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i liked her for her ENGERY

don't really have an opinion on her look

[spoiler=]the same towns and stuff? gotta say im a little disappointed, but on the plus the player gets to explore more of elympios. i feel like we just got a taste of it in the first game. and more character development hooraaay : ) i honestly thought the story would only focus on ludger and that little girl. super glad that's not the case cuz that means MORE JUDEEEEE

Yeah, the exact same towns and dungeons with the exact same enemies (and at least one boss is the same in 1) and same music.

You start in a town in Elympios, one of the very last places in Xillia 1 and travel towards Rieze Maxia (which are bounded in one world now). There are couple of new towns in Elympios so far but all the other places already existed in 1.

Yeah, there aren't many surprises so far but the new game mechanics and the improved characters make thus game quite a lot fun for me.

her hair is most attractive to me

I agree with this... but only with this.

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i liked her for her ENGERY

don't really have an opinion on her look

[spoiler=]the same towns and stuff? gotta say im a little disappointed, but on the plus the player gets to explore more of elympios. i feel like we just got a taste of it in the first game. and more character development hooraaay : ) i honestly thought the story would only focus on ludger and that little girl. super glad that's not the case cuz that means MORE JUDEEEEE

I like YOU for your ENGERY
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Yeah, the exact same towns and dungeons with the exact same enemies (and at least one boss is the same in 1) and same music.

You start in a town in Elympios, one of the very last places in Xillia 1 and travel towards Rieze Maxia (which are bounded in one world now). There are couple of new towns in Elympios so far but all the other places already existed in 1.

Yeah, there aren't many surprises so far but the new game mechanics and the improved characters make thus game quite a lot fun for me.

I agree with this... but only with this.

I know you as the guy with enough experience in the Tales series so it relieves me greatly that you are enjoying the game so far. I hope it doesn't get... stale, considering you'll be visiting/seeing a lot of familiar environments. I must say though, when it came to the port towns, the first game lost some of its appeal.


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One of the reasons why I dislike Xillia 1: Tales of Millia

Why didn't I play Jude's story? Fuck...

I guess I was attracted by Milla's appearance too much for some reason, despite she's not even that attractive.



someone said it..... ;u;

maybe this has been said before and i wasn't around but aaaaaaa thank yooooou

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One of the reasons why I dislike Xillia 1: Tales of Millia

Why didn't I play Jude's story? Fuck...

I guess I was attracted by Milla's appearance too much for some reason, despite she's not even that attractive.

This post contains deep regret

But seriously, Jude's story wasn't much better

Edited by Soledai
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I know you as the guy with enough experience in the Tales series so it relieves me greatly that you are enjoying the game so far. I hope it doesn't get... stale, considering you'll be visiting/seeing a lot of familiar environments. I must say though, when it came to the port towns, the first game lost some of its appeal.


Also I woudn't call myself an experienced Tales of player.

Well, I've completed five parts yet, but I'm still so bad that I can't beat most bosses on a harder difficulty than on the lowest.

The only Tales of game I was actually good at was Vesperia... but only by accident.

I mainly play this series for fun.

I never would attempt to do a solo challenge on unknown.

Xillia's main downfalls were the boring and also confusing story at the end (I guess I made the mistake to end this game too early) and the uncreative designed dungeons. No real puzzles, most of them were straightforward.

Well, second point will probably still apply to 2 but at least it includes a few things which make this game much more bearable to play than its sequel.

And I appreciate you, Jules.

Same goes for you mijn vriend!

Ik hoop FE10 maakt jij veel plezier en jij zal niet een freak worden zoals ik.

Also I really would like to have a bit vacation but current circumstances don't allow me it. :(

I must stuck at home.

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