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2 minutes ago, sylveonzoroark said:

man where did Tolkien get all these names from

IIRC he was a linguist that liked creating languages so much he wrote books to have a place where to use those languages.

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2 minutes ago, Hitori said:

@ both sylv's "wbu" and hatt's "how are you" i am good, i was extremely stressed over some school things this week but i ended up getting full marks on them so i feel betterish. miraculously i am actually....not really that stressed over many things right now?? i am overloaded with lots of homework (i have done ~19 hours of homework within the past three days and i feel like im abt to die) but it's not super hard and i am very interested in the material. it feels something

also music is killin me in all the good ways rn ;_;

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but bash @ my lit teacher, i was supposed to turn in something online but the assignment didn't show up for me and it was 9 p.m. the night before it was due and i was crying because i didn't know what to do but it turned out that she just put it up super late. like, literally three hours before it was physically due


it doesn't matter that much bc my grade isn't affected as long as i turn it in physically (it just doesn't get graded until it is turned in digitally) but i was very crying about it



that's great! @full marks

i have probably procrastinated on about 19 hours of homework 

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2 minutes ago, sylveonzoroark said:

man where did Tolkien get all these names from

IIRC he was a linguist that liked creating languages so much he wrote books to have a place where to use those languages.

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Just now, LuxSpes said:

IIRC he was a linguist that liked creating languages so much he wrote books to have a place where to use those languages.

thats so funny

Just now, sylveonzoroark said:

that's great! @full marks

i have probably procrastinated on about 19 hours of homework 

yes thanks!!

lmao thats also impressive in a different way tbh

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2 minutes ago, Hitori said:

@ both sylv's "wbu" and hatt's "how are you" i am good, i was extremely stressed over some school things this week but i ended up getting full marks on them so i feel betterish. miraculously i am actually....not really that stressed over many things right now?? i am overloaded with lots of homework (i have done ~19 hours of homework within the past three days and i feel like im abt to die) but it's not super hard and i am very interested in the material. it feels something

also music is killin me in all the good ways rn ;_;

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but bash @ my lit teacher, i was supposed to turn in something online but the assignment didn't show up for me and it was 9 p.m. the night before it was due and i was crying because i didn't know what to do but it turned out that she just put it up super late. like, literally three hours before it was physically due


it doesn't matter that much bc my grade isn't affected as long as i turn it in physically (it just doesn't get graded until it is turned in digitally) but i was very crying about it



that's great! @full marks

i have probably procrastinated on about 19 hours of homework 

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kim's thoughts on unknown mother goose by wowaka:


this song sux i was totally disappointed when i found out that it was created by the genius behind rolling girl and two-faced lovers and unhappy refrain and world's end dancehall all of which i adore, it was directionless and lacked any clear melody and it was chaotic and disjointed and it was awful and utterly dissatisfying

however the one (1) version i have heard is yorukichi's and it is amazing, i never realized how much a singer could change a song. like when i listen to it i rly have to stop everything im doing because his falsetto is gorgeous and i love the way he does the prechorus and my only regret is that i can't listen to it too many times in a row because i start crying at how beautiful his cover is. stream



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stan hitori
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5 minutes ago, Hitori said:

btw sylv thoughts on unknown mother goose by wowaka

i'm still thinking of gutter moose

i agree with kim it's pretty chaotic but kinda in a good way? the background music overpowers the vocals in a lot of parts though which is a no no

yorukichi does make this song 150% better i love yorukichi

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o my gosh even i had forgotten gutter moose

whew thx i felt kinda bad about it at first because i did really really really love his previous releases but as kpop has taught me forcing myself to like things sux

i love yorukichi too


man i can't stop staring at ur sig it looks so yummy

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o my gosh even i had forgotten gutter moose

whew thx i felt kinda bad about it at first because i did really really really love his previous releases but as kpop has taught me forcing myself to like things sux

i love yorukichi too


man i can't stop staring at ur sig it looks so yummy

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not moosic


omg it took a forever of patience but i have finally sold this retired usermade accent and now i feel rich


i mean it's gonna disappear as soon as wildclaw scrolls cycle back in bc i need one for hitori but for now i am royalty


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not moosic


omg it took a forever of patience but i have finally sold this retired usermade accent and now i feel rich


i mean it's gonna disappear as soon as wildclaw scrolls cycle back in bc i need one for hitori but for now i am royalty


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33 minutes ago, Hitori said:

whos fëanor and y does he suck?? also heh truly we have so much in common

Oh man, I have so much explaining to do tonight.

So back before the Sun and the Moon were created, there were the Trees. There was Telperion, which shone silver, and Laurelin, which shone gold. It might sound weird, but actually the light of the Trees was really bright and beautiful (the Sun and Moon are actually only weak rip-offs of the Trees).

Now Fëanor was a very gifted smith of the Noldorin Elves and at one point he succeeded in forging the Silmarils: three bright jewels, each of which shone with the light of the two Trees combined.

