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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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shaving is fun imo

the other day i cut myself shaving for the first time and it hurt like a fucker but i kept shaving cuz legless hairs are more important

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the other day i cut myself shaving for the first time and it hurt like a fucker but i kept shaving cuz legless hairs are more important

legless hairs

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pride is a self-esteem team on his own bh


i'm sure ur flattering at many angles lettuce

if there is any I CAN'T FIND IT something always looks off

also the lighting everywhere in my house is ugly and yellow-y I look like I have jaundice whenever I attempt to take one

I'm also too impaitient to take 1000000x pictures of myself before giving up

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Stage 62 still eludes me... and enemy reinforcements just keep coming! I don't think I can rout them...

On the flip side, at this point I don't really need any more skill points. I've long crossed the quantity least needed for secrets and stuff.

Well, I'll continue tomorrow...

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