae the latter is out of breath. he also turns around on his heels later and looks at something, so either he was chasing something or running away from something (probably seungkwan). whatever it is he seems angry bc he practically yanks off his tie afterwards


i just wanted to say that i adore this shot ugh, there were lots of moments where i had to pause and admire everything cuz like i said the cinematography is so great but this is probably my favourite frame. i love the focus on the cue stick and billiard ball and the leaves in the foreground give it depth while the other balls in the background add more interest. the only thing that i'd criticize is the slanted angle but emotionally even that works into the mv's favour. i love this


yellow generally represents joy and energy which is probably its intended portrayal here considering that it's darkened and sungmin picks it up with a look of regret and in the first shot is behind a shield of protruding almost spike-like twigs but i learned in fashion the other day that it also evokes feelings of anxiety and uncomfortableness. which is also fairly fitting tbh

cd56d407ce.png accad21779.png

since donghae is the one to pick the billiard ball up at first and transitions into sungmin on the way the ring on his right ring finger disappears. huh evanesce indeed huh. btw we all know what wearing a wedding band on your left ring finger signifies but did u know that people who wear them on their right ring fingers (like donghae here) are usually gay or lesbian?? you ain't slick dong-gay


heechul shows up for a bit here. he doesn't really do anything of note but it felt wrong to exclude him. btw the transition between heechul and teuk is cool as fuuuck, i didn't screenshot it but heechul throws the sheet in the air and when it falls woosh it's teuko


while teuk stresses out (his part is always really funny to me because he's so bad at acting) he holds onto a ring. obviously it's not from his right hand bc we see them all right there so either he pulled it from his left hand (more likely) or stole it from donghae/sungmin (more believable). later he throws down his vest too (the first time i watched this mv i was really afraid that the last member would be shirtless becos everyone kept shedding wtf). it's also interesting to note that he appears in both the living room and the bathroom so of the group he's the only member to show up in two rooms; even if you count shindong and kangin he's still the only one to appear in two rooms without visibly moving between them


there's a really clean transition between teuk and ryeowook, i like this a lot. i like ryeowook's face a lot too (both here and in general). the way han cholm is dressed and the way her head is excluded from the frame and the graceful way she moves and the way ryeowook reacts almost make it seem like she's a ghost. everything about this mv is just so ethereal


this is stupid but i like this part a lot because while ryeowook stresses out (much more convincingly than teuk if i may add) kyuhyun is singing the first half of the bridge and idk knowing their relationship i just think it fits well lmao. i'd be distressed too. but anyway after this ryeowook walks up to the girl and puts his hand on hers and there's a fuckin CLEAN transition to eunhyuk and then theres!!!!!! the fuckin!!!!!!!!! dance break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fuck!


i cannot put into words how breathtaking the dance break is, it is something you has to experience for yourself u know?? the choreography tells a story which i feel is something oddly lacking in kpop so i always feel so mesmerized watching it. it plays during the final chorus of the song and that only makes it even more chilling and striking and powerful. i love everything about the way it's edited—the flickering rooms, the spotlight that changes size (if u pay attention to the gifs and how it manipulates the space that they're dancing in it really affects how the dance looks. my favourite parts are when it gets small and when han cholm pulls eunhyuk from the shadowy edge and especially at the end when the light splits into two, it's so subtle and yet so powerful. in fact i didn't notice that it did that until now lmao), the spinning camera, and of course the grace of the dancers themselves. again the way that han cholm is dressed makes her seem unworldly and with eunhyuk's white shirt and bleached hair he almost seems that way too (it's moments like these that actually make me forget that he's just a stupid anchovy) and of course the light from above adds to that. the ending where han cholm places eunhyuk's outstretched hand back on his face is really good because the lyric at that part is "in the end, it's all momentary / love is just momentary / it's just a passing dream / i don't want to wake up yet." everything about this is really well thought out and i just think it's really masterful and so fluid and dreamlike. god evanesce really is a gift


after eunhyuk the camera cuts to donghae (only fucker to show up in the mv more than once wtf) who wanders around for a bit in a daze before leaving. contrast to his exit in the this is love mv on the left; it's now framed as a close-up rather than a medium shot which evokes more empathy and also mostly eliminates the bright lamp from the shot (similar to the instrument room during the beginning). again the background is pretty fuzzy here. he's probably crying because eunhyuk danced with the girl this time instead of him

fIry0TR.gif 4NUyuKV.gif

the screentime distribution (starting when their faces show up), just for fun:

  1. kyuhyun: 0:01 to 0:46
  2. kangin: 0:47 to 1:00
  3. siwon: 1:02 to 1:16
  4. shindong: 1:17 to 1:28
  5. donghae: 1:30 to 1:51
  6. sungmin: 1:57 to 2:08
  7. heechul: 2:09 to 2:23
  8. leeteuk: 2:24 to 2:37
  9. ryeowook: 2:38 to 2:54
  10. eunhyuk: 2:55 to 3:33
  11. donghae (again): 3:34 to 4:20


  1. donghae (67 seconds)
  2. kyuhyun (45 seconds)
  3. eunhyuk: (38 seconds)
  4. ryeowook (16 seconds)
  5. siwon (14 seconds)
  6. heechul (14 seconds)
  7. kangin (13 seconds)
  8. leeteuk (13 seconds)
  9. shindong (11 seconds)
  10. sungmin (11 seconds)

yikes lmao is shindong a d&e stan

overall comments:

- wrt their styling, their suits in this is love were adorned with small red embellishments and they were removed this time around. it was a nice touch on both accounts. also looking at eunhyuk's dance break i appreciate them taking off their suits and vests and everything, that part would definitely not have the same effect had they been wearing just that button-down from the very beginning or if he were still wearing the full suit at that point

- there was definitely a lot of speed manipulation (most of the mv was slowed down a lot but there were several moments that were suddenly sped up, im sure there's an example or two in the gifs above) goin on that wasn't present in this is love so it's not just part of shindong's style. at first i found it kind of annoying but now i think it adds to the sort of mystical feeling of the mv. a daydream indeed

- also unusual for a kpop music video and also unless it's story-centric, the members rarely acknowledge the camera. in fact the only members to do so are kyuhyun, donghae, sungmin, siwon, and donghae—the former two do so because they're the ones to enter and exit the set respectively, and the latter three do so because they're asking something of the viewer. combined with the lyrics (which i'll get to later im very excited about it) it really removes the listener from the story—which is pretty different from most kpop love songs and that's already cool—and gives u an even dreamier feeling

- speakin of dreamy, the absence of the members is kind of haunting. there's never more than one member on screen at one time. unless it's a story-centric mv (which evanesce is not) im sure most fans are used to seeing idols lipsync to their line or at least be on screen at the time but that's not the case for evanesce and i love it

- at the end, the beginning of this is love plays but in a minor key so it sounds more melancholic. i like that part a lot

- i really appreciated shindong's usage of the rule of thirds

- i forget what this rule is called but for those who don't know in filmography theres a rule where, in any given shot where a subject is looking towards the left or right, there must be space in front of his or her eyes so that they have room to look into or walk into. it's usually paired with the rule of thirds. e.g.


but in evanesce i noticed that shindong broke this rule relatively often


for siwon i think it was because the chandelier was the focus of his scene (there was a two- or three-second shot just for the chandelier, even) but for the others it kinda makes u uncomfortable doesn't it?? i think it makes the frames feel emptier too. evanesce indeed


2. the fuckin. lyrics!! ok!! i usually disregard lyrics in love songs but wtf this song is actually a masterpiece in every way and that includes lyrically. plus the english title is a really beautiful word and has now become one of my favourites tbh, it’s so fleeting and delicate and suits the song to a tee. the korean title translates to "daydream" which is just as fitting BwpZKuH.png like ok i can’t put too much or otherwise i’d insert literally the entire song but here is the outro:


in the end, it’s all momentary,
love is only momentary
it’s just a passing dream,
i don’t want to wake up yet

a short daydream,
a daydream


like i said it has a very ephemeral vibe and i love the words ephemeral and fleeting and evanescence so i bet u can imagine how much i love this song BwpZKuH.png also the prior choruses ended earlier; the final one had this outro attached and it’s somewhat of an incomplete cadence which suits the lyrics that ride along with it