Naturally, everyone loved the Silmarils and Fëanor was very proud of his work, but he was also afraid someone would try to steal them. So as time passed, he grew increasingly protective of the Silmarils and distrusting of everyone that wasn't his dad (Finwë), his wife or his sons. He eventually grew so distrustful of his younger half-brother Fingolfin that he drew his sword against him, for which he banished by the Valar. Then he went to live in exile for a long time, and he was joined by his father and his sons. 

In Valimar there was this annual festival which the Valar and the Elves celebrated to commemorate the coming of the Elves to Valinor. Now the Valar called upon Fëanor to come to the festival, so that they may pardon him. Fëanor went, but only because Finwë urged him to; at Fëanor's urging, Finwë stayed behind to keep watch over the Silmarils.

Now all the Elves (except for Finwë) and Valar were gathered in Valimar for the festival. But the Dark Lord Melkor coveted the light of the Trees and of the Silmarils. So while everyone was at the festival, Valinor suddenly went dark - Melkor had killed the Trees.

But there was hope yet! The Valar said that if the Silmarils were broken, they could take their light and use it to revive the Trees. So they asked Fëanor to give the Silmarils. After a long moment of doubt, Fëanor refused, saying that he had poured all his heart into the Silmarils, that these were a work that he could only achieve once and that if they were to be broken, then he would be slain, first of all the Elves. Then Mandos said: "Not the first."

Now messengers came to Valinor: Melkor had slain Finwë and taken the Silmarils! Then Fëanor cursed Melkor (calling him Morgoth) and the Valar. He assembled all the Noldor and spoke to them rebellious words against the Valar and against Men, and called them to arms, against Morgoth, to reclaim the Silmarils and to forge mighty kingdoms in Middle-earth. Then Fëanor and his sons swore a terrible oath, to take the Silmarils from whomever would keep them from them, be they Morgoth or Elf or Man or Vala, be they friend or foe, by force if need be. And this oath they swore by Eru Ilúvatar, and they called the highest of the Valar as their witnesses. 
Most of the Noldor followed Fëanor. His half-brothers Fingolfin and Finarfin followed too, for though they loved the Valar and were grieved by Fëanor's words, they loved their people and would not be parted from them.

So now the Noldor set out in three hosts, one following Fëanor, another following Fingolfin and another following Finarfin. Fëanor's host was always ahead of the others, being filled with the fire of wrath. They came now to Alqualondë, the haven of the Telerin Elves. For the Noldor had to cross the sea to reach Middle-earth, but had no ships of their own. Yet the Teleri had the beautiful and strong swan-ships. Fëanor now asked them to lend them their ships, but the Teleri refused, for they were grieved by the rebellion of the Noldor and would not be parted from their swan-ships, which were unto them as the Silmarils had been unto Fëanor. Then Fëanor's host drew their swords and started killing the Teleri and taking their ships by force.

When the Teleri had surrendered, the Noldor set out northwards, for they had not enough ships to ferry all their army across at once and in the north the sea was less wide. Then suddenly Mandos appeared before them standing on a high rock. He had come to speak the punishment of the Valar for the crime that the Noldor had committed by slaying the Teleri. And this doom he spoke: that the Noldor were now given one last chance to turn back and pardoned; if they would not, that they would be banished from the Undying Land; taht they should in Middle-earth not find that which they seek, but find only treason and fear of treason, which would be their undoing; that they would be easily slain with weapons; and that all the Elves in Middle-earth should slowly fade, until their bodies faded to nothing. 

Now Finarfin's host repented and turned back, but Fëanor's and Fingolfin's hosts hardened their hearts and pressed on. But distrust grew ever stronger in Fëanor's heart. So when they came near to the uttermost north, he set sail in secrecy at night with only those of his host. When they embarked on Middle-earth, his oldest son Maedhros asked: "Who shall you send back with the ships to collect the rest of our army and who shall be ferried across next?" Then Fëanor laughed like a madman and cried: "None and none!" Then he proceeded to set fire to the ships.

So now the rest of the Noldor had no way to get to Middle-earth by ship. There was one other way: the Grinding Ice. In the uttermost north, there was an ice strait connecting the Undying Land and Middle-earth. Fingolfin's host crossed this icy strait, with heavy loss, for many froze to death or drowned or otherwise died.

Fëanor died in the first battle against Morgoth's forces. But the oath that his sons had sworn would cause great sorrow later, and the Silmarils ended up lost forever.

32 minutes ago, sylveonzoroark said:

man where did Tolkien get all these names from

1. Invent a bunch a languages.
2. Create names in the languages you've invented.
3. ???
4. Profit!

32 minutes ago, Hitori said:

me @ byakuran except without the tragic part

I like how you can look at a thing and say "that is totally me except for the whole thing".

31 minutes ago, Hitori said:

remember the soribada awards when wonho was trying to talk to btob but they wouldn't stop touching his pecs and he was like "dudes stop"

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Do we still hate wonho by the way?

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