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6 minutes ago, Painkiller B said:

itt: i yell about character design in choigangui gundan

character #11: mary

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portrait 1


+ as with all the basic portraits this is quite simple but mary's looks rly nice
+ i love her shoes they look like collars and cravats
+ her jacket is super nice
+ her shorts are cute
+ i like her necklace
+ the green armband is cute and matches her eyes
+ everything is super well rounded overall
- the knee thing is rly weird and out of place??

overall - 9.5/10


portrait 2


+ she got new earrings
+ i think shes sitting on a bunch of rice
- bro why is she even wearing a belt what is it for!!!
- her shoes no longer look funny.....
- her jacket isn't really cute any more =(

overall - 6/10


portrait 3


+ wow she looks totally different but still same and i appreciate it
+ she still has her necklace though
+ her jacket is rly spunky and cute
+ i rly like her pants and shoes
+ also her gloves
• is that a zebra or a gorilla
- i feel like this overall portrait lacks a kind of personality that the two previous ones had??
- the outfit itself is pretty plain too

overall - 7/10


+ i REALLY like the coluor scheme here!!
+ her belt makes sense and looks nice
+ i love her sweater
+ her necklace got an upgrade and now she has a matching bracelet
+ i rly appreciate how she has been wearing sneakers this entire time
+ her tonfa is TOTALLY SICKO
+ thigh-highs
- similarly to mac the progression of mary's design is really wonky lmao
- like she literally looks like a different person each time???

overall - 9.5/10


i read "overall - 9.5/10", "overall - 6/10" etc. as "overall: negative 9.5 of 10", "overall: negative 6 out of 10" and it was really funny to me because none of them had a positive score heh

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1 minute ago, Claudius I said:

i read "overall - 9.5/10", "overall - 6/10" etc. as "overall: negative 9.5 of 10", "overall: negative 6 out of 10" etc. and it was really funny to me because none of them had a positive score heh

this is also good

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1 minute ago, Claudius I said:

i read "overall - 9.5/10", "overall - 6/10" etc. as "overall: negative 9.5 of 10", "overall: negative 6 out of 10" etc. and it was really funny to me because none of them had a positive score heh

this is also good

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itt: i yell about character design in choigangui gundan

character #13: ramirez


a preface: sigh up until this point i have given automatic 1/10s if a character is shirtless but i actually quite like ramirez so i will ATTEMPT to write things for him (begrudgingly bc even though i have said "hes too shirtless" for nagne and derrick and jackdaw ramirez is more shirtless than all of them, how annoying)





portrait 1


+ i rly like his hair
+ his necklace is nice
+ also his tattoo
+ and his gloves
+ his pants r simple but they work for him
+ it looks like he's wearing eyeliner and it looks okay
- wtf are those shoes wtf!!
- hes pretty shirtless

overall - 9/10


portrait 2


+ o man i know i said i liked the pants from earlier but these are even nicer
+ his shoes look great too
+ the armor looks really arbitrary but it's ramirez so it's ok
• the transition b/t his first portrait and his second one looks like he aged backwards
- u know whats not ok though, the things on his forearms
- whats.....going on with the buttcape
- literally WHAT happened to his tattoo wtf!!!
- also his hair
- hes still shirtless

overall - 7/10


portrait 3


+ oh man i love the character portraits w another version of them in the background, ramirez is no different
+ his pants kinda got worse but they still look good
+ his face looks so bad it's good
- his shoes just straight-up do not match his outfit
- i....am fairly sure that the jacket tied around his waist would not fit him
- proportions are wonky all around
- hes still shirtless

overall - 7/10


portrait 4


+ he looks like gilgamesh
+ i think his tattoo has changed in every portrait and at this point i am just accepting it
+ i feel like trying to rationalize this portrait will just make it worse for me but it is pretty good actually
- hes still shirtless

overall - 8/10


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3 minutes ago, Claudius I said:

hi kim i said i didn't really feel like history shitposting but is it okay if i tolkien shitpost?????


