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*shrug* Well, without more precise knowledge I really can't say any more. I don't suppose they'd mind you asking, would they?

Yeah, there's always asking them. I guess not.

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Alright. Let's start with very general questions.

1a. Do you have any blood siblings?
If yes:
1b. Are they older/younger than you or do you have both kinds?
1c. How do you feel about the ones that are older than you and the ones that are younger than you?

1a. Yes

1b. Both of them are younger; oldest child here.

1c. They are loveable but they're really spoiled at times with what they're trying to change/keep the same. The middle one's trying to grow up too fast and the other one's trying to remain as a baby.

Edited by Koneko
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Well in that case, they're both younger, though the youngest is a girl and the other is a boy.

You have a three-year-old imouto. I need to spend some time with Parsee right now.

I neglected to mention this, but my family has this unique situation, well, probably not unique, really. My brother came from my fathers first marriage, and I'm a bastard, so we're not technically blood related, but he lives in my house, same thing. That also technically means the baby is a half sibling to us both.

This is interesting. It may influence your perspective, so thank you for informing me. However, the three of you have been living together, and you were their older "brother" since their birth. So I don't think this unique situation changes much.

The former statement is true. Well...look. I love him, obviously, he's my brother. But...he's a bad person, a rebellious, wordly person with really unfortunate circumstances and not a lot of faith, which...doesn't do him well. I don't hate him, I wish well for him and all, so it's closer to...pity, I think. I feel bad for him.

Gah, I really want to explore more on this, but I'll get to him later. Imouto first!

Yeah, no, I don't have anyone I'm that close to.

Alright, figured as much.

I thought it was worth mentioning. Do any of the above revelations change the questions you might ask?

Yeah, my next questions are based on responses from previous questions.

Ignoring that, I think it's possible. I don't see myself doing it soon with anyone I know currently, but I definitely see it as something I could do.

So would it be accurate to say that you are able to appreciate pseudo-sibling bonds that other may have, but you yourself don't consider yourself as currently having anyone close to you like that?



Are you implying she's not adorable?

Actually, I was implying that I thought she was, and that it was my immediate reaction to your response.

Well, I've never had to change a diaper, for I am blessed with very accommodating parents. I mean, I don't mind it. Generally my mother and father can take care of her but obviously they have me help out some times. I enjoy it, it's nice and all, but there are things I'd rather do usually. I can't say I resent it or anything like that, sometimes I really like it or do it because I want to, and sometimes I don't mind or do it because it's helpful.

Hmmm, your responses here seem to be surprisingly one-sided in the positive. Does it ever feel like a burden to take care of your sister (even if you understand that you should be doing it anyway)?

Admittedly, not terribly much. I'm an idea person, so I tend to think and learn and such more than these sorts of things, but I've done it, and if I'm in the vicinity I'm very quick to get involved. Don't do this, don't do this, do this, do this, I can be very bossy.

Interesting. You may be very bossy, but what about other stuff besides commands? For example, do you actively go to play with her or talk to her and discuss her silly three-year-old thoughts? Or do you only do so if she pushes you to it first?

On that note, here's another separate question:

6. How do you react when your younger sibling wants to play with you or ask you silly questions? I assume, from all the data I gained so far, that you are the type to entertain her, but how far are you willing to go? Just the minimum level to keep her satisfied so you can quickly go back to doing what you'd prefer to be doing? Or would entertaining your sibling become what you prefer to be doing, while you actively enjoy indulging her to whatever extent you are able to?

Well, she adores me, but she's quick to adore people so what of it? I think it's cute, heartwarming even, though she's also a toddler, so I'll get annoyed sometimes, and being an idea person I don't always like to dedicate time to her being three years old. But she's three, what of it?

This is so goood~

So are you okay with the way she treats you? Even if you feel that it's justified for her age, do you still wish that she would treat you better or something? Or are you very happy with the way she treats you, for both the pleasant and the annoying experiences?

We just haven't talked for some reason for about 2-3 years. We sleep in the same room which sucks because we used to talk about random crap all of the time. :L

Interesting. Do you feel satisfied with how this situation is? Do you wish the two of you could go back to talking about random crap all the time again?

Being related due to mother/father relation thing.

I see. In that case, would you agree that it is possible for two close friends with no sibling relationship whatsoever to become psychologically closer than each of them with their own actual siblings?
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