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istg hashiyan alone raps circles around like 95 or even 99 percent of idol rappers and im not even supposed to like japanese rap


Edited by Painkiller B
stan hitori
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nothing makes me happier than discovering an old utaite who hasn't retired and realizing that i like them bc theyre from the first generation and have probably covered lots of classics and more importantly songs i am familiar w......


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my dad just came over and said "kim let me ask u something" and whenever he says that it's bad so i burst into tears before he even said anything and he was like wat the fuk i just wanted help w grammar, anyway on a completely unrelated note i learned about classical conditioning in psych today and now i feel omnipotent


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I've been itching to dabble in another story idea I've had, but for this one I need to find out some info about first. Something FE related, in fact, but unfortunately it seems that there doesn't seem to be any info about continent sizes. Unless I'm somehow missing something... not even here there seems to be info.

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4 hours ago, Painkiller B said:

how and why

painkiller bzz

uni is sea urchin in japanese idk i can never look at him the same way again

51 minutes ago, Painkiller B said:
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my dad just came over and said "kim let me ask u something" and whenever he says that it's bad so i burst into tears before he even said anything and he was like wat the fuk i just wanted help w grammar, anyway on a completely unrelated note i learned about classical conditioning in psych today and now i feel omnipotent


teach me o omnipotent one

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3 hours ago, Painkiller B said:
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i thought i didn't like rap music but apparently i just don't like idol rappers


if u dont like rm we gonna fight

1 hour ago, Painkiller B said:
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my dad just came over and said "kim let me ask u something" and whenever he says that it's bad so i burst into tears before he even said anything and he was like wat the fuk i just wanted help w grammar, anyway on a completely unrelated note i learned about classical conditioning in psych today and now i feel omnipotent


lmao wat was the problem wat did u teach him...

wat's classical conditioning

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1 hour ago, sylveonzoroark said:

uni is sea urchin in japanese idk i can never look at him the same way again

teach me o omnipotent one

that's hilarious and kinda cute tbh

idk if that is a serious question but im gonna talk about it anyway bc its gonna help me review and also psychology is interesting

1 hour ago, PKLucas531 said:

if u dont like rm we gonna fight

lmao wat was the problem wat did u teach him...

wat's classical conditioning

rm and one other idol rapper r debatable but like u kno

uhh he wanted to know the word for (something) and it was "integrity" so nothin mean...but the way he approached me was rly threatening much like dads

wow i sure am glad u and maybe sylv asked


so u kno ivan pavlov right?? he was this russian guy who made a bunch of significant contributions to wat we know about the digestive system today and he won a nobel prize for it which was pretty rad. but more importantly was that during his experiment w dogs and food he noticed that the dogs, without fail, would salivate whenever they saw the food. at first he was like "this is so fuckin annoying" but then he hmm'd and did a thing:

every time he showed the food to the dog he would sound a bell and eventually the dog began to associate the bell sound with the food and salivate just at the bell. this is a specific example but it can be applied to other things in like


[ before conditioning ]

sight of food (unconditioned stimulus) -> salivation (unconditioned response)

they are unconditioned because it is natural and does not have to be learned, e.g. you shiver when it is cold or you scratch an itch when you feel one. also, the bell sound (neutral stimulus) would produce no reaction from the dog during this stage

[ during conditioning ]

sight of food (ucs) + bell (ns) -> salivation (ucr)

this is the acquisition stage during which the dog learns to associate the bell w the food, and eventually

