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or what about having to go to the ice tribe village?

in the snow

without shoes

Corrin is just a hardcore world traveler just like Ryu, who gets thrown out of places that have shoes only policies.

Or maybe Corrin is just a Hobbit.

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So yeah,

Starting the game you find yourself in a scripted battle that pretty much plays itself until the obvious outcome.

After that some more dialogues you finally get the main character in your control...Everything is almost the same as in the previous game (the battle system, the map...almost the same)

Going through the first 3 chapters...everything seems...ok, except for the fact that the main character gets betrayed from the beginning of the game so many times, it literally hurts your mind. Then suddenly chapter 4...afterwards nothing seems the same...it's all totally unrealistic, idealistic...and pretty much expected...not even a plot twist of worth. Story wise this game is not half as good as the previous installment.

In terms of characters. Edea and Tiz are the only reason to play this game.

Yew and Magnolia are ok in my book...But their characters are a little too much on their ends. Also this thing they tried to make between those two was kinda creepy and unsupported. Even the thing between Tiz and Agnes was at least justified it happened after they went through a lot. Another thing this game needed and didn't take....Rinagbell, no one else had the ability to make awkward lines be so awesome, yet we just get a little of him, too little indeed.

The biggest disappointments though. The jobs in this game, some new some old. Some of the new are just redundant, for example you have a priest and a white mage, and you have a wizard and a black mage, they pretty much do the same job...but anyway lets ignore that thing too and lets just get to that job you want to to get the most. The Kaiser, the job of the supposed big bad guy. You get that one too, only to realise that this job is...um....ah....how should I say, kinda peculiar in terms of abilities. Well yes some people would call it a tactical job...but here's the question ladies and gentlemen:

What exactly do you need that many tactics for in this game and what exactly you need this job for? especially by the time you get it, and then you have just two more to acquire, it's already endgame. it's just the final boss left and just two more asterisk holders, one known and one new. Speaking of Final Boss, this one, compared to the previous one....pffft what a joke...

And then the postgame, three "new dungeons" so you can powerlevel up to 99. A battle with the adventurer and that's it...That's it? You mean no battle with the previous asterisks holders as teams of four in the Eternia Central Command like in the previous game? Nope sir...

Finally, voice acting...ok guys, lets be honest, it's not the actors who did not do a good job here, it's once again that there are annoying characters like Minnete Napkatti and their annoying traits like Meowjesty and the such and the more you listen to it the happier you actually feel when she becomes a goner.

In a few words this game started promising and left me kinda unsatisfied.

Yeah...well it probably won't make any sense but I wrote that up anyway...

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hahahahaha i woke at 7am on monday as usual, drove to university, found the class in which i was supposed to have class in locked and only then remembered the professor had cancelled today's class

gg me

Edited by Nobody
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So yeah,

Starting the game you find yourself in a scripted battle that pretty much plays itself until the obvious outcome.

After that some more dialogues you finally get the main character in your control...Everything is almost the same as in the previous game (the battle system, the map...almost the same)

Going through the first 3 chapters...everything seems...ok, except for the fact that the main character gets betrayed from the beginning of the game so many times, it literally hurts your mind. Then suddenly chapter 4...afterwards nothing seems the same...it's all totally unrealistic, idealistic...and pretty much expected...not even a plot twist of worth. Story wise this game is not half as good as the previous installment.

In terms of characters. Edea and Tiz are the only reason to play this game.

Yew and Magnolia are ok in my book...But their characters are a little too much on their ends. Also this thing they tried to make between those two was kinda creepy and unsupported. Even the thing between Tiz and Agnes was at least justified it happened after they went through a lot. Another thing this game needed and didn't take....Rinagbell, no one else had the ability to make awkward lines be so awesome, yet we just get a little of him, too little indeed.

The biggest disappointments though. The jobs in this game, some new some old. Some of the new are just redundant, for example you have a priest and a white mage, and you have a wizard and a black mage, they pretty much do the same job...but anyway lets ignore that thing too and lets just get to that job you want to to get the most. The Kaiser, the job of the supposed big bad guy. You get that one too, only to realise that this job is...um....ah....how should I say, kinda peculiar in terms of abilities. Well yes some people would call it a tactical job...but here's the question ladies and gentlemen:

What exactly do you need that many tactics for in this game and what exactly you need this job for? especially by the time you get it, and then you have just two more to acquire, it's already endgame. it's just the final boss left and just two more asterisk holders, one known and one new. Speaking of Final Boss, this one, compared to the previous one....pffft what a joke...

And then the postgame, three "new dungeons" so you can powerlevel up to 99. A battle with the adventurer and that's it...That's it? You mean no battle with the previous asterisks holders as teams of four in the Eternia Central Command like in the previous game? Nope sir...

Finally, voice acting...ok guys, lets be honest, it's not the actors who did not do a good job here, it's once again that there are annoying characters like Minnete Napkatti and their annoying traits like Meowjesty and the such and the more you listen to it the happier you actually feel when she becomes a goner.

In a few words this game started promising and left me kinda unsatisfied.

Yeah...well it probably won't make any sense but I wrote that up anyway...

Honestly this is what I've heard about what's wrong with BD, so you're good.

I lost interest in BD when I saw the final boss was a copy paste of Ouraborous. But hey, the soundtrack is good

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Honestly this is what I've heard about what's wrong with BD, so you're good.

I lost interest in BD when I saw the final boss was a copy paste of Ouraborous. But hey, the soundtrack is good

Actually Ourobouros was a challenging final boss...he was good. And the first game was great. Well hopefully they will address those problems in the third game
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Actually Ourobouros was a challenging final boss...he was good. And the first game was great. Well hopefully they will address those problems in the third game

i know he was good, but BD uses a copy paste version of his final boss fight(I don't even like Providence's theme as much as Snake Eating the Ground)

they won't, probably, but at least Ringabel is the main protag

edit: remember Sask, this is squeenix we're talking about

the chances of them changing are usually 1:10

Edited by Dr. ShadowZen/Lady AliciaR
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looks like i won't do that with elise

she's something called

extremely fucking fragil

She's a glass cannon. High magic, low as fuck defense. Oh well. Nyx is also very glass cannon-y, but the difference between her and Elise is that Elise can actually hit things.

Really, the best magic users in my Nohr run are turning out to be Leo, Odin, and Felicia. Because they actually get a little something something called SKILL GROWTHS. Leo's Brynhildr may not be all that powerful, but at least Odin can critical every other attack if you forge him a weapon with a high crit rate and a silly name. Felicia has high Skill as well as decent defense, but the only weapon that she benefits from in any way is the Flame Shuriken, which offsets her Magic and turns her into a decent killing machine.

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Oh hey

GameStop lied to me

She's a glass cannon. High magic, low as fuck defense. Oh well. Nyx is also very glass cannon-y, but the difference between her and Elise is that Elise can actually hit things.

Really, the best magic users in my Nohr run are turning out to be Leo, Odin, and Felicia. Because they actually get a little something something called SKILL GROWTHS. Leo's Brynhildr may not be all that powerful, but at least Odin can critical every other attack if you forge him a weapon with a high crit rate and a silly name. Felicia has high Skill as well as decent defense, but the only weapon that she benefits from in any way is the Flame Shuriken, which offsets her Magic and turns her into a decent killing machine.

i wholeheartedly agree

Not to mention Odin gets a bit decent when you promote him

And just to make sure things due in Felicia, best giver her that extra spirit dust

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