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Okay, time to continue with Stage 27, and defeat the new Breaker wave.

And no, I'm actually not going to change my avi and stuff back for this. Just for Christmas.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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i dunno, not yet anyways. but apparently it's worked before.

I won't stop believing! Also damn, a Porygon Z, I could use one of those.

Also thanks and sorry for the late reply!

Man, how easy is it to get a Weavile? Because I might do that if it's easy enough.

My reply here is eve later so huh

It's kind of tedious, but it's not hard. I got a Mimikyu with thief and went in the Vast Poni Canyon to find Jangmo-o, since they're the only source of Razor Claws in the game then I just chain SOS battle since it calls hakamo-o and even Kommo-os (who have 50% chance of holding it vs 5% for the previous twos). The good thing is that in every cases, they only have 1 offensive move, either normal or dragon, meaning Mimikyu is completely untouchable to all of them.

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And one Deravasgalan is down. I still have to worry about the other...

Speaking of, other than that one and the Iron Gear, the initial enemy wave has been dealt with.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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[spoiler=Breezy's Christmas Shitpost]

'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the Rift

My friend and I Q'd up, despite games being shit

The Queue times were long, and the Champ Select was hard

I was autofilled to support, so I locked in my Bard

I go to the bot lane, my ADC at my side

The enemy has a Blitzcrank, so I warn him to hide

I collect my chimes, as his body goes thud

The enemy has invaded, and was rewarded First Blood.

The bot lane is rough, that much I say is true

When around 3 minutes our jungler dies to Blue.

It's 15 minutes now, and the game has been rough

When I walk to go ward, I see things in the brush

The enemy jungle and mid, have come for their reward

While the enemy top teleport to a perfect flank ward

The 5-man is too much, and the tower goes down

This game has remnants of a fiesta for clowns

The surrender vote goes up, but our Yasuo says 'No'

How he went 0/15, I guess I'll never know

They take our Inhib, as I throw out a bind

It's the best I can do with my tilted state of mind

They run it down mid, there's not much to see

Save the 5 dead bodies of my teammates and me

This entire experience had made me quite queezy

In the finale of all-chat, the enemy says 'GG EZ'

At least for now I won't get autofilled again

At least until the auto-protection ends

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My reply here is eve later so huh

It's kind of tedious, but it's not hard. I got a Mimikyu with thief and went in the Vast Poni Canyon to find Jangmo-o, since they're the only source of Razor Claws in the game then I just chain SOS battle since it calls hakamo-o and even Kommo-os (who have 50% chance of holding it vs 5% for the previous twos). The good thing is that in every cases, they only have 1 offensive move, either normal or dragon, meaning Mimikyu is completely untouchable to all of them.



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took a break from another game to check the gts and grind a bit in pokemon

i love messages that are like

"it looks like it might cry!" or "it looks at you with determined eyes!"

like man my nihilego doesnt have either where is it crying

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