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I don't own any 360 controllers, so I'm using a PS3 controller with a USB adapter. It's kind of a pain to get everything set up whenever I get a new computer.

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dude how much did that usb adapter cost, refa?

no clue, honestly. my parents are computer engineers and all so we have a bunch of different adapters just lying around and i used one of those. i'm pretty sure you can use the adapter you use to charge your ps3 controller on the console, though (that's what i did before but then i lost that cable whoops).

Edited by Refa
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no clue, honestly. my parents are computer engineers and all so we have a bunch of different adapters just lying around and i used one of those. i'm pretty sure you can use the adapter you use to charge your ps3 controller on the console, though (that's what i did before but then i lost that cable whoops).

oh >_>

oh right but then you also need to set up some software :V

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wait what it's on PC? >___>


eh i rather have it on the PS4 just because

or both because i'm bad

You are bad, I agree, but for a different reason entirely.


brb asking nightmare when he returns

This already happened, see below *>

I would recommend getting the Vita Senran games, but the Versus games are....eh. Even for Senran.

I dunno, I can't say I'm terribly interested in Senran, but I COULD try one on 3DS or PC if I ever feel willing

didn't it get locked once for a bit

*> Yes because--

I believe one time Kim(?) asked a mod to lock the thread so she could post on a certain page and it happened


I also believe that was the point when people really started getting fed up with the shitposting(This was also when post count still mattered too), and when hhh effectively earned its place as one of the worst threads(I think second worst?) on the entire forum.

well all the PS4 Touhou games were fangames originally. I think.

Yes, from what I remember.

I don't own any 360 controllers, so I'm using a PS3 controller with a USB adapter. It's kind of a pain to get everything set up whenever I get a new computer.

What program do you use?



Thought of DDP... I'm pretty sure that's not right...

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I was about to ask what DDP was but I see its already explained

and that book description is.....uh it looks shit

where is it even from

wish i knew

snarky friend just linked it to me

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