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>mom asked me why i'm not hanging out w/ friends today

>mom also says that hanging out too much will make me do badly in school


sounds like a typical parent

or asian parent

or chinese parent


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Time to start stage 22.

Queen Diana is now determined to head to Gallia to speak with Arthur Rank. However, she doesn't know yet on how to get there. Ryouma offers to find a way, but later he himself admits it would be hard to convince Captain Bright to head over there without revealing Diana. Thus, he considers going to Tifa for advice. Naturally, since this is a video game, Tifa right now is making another of her "prophetic" drawings, this time of a coastline, and telling Garrod he'll find something if he goes there.

As it turns out, it's a coastline on the south of Inglessa, with a cliff facing to the east, where Gallia is. The Freeden Crew consider this as the place they should go next, and though Gwen points out that this would leave North Ameria with less power to defend itself from the Moon Race, it is also pointed that right now the Irregulars and stuff like the GX and Turn A are getting more attention as of late, so they might as well draw the Moon Race's attention over to Gallia instead.

In the Diana Counter, they've noticed this course of action. Phil thinks they should take the chance to attack them, despite Milan says it's against "Diana"'s oders. Phil however thinks that at this rate they'll never get the Sunbelt region, and heading back to the Moon is not an option. He's as far to go against the Queen if needed.

Back with the heroes, the Iron Gear plans to make a detour in a nearby town to restock on supplies. (Un)coincidentally, Timp is here, ready to ensure they won't make it back to Gallia. As it turns out, Enil is here as well, talking with none other than the J9 Team. She is hiring them to attack the Iron Gear. Isaac has his suspicions, and is able to detect something is amiss, but for now, they should go with the contract.

And thus, while most are in town getting supplies, the Iron Gear comes under attack. By a "landship" that is none other than the Daitarn 3 in it's Daitank mode! Turns out Banjou and his crew were with the J9 Team all along, and dialogue also reveals the Beast Force Squad (aka Dancougar Team) are as well. Turns out these 3 groups were the Breaker group Heero and Duo heard rumors about near Fort Severn.

But for now, Stage 22 opens with Iron Gear vs. Daitank! This will be interesting...
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Heh, he counters the Iron Gear switching to its WM mode by simply going back to its Daitarn form.

Diatarn 3 is huge, even compared to other mecha, and some SRW games do point this out... heh, turns out it can rival the Iron Gear in size.

Interestingly enough, Daitarn 3 has Bajou's crew (Garrison, Reika, and Toppo) as actual sub-pilots. Normally enemies in SRW don't get this ever, so meta logic would dictate Daitarn will come to my side somewhere down the stage.

But what surprises me, though, is that all 3 of the sub-pilots have actual stats. Normally, subpilots (that don't pilot something on their own) only have the Seishin list, and D ranks in terrain. But these 3 have full-fledged stats, Terrain ranks, and even skills. This would mean they are pilots, and if not Daitarn 3 itself, then... hmm...

As such, I actually avoid attacking Daitarn and simply Defend from its attacks. This is because three turns in, Timp decides to show up. But just before it can fire at both Iron Gear and Daitarn, his landship is attacked in turn. Turns out, it was an act to draw him out. Isaac contacted Captain Bright during the fight. Enil is actually pleased her plan failed, since her real objective is for Garrod to show up. Naturally, Jiron finally learns Timp is alive. At this point, the J9 and Beast Squat Teams also show up. Sadly, the Dancougar team shows up separate, so I must combine them into Dancougar manually. Oh well.

Now, this stage contains a few secrets and steps. First, Garrod must depoy for this stage so Enil deploys herself. Then he must defeat her.

The skill point is to defeat Timp. Unlike others, he won't automatically retreat when his HP or Breakers get low enough in number. He will instead try to move to a map's edge. So, this skill point is easier to get than the norm.

Last, but not least, there's a Mountain Cycle in this stage. And again, the unit obtained will be worse since I'm on Hard difficulty.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Alright, Garrod has defeated Enil. It really wasn't that hard. She apparently doesn't seem to want to counterattack anyone who isn't Garrod, so it was just a matter of attacking her with other units, then let Garrod deal the final blow in the enemy phase. That's another step done for this secret... whatever this one is.

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