[ after conditioning ]

bell sound (conditioned stimulus) -> salivation (conditioned response)

the dog will react even without the original unconditioned stimulus


if the cs is continuously introduced without the ucs, though, the cr will gradually disappear (e.g. repeatedly ringing the bell without showing food will eventually make the dog stop salivating at the sound). it's called "extinction" when the cs and cs lose association in the subject's mind altogether but for some reason it can make a spontaneous recovery and come back some time later, which leads psychologists to believe that extinction suppresses the link rather than eliminating it. funnily enough there's also a thing called higher-order conditioning in which someone could hypothetically introduce a second neutral stimulus into the equation and ALSO make it a conditioned stimulus by associating it with the first neutral stimulus, although it will produce a weaker response. for example

tickle (ns) -> no salivation

bell sound (cs) + tickle (ns) -> salivation

tickle (new cs) -> somewhat less salivation


there's also something called generalization which basically means that the subject will produce a similar reaction if presented with things similar to the conditioned stimulus. for example, if u've heard of little baby albert, he was conditioned to fear his white furry rat but after that cried and screamed at anything furry, like rabbits and dogs he was visibly unaffected by prior to the conditioning. babies learn to fear the sound of motorcycles and other motorized vehicles from the sound of a car engine, et cetera

anyway if u classically condition someone to associate Good Things w u (maybe u give them chocolate every time u meet) u can make them like u more. that's a tame example but i think u could potentially take classical conditioning pretty far


Edited by Painkiller B
stan hitori
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tomorrow i am gonna read about operant conditioning and i'm already rly excited




me: i have done my psych homework three weeks in advance!!

kim: nice! now what about your math homework due tomorrow



kim: dude—

me: i am gonna work on my fourth week of psychology homework


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On 10/31/2017 at 2:20 AM, Infinite Dreams said:

I'll try!  I'm not gifted with words, though... And I'll be as vague as possible to avoid spoilers.  :P:

I'm not sure if you've seen season 1 yet or not, but if not: The show is really neat because it's so... Strange?  Yeah.  Lots of weird, spooky stuff going on in this small town.  (Note: The show isn't too scary to watch alone.  I'm a big chicken and I was fine with it.)  It's set in the 80s.  Every episode made me hungry for more, more, more.  It's really good at building up suspense, and it's hard to stop watching.  

Season 2 feels "bigger" because it builds on a lot of stuff we saw in season 1, and there are all these different different stories going on at once.  

(The episode in particular that I didn't like just had a completely different feel from the rest of the show.  It headed in a direction that I wasn't fond of, and I was like, uhh, am I still watching Stranger Things right now?  Luckily, it was just the one episode.)

Personally, I'd rate season 2 just as good as season 1.  Such an awesome show.  ;):

i haven't really, all i know is most people i know really like it

season 2 is more of like....an expansion?
that sounds real nice
i love when the next season is more a bigger version of the first

On 10/31/2017 at 4:06 PM, Claudius I said:

melkor is pretty much just a child throwing a temper tantrum

except that he's the most powerful being in the universe

ea sounds depressing

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35 minutes ago, Painkiller B said:

that's hilarious and kinda cute tbh

idk if that is a serious question but im gonna talk about it anyway bc its gonna help me review and also psychology is interesting

rm and one other idol rapper r debatable but like u kno

uhh he wanted to know the word for (something) and it was "integrity" so nothin mean...but the way he approached me was rly threatening much like dads

wow i sure am glad u and maybe sylv asked

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so u kno ivan pavlov right?? he was this russian guy who made a bunch of significant contributions to wat we know about the digestive system today and he won a nobel prize for it which was pretty rad. but more importantly was that during his experiment w dogs and food he noticed that the dogs, without fail, would salivate whenever they saw the food. at first he was like "this is so fuckin annoying" but then he hmm'd and did a thing:

every time he showed the food to the dog he would sound a bell and eventually the dog began to associate the bell sound with the food and salivate just at the bell. this is a specific example but it can be applied to other things in like


[ before conditioning ]

sight of food (unconditioned stimulus) -> salivation (unconditioned response)

they are unconditioned because it is natural and does not have to be learned, e.g. you shiver when it is cold or you scratch an itch when you feel one. also, the bell sound (neutral stimulus) would produce no reaction from the dog during this stage

[ during conditioning ]

sight of food (ucs) + bell (ns) -> salivation (ucr)

this is the acquisition stage during which the dog learns to associate the bell w the food, and eventually