during the chorus one of the lines is “why does everything beautiful disappear” and that’s something that also applies outside of romance so i like it a lot. there’s also a part i adore near the end (령’s part!!) it doesn’t translate well to english lmao but it’s fine bc no one is gonna read this. he says “사람도 사랑도 나는 왜 깰 수 없는 건지” which translates to “why can’t i get both the person and the love” and that sounds DUMB as FUCK in english ok i told u but it’s very whoa to me bc ya a lot of kpop (pop??) songs are like “i love someone but they don’t love me back” and evanesce acknowledges that sometimes it’s the opposite, which i’ve only really seen in day6’s how can i say. sometimes u love someone and everything they do seems magical to u and then eventually the love fades and maybe that is more painful

above all i love how, unlike most other love songs i’ve seen, it talks in a less personal and more abstract and metaphorical way, which kinda adds to the ethereal feeling i guess?? in fact the first appearance of the word "i" is in the final chorus: the english phrase "i don't know" and then shortly afterwards "naneun wae ggael su eopsneun geonji" from the line above; the only time the word "you" appears is when donghae speaks to the darkness in front of him. everything is very...removed i love it

it’s also gender neutral which tbh i value a lot in kpop songs and i couldn’t tell u why bc idk myself but yes i love it

the first time i wrote this i said that i wouldn't talk about all the lyrics but here i am

the translations are gonna be awkward as fuck but please bear with me


i love how the song begins with an abstract noun + a pause + a question, it sets u up for the very questioning chorus. i really like the other two lines as well but i can't describe why without sounding dumb. i guess i just like how it implies a lengthy passage of time between this is love and evanesce (there were no white flowers in this is love tho??? @misfit explain


this part is really cheesy but pretty i think, it's a reminder that nothing, no matter how perfect it seems, really lasts forever. flowers wither, flames die out, everything evanesces


hey there are the questions that i was just talking about. i really like the lyric "why are things that will disappear so beautiful?" because it reminds me of the post that im writing right now that sf deleted thanks sf. also in the last two lines it talks about a daydream but something really cool is that it uses a different word than the (korean) title of the song!! i really love songs that are titled words that are excluded from the song itself because rather than just plainly pulling a word out of the lyrics something like that is more...a title that encompasses everything about the song?? the mv, the song itself, the choreography, everything. idk how to describe it but i really like it


i really like the [abstract noun] [pause] [question] again. ryeowook's line is really good too


wow i really love all the metaphors used in this song tbh


the bridge is so flawless ugh!! the last lines being carried by ryeowook and serving as the killing part could not be better, there could not be a better line for the killing part i think it alone embodies evanesce in its entirety.


here is the first and only instances of first-person in this song (i know the word "i" popped up earlier but that was only bc korean generally omits it while english...doesn't, so it just kinda appeared when it translated over). and i've already talked about the final verses above. theres something i like about the lyrics comparing infatuation to a daydream

3. ok i’m not a producer or w/e so idk how to professionally talk instruments and shit but i like...learned a bit from luna’s alphabet so there’s that. the beat is simple but it’s unique?? like it’s not the classic (u know wat i’m talking about i’m sure of it) and instead it’s a very resounding almost heartbeat-esque sound accompanied with something light during the verses that changes to something heavier during the chorus. this makes absolutely no sense but deal w me

the actual music (which happens to be in my second-favourite key, ugh will evanesce ever cease to be perfection) is very very minimal so that the focus is instead on the members’ vocals—really the only things are the wave-like synths from the very beginning that maintain throughout the song + one or two additional synths during the choruses—and even though yesung was absent from this song ryeowook and kyuhyun alone carried the song flawlessly vocal-wise. i especially love the gap between the bridge and final chorus when the music briefly stops to emphasize ryeowook's voice. strongest vocal line in kpop indeed. donghae’s, sungmin’s, kangin's, and heechul’s voices all suit the melancholy melody and since the complex layered harmonies are almost entirely carried out in falsetto they mesh together even better. cheers to whoever mixed the song

the harmonies can be heard clearly in the official everysing instrumental and they are spectacular of course (the bridge, kill me) but the real stars of the song are the adlibs which are unfortunately not included!! usually yesung is the ~king of adlibs~ in suju but since his voice is so heavy and soulful i really think ryeowook’s emotional style and kyuhyun’s sophisticated timbre executed them better in this song anyway. since i’m already here i may as well discuss the  vocals of the individual members:

