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Alright, made over 500 words... but in terms of story content, I've only made little of what I want to cover.

Yeah, I'm starting to doubt if I'll finish it by Thursday. But for now, sleep calls...

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12 hours ago, PKLucas531 said:

kim important question

were jesus' apostles just jesus stans

that is such an important question that i am afraid that i am not qualified to answer it.....

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HI yes sry my lit homework took forever bc i couldn't fuckin figure it out. anyway today i understood what was going on in math for once and i was so unbelievably ecstatic that i was shaking and sobbing i felt so happy

Edited by Painkiller B
stan hitori
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also there was a fire at my school yesterday



it was funny bc we had a fire drill 20 minutes prior and then when the alarm rang again we were like "wtf is it malfunctioning" and just sat there confused for a couple minutes but then someone was like THERES A FIRE and then we had to go outside

it was really cold and since i was wearing a skirt i was running in place the entire time to keep warm i thought i was gonna die but it was ok. but also it wasn't bc i missed a good chunk of my holocaust class =(

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every time this cursed image pops up i gotta do a spit take and put down my phone to pray and apologize for my sins like i can't believe someone translated and unironically wrote this what 


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42 minutes ago, Painkiller B said:
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every time this cursed image pops up i gotta do a spit take and put down my phone to pray and apologize for my sins like i can't believe someone translated and unironically wrote this what 


how come im not in this list?????????

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I can't believe they moved our free day to Friday.

I suppose it was for the three-day weekend, but no, Nov. 2 itself should remain free! My brother and cousin both will have it free, only mine was moved, figures.

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7 hours ago, PKLucas531 said:

free tokugawa charm included

out of all the words on the page those r the ones u choose to focus on


7 hours ago, Euklyd said:

u have no idea


probably not, i've been incredibly on top of things this year =)


7 hours ago, Herald Merkabah said:

how come im not in this list?????????

guess ur not one of JAPANS HOTTEST WARLORDS sorry dan better luck next time

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