[ after conditioning ]

bell sound (conditioned stimulus) -> salivation (conditioned response)

the dog will react even without the original unconditioned stimulus


if the cs is continuously introduced without the ucs, though, the cr will gradually disappear (e.g. repeatedly ringing the bell without showing food will eventually make the dog stop salivating at the sound). it's called "extinction" when the cs and cs lose association in the subject's mind altogether but for some reason it can make a spontaneous recovery and come back some time later, which leads psychologists to believe that extinction suppresses the link rather than eliminating it. funnily enough there's also a thing called higher-order conditioning in which someone could hypothetically introduce a second neutral stimulus into the equation and ALSO make it a conditioned stimulus by associating it with the first neutral stimulus, although it will produce a weaker response. for example

tickle (ns) -> no salivation

bell sound (cs) + tickle (ns) -> salivation

tickle (new cs) -> somewhat less salivation


there's also something called generalization which basically means that the subject will produce a similar reaction if presented with things similar to the conditioned stimulus. for example, if u've heard of little baby albert, he was conditioned to fear his white furry rat but after that cried and screamed at anything furry, like rabbits and dogs he was visibly unaffected by prior to the conditioning. babies learn to fear the sound of motorcycles and other motorized vehicles from the sound of a car engine, et cetera

anyway if u classically condition someone to associate Good Things w u (maybe u give them chocolate every time u meet) u can make them like u more. that's a tame example but i think u could potentially take classical conditioning pretty far


oh yes i remember this experiment. man psychology is so interesting i love it

33 minutes ago, Painkiller B said:

tomorrow i am gonna read about operant conditioning and i'm already rly excited


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me: i have done my psych homework three weeks in advance!!

kim: nice! now what about your math homework due tomorrow



kim: dude—

me: i am gonna work on my fourth week of psychology homework


tell us about that too i'm already excited too

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2 hours ago, Painkiller B said:

that's hilarious and kinda cute tbh

idk if that is a serious question but im gonna talk about it anyway bc its gonna help me review and also psychology is interesting

rm and one other idol rapper r debatable but like u kno

uhh he wanted to know the word for (something) and it was "integrity" so nothin mean...but the way he approached me was rly threatening much like dads

wow i sure am glad u and maybe sylv asked

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so u kno ivan pavlov right?? he was this russian guy who made a bunch of significant contributions to wat we know about the digestive system today and he won a nobel prize for it which was pretty rad. but more importantly was that during his experiment w dogs and food he noticed that the dogs, without fail, would salivate whenever they saw the food. at first he was like "this is so fuckin annoying" but then he hmm'd and did a thing:

every time he showed the food to the dog he would sound a bell and eventually the dog began to associate the bell sound with the food and salivate just at the bell. this is a specific example but it can be applied to other things in like


[ before conditioning ]

sight of food (unconditioned stimulus) -> salivation (unconditioned response)

they are unconditioned because it is natural and does not have to be learned, e.g. you shiver when it is cold or you scratch an itch when you feel one. also, the bell sound (neutral stimulus) would produce no reaction from the dog during this stage

[ during conditioning ]

sight of food (ucs) + bell (ns) -> salivation (ucr)

this is the acquisition stage during which the dog learns to associate the bell w the food, and eventually

[ after conditioning ]

bell sound (conditioned stimulus) -> salivation (conditioned response)

the dog will react even without the original unconditioned stimulus


if the cs is continuously introduced without the ucs, though, the cr will gradually disappear (e.g. repeatedly ringing the bell without showing food will eventually make the dog stop salivating at the sound). it's called "extinction" when the cs and cs lose association in the subject's mind altogether but for some reason it can make a spontaneous recovery and come back some time later, which leads psychologists to believe that extinction suppresses the link rather than eliminating it. funnily enough there's also a thing called higher-order conditioning in which someone could hypothetically introduce a second neutral stimulus into the equation and ALSO make it a conditioned stimulus by associating it with the first neutral stimulus, although it will produce a weaker response. for example