4. i’ll start this off by saying that obviously suju is a large group and lines are inevitably distributed unevenly—not in a bad way obviously. siwon has no lines in this song and several members had only one or two lines entirely in falsetto, making their voices hard to distinguish. as such i will have more to write about some members than others, but i personally think that the parts in this song were well thought-out and distributed

leeteuk - echos in first chorus and falsetto in second chorus; even though he may not be as accomplished a vocalist as some other members he still managed to execute the former well solely through show of emotion imo. his breathing was awkward and could have been better but it fit the mood of the chorus so i don’t mind. honestly as much as i like leeteuk and his voice im glad that he didn't get that many parts because his tone suits happier and more upbeat songs much more

heechul - second prechorus, echos in the second chorus; his voice is light and breathy so it fit the former well. as for the latter, same situation as leeteuk, although his voice fits better and i appreciate his breath technique more. heechul's technique actually usually bothers me but he sounded good here which is a relief because he gets a pretty sizeable amount of lines

kangin - first prechorus, second half of outro; i actually don’t like his voice and it definitely does not fit this song but i feel like the producer took advantage of it by deliberately emphasizing the contrast of his rough voice and the song. he has few parts like most of the others but they were both memorable so i enjoyed them

shindong - falsetto in third chorus; nothing to say about this?? i guess i’m glad that he didn’t get more parts bc his voice would not suit the song and not in the good way like kangin

sungmin - adlibs in verse b2 and second prechorus, final line before second chorus; sungmin has a really thin voice so i’m glad they delegated him to adlibs. his voice contrasts heechul’s before him during the second prechorus and i like it a heck ton

eunhyuk - falsetto in first chorus; same as shindong

siwon - literally no lines thank the lord. he does sound more prominent in the first chorus though and it’s a nice way to include everyone without actually including everyone

donghae - adlibs in first prechorus, first half of verse b1, final line before first chorus, first half of outro; basically same thing i said for sungmin but instead of thin his voice is soft?? not yooa kind of soft but lay kind of soft. idk i like it though, his voice suits evanesce a ton so i’m glad he sang so many parts. even if he's dumb...

ryeowook - (ah yes, i have now reached main vocalist territory.) first chorus, second half of verse b1, second half of bridge, echos in third chorus. i was kinda waffly about his voice in this song at first because even though he’s...yknow...we all know that ryeowook fits more emotional songs. yesung and kyuhyun are the r&b and ballad masters. however i think the parts given to him made great use of his voice!! the bridge especially places a higher emphasis on power so i’m glad he got to sing the killing part. hearing him sing “사람도 사랑도” kills me in the best way because he enunciates s’s so sharply, plus his breathe technique really fits the mood of the song and sounds wonderful i like his voice a little i guess i guess. the only part im unsure about is how he sings verse b1 because i feel like verses should be reserved for weaker voices for a more powerful chorus but the way he pronounced everything especially 해 more than made up for it

kyuhyun - verse a1, echos in first chorus, second chorus, first half of bridge, echos in third chorus. again kyuhyun has always been the best at ballads in k.r.y and even though this is a power ballad i feel like this is right up his alley regardless. his voice was the perfect choice to begin the song (even if it were forced bc he also began “this is love” and the two have paralleling music videos) because it’s...empty?? calm, not full of things like ryeowook’s, eases u in. idk how to explain it but i know what i mean. i personally prefer ryeowook’s echoes in the choruses bc they have stronger breaths and carry more emotion but that doesn’t mean i dislike kyuhyun’s!! his are really smooth and his notes are better connected than ryeowook’s. the bridge being split b/t him and ryeong was really good bc he builds u up and ryeowook pulls u down, i love it i love suju’s vocal line so much ugh no i don’t

i also really want to talk about the adlibs!! the only members who do them in evanesce are donghae, ryeowook, and kyuhyun, and i wanna focus on the latter two cuz they are...the OTHER star of the show!! especially during the final chorus, the harmonies are already very heavy and add a lot of depth but then they do the Thing and it just kills me holy shit especially when kyuhyun says “사랑은 짬시 뿐인 걸 예” (his runs are so well executed) and when ryeowook says “깰 수 없는지” in his wonderful head voice transitioning to his wonderful falsetto just fuck me right up


