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ah yes i forgot how much of an annoyance hana is in chapter 22

yet when i used hana in birthright she was godawful

IS why

and now i am reminded of hinata in chapter 23

i think samurais and i have a bad relationship

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The only time I ever write this long is pms, yeah.

No, I'm talking once this happens. What the hell would happen then? Lol this is sort of a dumb line of thought isn't it.

Yes, invulnerability is the word I think where you're incapable of taking injury, feeling pain, etc. That sounds way better than the mokou version where you just regenerate over and over.

Yeah people aren't anime tropes, usually. Which is a pain, because usually you just sort out the tsuns and get to the dere-ing, but everyone is weird.

School was a mistake, it's nothing but trash- mesoptamians.

AP psych is a pretty easy AP, yeah. And the exam's probably the easiest ap exam there is. It's sort of fun too.

Lol there's an AP Drawing class? I mean I know there's an AP art and it sounds so dumb to me, since drawing is supposed to be creative and AP classes historically drain every ounce of creativity and instead instill brute memorization of simple facts. Wow, 'murican edumuhcation system get you're shit together.

Well, I didn't start reading again until a few months ago, but I'm glad I did. Sometimes it's tough to get motivation for it, since the internet is literally instant gratification central, but it's much more satisfying to be holding a book instead of staring a laptop, I guess. But I doubt I'll ever be satisfied with my reading. Even after I read hundreds of books, they'll still be hundreds left, there's really no end to it. I wish I could be patchy and have eternity to spend in a library or something. Sigh... and then I get pissed too when I wake up at 11:00 or something because a lot of the day's already wasted.

Ah, what a shame. Well I'm not going to get a discord or skype any time soon, so yeah sorry.

i don't even pm people, only for eimm and such. speaking of, why haven't you joined an eimm yet?

hmmm... i'm guessing that you'd just die. but if you were (un)lucky enough, you'd float around more? haven't tried it yet, gomen

invulnerability should come with strength too, what if some ass tried to trap you in a giant jar and nobody was around to let you out? eventually you'd find a way but...

well actually - i find myself sorting people based on how similar i find them to other people, can't be helped but its usually a reasonable guess of what to not do around them

school traumatized me, i can still hear the rings of the bell, the cries of the children, the labor of my homework ;_; the worst part is maybe the homework or the classmates who invade your privacy

i remember 6th grade, 6th grade was awful never want to do that again, it was a collective effort to make me suffer and nobody helped

AP psych is just memorization right, moreso than the others? my summer homework is literally taking several pages of notes on a chapter... i guess they're honest about the content, huh. what i've read so far is pretty interesting though. maybe it'll be more fun than APUSH, because I think I learned a lot of fun facts from apush. you ever heard of timothy dexter?

it's really difficult to focus on reading when i literally have everything else to do. but i just put tons of books on my phone and my computer for future reading. made lots of progress when i was on vacation in california! tbh, i just stay up late and read since i find it easier to focus on reading at night. you can have your own nighty atmosphere, if that makes sense. not one to wake up in the mornings, but one to wake up really late (like, 12, aka right now lmao)

you can just make a temporary discord and throw it out, that's what i did a few times before

Yep, this is how I have been feeling for years. There's so much to do, but so little time.

maybe people aren't meant to do everything on earth =(

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I've never played mafia before, how does it even work? lol

All matter would be condensed into an infinitely tiny point so you're atoms could never even regenerate I guess. You'd die. Or at least lose consciousness

So that's nice, if you're ever immortal, just wait a few billion years and eventually you'll die.

Yeah I had a nightmare I was immortal and some asshole trapped me inside a coffin, it sucked.

The worst would be like, trapped inside a jar and dropped to the bottom of the ocean lol.

I tend to do the same with people. I start by putting them into a group of similar personalities I've encountered and then weeding out that group until I have an individual, with a unique personality.

Yeah, the worst part about school is probably just the sheer number of kids that you have to subject yourself to on a daily basis. I go mentally sick being around that many people. If schools had smaller numbers in general I'd get way more out of them. And yeah, homework sucks, because it's bad enough that you have to go to school for 7 hours a day, and then you have to take school home with you to invade what should be your sanity break.

It is. Copying vocab word after vocab from august to june. Nothing difficult, just mind-numbing.

...oh wow it's the meme guy


i learned literally nothing from ap world considering I passed the ap exam on the first day of school that the teacher gave out as a pretest.

Yeah ap world history sucked, mostly because it was so broad you learned absolutely nothing. Quantity over quality. Typical AP.

>the count of monte christo

I tried reading it a while back.


yeah I gave up about halfway through it.

ugh I feel dumb again. avenge me, Chen.

eimm is a loooooooooooooot different from mafia. basically you go around investigating people, lying to them (if you want), or maybe partnering with them. there's always a chance of you getting backstabbed by somebody, always. also requires simple organization skills to make spreadsheets

actually, if i were immortal, i'd like an "easy way out" button for when earth gets too inhabitable or when being immortal gets too boring. i'd rather not float around in space or rot away in a jar. i'd rather not wait a couple billion of years to die, or maybe that's the experience that comes with being immortal? i'd try it someday and maybe regret it. if i were to be immortal i would bring a friend along with me for the ride. hey, all my other friends are dead, but at least i have you?

i don't meet many people with unique personalities, but i'm always really happy when i do. a person that is completely unpredictable would be the best and the most fun.

i wonder if college gets any better, since they're not kids anymore? i dunno, some adults are dumbasses too. i remember once i was walking in a walgreens and this asshole with a bookbag comes up to me and unironically says "hey. you don't speak english right? let me speak chinese to you! *butchered chinese* is that how you say hello in chinese?" ugh i think that guy was trying to be funny or something but he just came off as a dickwad.

mindnumbing fun for the whole class! thank you, american education system.

yeah timothy dexter is a legend. i did a presentation on him in apush after ap exams were done. isn't he great?

don't worry, count of monte cristo is an asslong book. you're supposed to read it little by little. it's like a really long anime in book format with lots of characters, basically. don't get discouraged by the amount of characters. or if you want, you should watch the anime adaption which is actually a lot more faithful than other adaptions and is gorgeous looking to boot.

i don't know how to avenge you, sheezy, but i'll try! ganbarimasu.

i'm leaving in 40 minutes so i'll leave this image for you guys


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sf was attacked

By the Fire nation?

i miss tonny boy and shez

Welcome back

Seems like everything can relate to Spongebob.

Welcome to the modern internet

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Yami is such a boss in the manga. I forgot how much of one he was and how much better his dialog was in general


Edited by Jedi
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