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Nobody, I know the feel. The beginning to SJ is just.. a really uphill battle, it gets a lot better though.

I just wish this game didn't feature Dante from the devil may cry series.

The only thing I dislike about this is the stupid meme itself.

haha yeah, I have no idea what was the purpose of him being there. Or how did he get there in first place, considering it's a capcom game rather than atlus

I thought it was presented rather decently , since it implies came to Japan, from... wherever in the world DMC takes place, since he was hired and all.

Though still, Raidou fits a whole lot better and is a better unit than Dante

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lack of interest?

nothing wrong with that

Nobody, I know the feel. The beginning to SJ is just.. a really uphill battle, it gets a lot better though.

I feel like the problem is not the game. I don't know how to explain, it's like when I have to write a report for university, I just can't bring myself to do it. Like, I can't even click on the DS emulator lol

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Raidou would have been cool


idk, i get the feel different timelines and stuff are a factor >x>

I feel like the problem is not the game. I don't know how to explain, it's like when I have to write a report for university, I just can't bring myself to do it. Like, I can't even click on the DS emulator lol

so more like other things to do higher on priority?

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I feel like the problem is not the game. I don't know how to explain, it's like when I have to write a report for university, I just can't bring myself to do it. Like, I can't even click on the DS emulator lol

Oh lol.

I kinda know that feeling. and I'm kind of experiencing it myself at the moment, I just take it in stride and play it when the urge comes.

Raidou would have been cool


idk, i get the feel different timelines and stuff are a factor >x>

...There is a version with Raidou in it.

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i mean priority being like

"eh i could play this game, but o got something else to do"

...There is a version with Raidou in it.


..comes to show how much on nocturne i'm up with *whistles*

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