tickle (ns) -> no salivation

bell sound (cs) + tickle (ns) -> salivation

tickle (new cs) -> somewhat less salivation


there's also something called generalization which basically means that the subject will produce a similar reaction if presented with things similar to the conditioned stimulus. for example, if u've heard of little baby albert, he was conditioned to fear his white furry rat but after that cried and screamed at anything furry, like rabbits and dogs he was visibly unaffected by prior to the conditioning. babies learn to fear the sound of motorcycles and other motorized vehicles from the sound of a car engine, et cetera

anyway if u classically condition someone to associate Good Things w u (maybe u give them chocolate every time u meet) u can make them like u more. that's a tame example but i think u could potentially take classical conditioning pretty far


dude yeah i've read about kinds of conditioning which is y i asked

i read about this really drastic case where this guy would always like, squeeze his wife/gf's (idr) thigh whenever they made out and said "i love you" for like forever and then he could just stare her in the face and squeeze her thigh and she'd say "i love you" like almost as if commanded it was wild

and then he speculated that like... if you did something similar during sex enough times he wondered if u could get an orgasm "on demand" like that psychologists are wild

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14 hours ago, Painkiller B said:

wow, euklyd?? sleeping???? incomprehensible

as in u ARE #8 or would date #8 bc tbh knowing u it'd be both

im actually rly sleepy rn (probably bc i've gotten like 2-5 hours of sleep every night for the past week)

definitely both

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11 hours ago, sylveonzoroark said:

oh yes i remember this experiment. man psychology is so interesting i love it

tell us about that too i'm already excited too

do u mean pavlov's experiment or the little albert one??? if u mean the latter yea i watched it in class and cried bc it was so sad : ( he was so afraid of the furry animals and the psychologists kept shoving them on him and he could barely crawl away because he was so small it made me sad

yes i will, thx for helpin me review

9 hours ago, PKLucas531 said:

dude yeah i've read about kinds of conditioning which is y i asked

i read about this really drastic case where this guy would always like, squeeze his wife/gf's (idr) thigh whenever they made out and said "i love you" for like forever and then he could just stare her in the face and squeeze her thigh and she'd say "i love you" like almost as if commanded it was wild

and then he speculated that like... if you did something similar during sex enough times he wondered if u could get an orgasm "on demand" like that psychologists are wild

ya psychology is always interesting but this is one of the more "whoa!!" things i think!!!

thats wild lmao, i think i actually have read about a guy who kissed his wife's ear or neck or sth right after every time they had sex and i forgot what resulted from that but yes conditioning is crazy......i feel powerful

9 hours ago, Euklyd said:

im actually rly sleepy rn (probably bc i've gotten like 2-5 hours of sleep every night for the past week)

definitely both

wow r u ok, do u need someone to mom u

is it at least for something productive

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Does Red Velvet really deserve all this hype and attention?













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45 minutes ago, Painkiller B said:

wow r u ok, do u need someone to mom u

is it at least for something productive

no i'd just ignore them too

kind of?? the intent was generally good but i didn't necessarily make a lot of progress from it

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50 minutes ago, Euklyd said:

no i'd just ignore them too

kind of?? the intent was generally good but i didn't necessarily make a lot of progress from it

darn, well as ur friend i am gonna remind u to actually be ok anyway




u irl


50 minutes ago, PKLucas531 said:

tom and jerry 

I want to watch the vid but my internet is down atm....

heh nice

: (....shame...........it's rly good and dumb, much like seventeen and especially hoshi and dk


29 minutes ago, sylveonzoroark said:


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ahahaha oh god what the fuck is this help this is the best thing i've seen all year oh my god


i still haven't seen move tbh, my friend showed me the lyrics and i was afraid





also taemin vaguely looks like wonho from stuck era in the thumbnail and it's scary woops

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2 hours ago, Painkiller B said:

damian watch this important video of hoshi and dk hyping up carats for the sebtin keombaek

"carats are you ready, seventeen is coming"


watchin this w a different song in the bg is rly good bc they're just kinda movin to the beat w/o any face it's fun


Edited by Painkiller B
stan hitori
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