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my favorite part of that fic is when L said he was gonna use stealth only to jump through a window while screaming

omfg you know the ficccccc

for your enjoyment

L turned on the sirens of the helicopter and shouted "come out with your hands up or I will shoot you!". There was no reply and Light's dad dressed as Watari shoot out a window just to show him he meant business and was not just some crazy guy in a helicopter.
"This is your last chance" he shouted and threw a smoke grenade into the house. Soichiro got a good shot at Mikami and killed him in the leg. There was still no reply.
"I will have to use stealth instead" said L and jumped in the broken window screaming.
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I think I may now have an idea of what to write in the meantime. I kinda want to write the other side of the coin of my current project, although it may be harder... or perhaps reuse the idea of my current story and simply change the setting.


Why is it too hard to decide...

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I learned sth. today

I may not use the verb to shit on in this forum.

I don't want to know how many people were banned already because of using this word?

But using other words like the word with f*** is legal... Of course it is!

shit fuck titties ass penis vagina motherfucker

give me my ban, mods

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I learned sth. today

I may not use the verb to shit on in this forum.

I don't want to know how many people were banned already because of using this word?

But using other words like the word with f*** is legal... Of course it is!


I said shit yesterday, so this isn't true. There IS a rule against using profanity in topic titles, but uh... yeah, you can swear, but mildly, or so it's said.

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I said shit yesterday, so this isn't true. There IS a rule against using profanity in topic titles, but uh... yeah, you can swear, but mildly, or so it's said.

It was used in a topic title. (tbh Idk this rule)

However it was my pure intention to word the title in this provoking way.

BTW I don't even think shit on is an appropiate term in the given context.

shit fuck titties ass penis vagina motherfucker

give me my ban, mods

Even if I was a mod, I couldn't give you a ban for this... because I'm way too kind... and tbh I love emotions. (that's how I define these terms)

uh...context? I'm pretty sure I've used that word here with no problem before.

It was used in a topic title as a question. => What would you do if people shit on sth. you actually like?

I didn't know that these terms aren't allowed in topic titles.

However I'm not the opinion that this word was even inpropirate in the context, just a way to express the question.

Edited by Ayama Wirdo
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how are you

Right as rain

How are you?

It was used in a topic title. (tbh Idk this rule)

However it was my pure intention to word the title in this provoking way.

BTW I don't even think shit on is an appropiate term in the given context.

Oh! The last wwyd, of course.

Honestly, I didn't even pay any attention to it.

Edited by Soledai
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[11:46:40 AM] Tristian S.: >phone drops

>red lines show up everywhere

>starts freaking out

>mother comes in trying to fix it

>turns the screen off for a while

>we both start going on about what we can possible do for a new phone

>turns screen back on

>lines are gone

[11:46:42 AM] Tristian S.: thanks apple

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[11:46:40 AM] Tristian S.: >phone drops

>red lines show up everywhere

>starts freaking out

>mother comes in trying to fix it

>turns the screen off for a while

>we both start going on about what we can possible do for a new phone

>turns screen back on

>lines are gone

[11:46:42 AM] Tristian S.: thanks apple

At least it's fine now

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