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3 minutes ago, Claudius I said:

hi kim i said i didn't really feel like history shitposting but is it okay if i tolkien shitpost?????


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okay so



really long ago there were these beings called the valar and they were holy spirits created by god to shape the world and govern it on his behalf

then the mightiest of them, melkor, turned against the others

anyway, there's a long war and such, but eventually the valar lock melkor in prison in the blessed realm (continent to the west of middle-earth) where all the valar live

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okay so



really long ago there were these beings called the valar and they were holy spirits created by god to shape the world and govern it on his behalf

then the mightiest of them, melkor, turned against the others

anyway, there's a long war and such, but eventually the valar lock melkor in prison in the blessed realm (continent to the west of middle-earth) where all the valar live

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So now there's Elves and Elves are different from Men because Elves are immortal (meaning they don't die of old age and are resistant to illness and recover from wounds easily and quickly - but they can still be killed)

So in the northwest of Middle-earth there's this really cool region called Beleriand and it's pretty chill.
There's a bunch of Elves living in this country there called Doriath and they're called Eglath and their king is Thingol and everyone respects Thingol tbh

Then on the coast there live some other Elves called Falmari and they also formally recognize Thingol as king (together with the Eglath they're called the Sindar) but they live really far away from Doriath so they have their own lord, Círdan, and manage their own affairs.

(Then there's technically also the Laiquendi but they only fought in one battle and after that they just fled from everything so we don't really talk about them)

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but there's also elves living in the blessed realm and there's this huge elvish people there that's called the noldor and their king is finwë

now keep in mind that the sun and the moon don't exist yet at this time and the world's source of light (apart from the stars) is these two trees in the blessed realm: telperion that shines in silver, and laurelin that shines in gold

now the noldor are really good at making things, especially jewels, and fëanor (finwë's oldest son) is extra good at it
so this one time he makes three jewels called the silmarils and they're really fucking good
they're so good that each of them shines with the light of the two trees combined!!!!

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now after like thousands of years melkor is released from prison because pretends to be good now but (spoilers) he isn't and after he sows a bunch of dissent among the noldor he kills finwë and also the trees and also he steals the silmarils

so fëanor gets really mad and he and his sons swear a terrible oath to regain the silmarils but also they rebel against the valar and also they kill a bunch of other elves and also they are therefore banished from the blessed realm by the valar

but most of the noldor follow him because they're really mad at melkor (whom they now call morgoth, which means "the dark foe") and want to get the silmarils back

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anyways morgoth goes to the iron mountains which are north of beleriand and there rebuilds his old fortress of angband starts unleashing a bunch of orcs and trolls and whatnot in beleriand and thingol is pretty pissed because he's like


this is my country

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but then the noldor come over and they take a bunch of land in beleriand and start besieging angband

thingol is kind of mad because the noldor just barge into beleriand without his permission and also they did some terrible things but he also realizes that they're fighting the same enemy so he doesn't complain too much

anyway there's war for hundreds of years and the siege of angband is eventually broken but the noldor keep fighting morgoth

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then these new people come into beleriand and they're men

and men are mortal


so a really long time ago men all fell under the reign of morgoth but there's some men who repented (the edain) and some who didn't (the easterlings)

both edain and easterlings come into beleriand and swear allegiance to the noldor

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but the noldor are really divided

they have one king but there's a bunch of princes who go setting up their own kingdoms

fëanor's already dead by the way and there's a lot of tension between the house of fëanor and the house of fingolfin (fëanor's younger half-brother)

except for maedhros (fëanor's oldest son) and fingon (fingolfin's oldest son and king of the noldor atm), they're best buds (seriously, if you look for fanart of maedhros on the interwebz you'll find a lot of gay stuff with fingon)

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anyway stuff happens and the noldor start getting hope again

so maedhros goes around calling all the noldor and all their allies together to go fight against morgoth

they also drive all the orcs out of beleriand and back into angband

which maybe they shouldn't have done because morgoth gets suspicious and starts sending out spies

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