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yes they were, they were penis worms for crying out loud



well whoever told shirou to go eat a plate of dicks, hope he's happy

no i won't calm down

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I do.


Younger. By both do you mean in terms of relative age or gender?

Relative age, but I assume all your sublings are younger than you.

Well, one acts like a three year old except worse and one is a three year old. So the latter is cute, the former is...tasteless, let's say, and...probably for the best he moved out.

Can I infer that you are quite fond of the latter, then? And can I infer that your feelings for the former are neutral at best?

No, I can't say I do. Unless you want to do a 'brothers of the faith' sort of thing, but even then I admit I'm not as communal as I should be.

Nah, I wouldn't count those unless they're close to you at a personal level. But okay.

I don't really have one. Good for them? If this includes adopted children, then I would count them as siblings, and if people have a 'brother from another mother' type thing, well, good for them, I just wouldn't call them siblings. Maybe 'like siblings' or something.

Hmmm, interesting that you brought up adopted children. Anyway, since you don't have such kinds of pseudo-siblings yourself, can you actually imagine yourself having one? Not with anyone specific, but can you imagine yourself theoretically getting psychologically close to a friend to the point that you'd consider them as a sibling? Or does this kind of psychological bond for somebody that isn't your blood/step/foster-sibling feel like an alien concept to you?

I'll probably start on the next point as well now:

You mentioned that you have two younger siblings. I'll ask about the one who moved out later. For now, I want to focus on the adorable three-year-old one.

3. There were likely multiple instances in which you've had to directly tend to the needs of this youngest sibling, for whatever reasons. How do you feel about having to take care of your sibling in these situations? This likely varies depending on the specific circumstances, but can you outline the different kinds of feelings you've had?

4. Outside of taking care of your younger sibling's needs, how often do you feel the desire to dedicate some time into just bonding with your younger sibling as opposed to doing something else?

5a. How does the younger sibling treat you in general?

5b. How do you feel about the way your younger sibling treats you?

oh my

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1a. Two from my biological father and two from my step-father.

1b.c. They are alright. I just never talk with my younger brother at all anymore.

Hmmm, not talking to your younger brother... is this due to physical barriers or are do the two of you simply choose not to talk to each other? In case of the latter, are you satisfied with this situation?

2ad. Honestly the considering someone a sibling thing always bothers me.

In that case, I want to know: How do you define what it means to be a "sibling"? e.g. living together? connected via direct blood/marriage family bonds? psychological attachment?
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Relative age, but I assume all your sublings are younger than you.

Well in that case, they're both younger, though the youngest is a girl and the other is a boy.

I neglected to mention this, but my family has this unique situation, well, probably not unique, really. My brother came from my fathers first marriage, and I'm a bastard, so we're not technically blood related, but he lives in my house, same thing. That also technically means the baby is a half sibling to us both.

Can I infer that you are quite fond of the latter, then? And can I infer that your feelings for the former are neutral at best?

The former statement is true. Well...look. I love him, obviously, he's my brother. But...he's a bad person, a rebellious, wordly person with really unfortunate circumstances and not a lot of faith, which...doesn't do him well. I don't hate him, I wish well for him and all, so it's closer to...pity, I think. I feel bad for him.

Nah, I wouldn't count those unless they're close to you at a personal level. But okay.

Yeah, no, I don't have anyone I'm that close to.

Hmmm, interesting that you brought up adopted children. Anyway, since you don't have such kinds of pseudo-siblings yourself, can you actually imagine yourself having one? Not with anyone specific, but can you imagine yourself theoretically getting psychologically close to a friend to the point that you'd consider them as a sibling? Or does this kind of psychological bond for somebody that isn't your blood/step/foster-sibling feel like an alien concept to you?

I thought it was worth mentioning. Do any of the above revelations change the questions you might ask?

Ignoring that, I think it's possible. I don't see myself doing it soon with anyone I know currently, but I definitely see it as something I could do.

I'll probably start on the next point as well now:


You mentioned that you have two younger siblings. I'll ask about the one who moved out later. For now, I want to focus on the adorable three-year-old one.

Are you implying she's not adorable?

3. There were likely multiple instances in which you've had to directly tend to the needs of this youngest sibling, for whatever reasons. How do you feel about having to take care of your sibling in these situations? This likely varies depending on the specific circumstances, but can you outline the different kinds of feelings you've had?

Well, I've never had to change a diaper, for I am blessed with very accommodating parents. I mean, I don't mind it. Generally my mother and father can take care of her but obviously they have me help out some times. I enjoy it, it's nice and all, but there are things I'd rather do usually. I can't say I resent it or anything like that, sometimes I really like it or do it because I want to, and sometimes I don't mind or do it because it's helpful.

4. Outside of taking care of your younger sibling's needs, how often do you feel the desire to dedicate some time into just bonding with your younger sibling as opposed to doing something else?

Admittedly, not terribly much. I'm an idea person, so I tend to think and learn and such more than these sorts of things, but I've done it, and if I'm in the vicinity I'm very quick to get involved. Don't do this, don't do this, do this, do this, I can be very bossy.

5a. How does the younger sibling treat you in general?
5b. How do you feel about the way your younger sibling treats you?

Well, she adores me, but she's quick to adore people so what of it? I think it's cute, heartwarming even, though she's also a toddler, so I'll get annoyed sometimes, and being an idea person I don't always like to dedicate time to her being three years old. But she's three, what of it?

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Hmmm, not talking to your younger brother... is this due to physical barriers or are do the two of you simply choose not to talk to each other? In case of the latter, are you satisfied with this situation?

In that case, I want to know: How do you define what it means to be a "sibling"? e.g. living together? connected via direct blood/marriage family bonds? psychological attachment?

We just haven't talked for some reason for about 2-3 years. We sleep in the same room which sucks because we used to talk about random crap all of the time. :L

Being related due to mother/father relation thing.

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It's probably more convenient or something, my family does that some times.

I suppose so. It's mainly because it's almost a whole week earlier. His birthday is next Saturday. I could understand the Sunday after that, but not this one.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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I suppose so. It's mainly because it's almost a whole week earlier. His birthday is next Saturday. I could understand the Sunday after that, but not this one.

*shrug* Well, without more precise knowledge I really can't say any more. I don't suppose they'd mind you asking, would they?

Edited by AnonymousSpeed
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yes I made Sakura prepare a plate of dicks for Shirou so yeah I'm happy

she put curry everywhere dude

you need to calm down

gj sakura

she just wants to spread the love


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