5. y'all thought i was done??? bitch nah a kimpost is not done until she appreciates the VISUALS the conceptual SLAYAGE i stan red velvet for a reason and it's not for their amazing variety skills cough

these teasers are actually for this is love but they suit evanesce much more, we all know that evanesce is the Superior Track


his hair is so stupid. his clothes are kinda weird, is that blue thing somewhat translucent wtf how dare the stylists do teuk in like this. the only things i like are the outfit colours, the fitting, and the peak lapels


this picture upsets me because it's the first-ever photo i ever saw of heechul


his eyeshadow hot damn!!!!! i want kangins stylists!!!!!!!


i like his overcoat and mildly upset expression a lot


i think sungmin's visuals are pretty overhyped but i really like this styling. it's weird, thick eyeliner and nude lips and two-tone hair but he looks good


the less we see of eunhyuk's face the better. i approve


im not a fan of houndstooth honestly but donghae's makeup is good enough to distract from that


siwon's styling is so weird this era tbh. i guess i like his suit but his makeup is way too heavy, i think he would have looked better with even just eyeshadow like kangin. last night i was watching a thing with super junior and hes not even my type at all but when siwon appeared on the screen i audibly gasped bc he was such a visual, seriously i rarely see him bc 1. i don't really like him and 2. he's not promoting with super junior at the moment but i am always angry at his face. how can someone be born with such a perfect nose??


not ryeowook with the BEST styling!! the sleeves of the undershirt are slightly long but that's really the only flaw i can name. i really like the pinstripes and double-breasted jacket and tartan bowtie (i usually dislike bowties but they're very attention-grabbing here and in a good way) and brim hat. a king


kyuhyun's hair looks really stupid here and so does his face. i like his suit though


wow!! a slay!!! when will my faves

tag urself im sungmin wearing baggy pants and awkwardly caressing the wall. kyuhyun is the only one not looking at the camera which gets me


6. of course, not all of us can be completely perfect, and that applies to even evanesce. of course, i, an objective person, am able to judge the song, objectively, because i am objective. i am also not one of those delulu fans who praises everything their faves do. so here is a list of flaws:

- awkward transition from first chorus to verse a2

- too underappreciated

- you haven’t listened to it


in conclusion: evanesce is undoubtedly super junior’s best ballad (point of no return who? growing pains who?), best b-side (midnight blues who? raining spell for love who?), best music video (twins who? motorcycle who?), most poetically written (islands who? we can who?), best song without yesung (this is love who? mamacita who?) most deserving of song-title-of-the-year (oppa oppa who? 비처럼 가지미요 누구세요?), and you, an intellectual, should stan. thank u for listening goondight love luna and remember to vote zheng ting zhou yanchen zhu xingjie xiao gui li quanzhe on idol producer

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my thoughts from top to bottom:

- kim u can't fuckin have a spoiler in the spoiler that is as long as the spoiler itself it made me take a poop 

- petition for u to add pronunciation guides for kr words cuz I am definitely making up my own language as I go

- slayage 

- shindongs photo made me laugh a lot he looks so deadly

- delulu 

- I most certainly have listened to evanesce thank u very much

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im gonna cry i miss him so much ;_; he has so many giraffe stickers is he 12


i love that hes watching super tv, i hope after he and kyuhyun come back there will be a new season bc half of suju is already ridiculous and i can't imagine how much worse it'll be with kyuwook. wiggle wiggle

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this has surpassed my previous record of word count by 1000 truly evanesce is worth it

Edited by bling
stan evanesce
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17 minutes ago, PKLucas531 said:

yea I felt very SMUG when u said no one will read it how many words was it

oops u got me

uhh 5,357 apparently im a nerd

15 minutes ago, PKLucas531 said:

I made a loud noise

chinese boys are unsaveable....

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o wait actually my record is 7,426 with a seventeen comeback review damn better luck next time kim

1 minute ago, DodgeDusk said:

"1+ new reply"

It sent me 3 pages back. I blame Kinuminumi.

: (

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this is exactly how reveluvs sound when fighting over b-sides, anyway one of these nights is red velvet's best title track and cool world is their best b-side don't @ me

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this is exactly how reveluvs sound when fighting over b-sides, anyway one of these nights is red velvet's best title track and cool world is their best b-side don't @ me

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