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now the easterlings are divided into two peoples: the people of bór and the people of ulfang

morgoth knows that the easterlings never repented from the shadow so he tries to bribe them

the people of bór are loyal to the noldor now tho but the people of ulfang are easily persuaded with promise of rich lands

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maedhros and fingon are best buds so they hold a lot of council together and work out a whole strategy

so maedhros with his army and his vassals will come down to the desert of anfauglith (which seperates beleriand from angband) from the hills in the east and very openly challenge morgoth

they hope that morgoth will send a great force against him in the hills

but fingon will be secretly lying in wait in the west with his army and his vassals and when maedhros's forces are fighting with morgoth's forces, they will attack morgoth's forces from the west and so catch them between hammer and anvil and deal them a great blow

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so maedhros and fingon think they have a really good surprise strategy worked out but secretly the people of ulfang just tell morgoth everything so he knows all about their plans

so now the noldor are preparing for battle and all their allies are there too

but not all the noldor come

because turgon in secrecy made the hidden city of gondolin long ago and no one knows where it is (which is pretty nice, because it's safe from morgoth, so it's grown very great and glorious) and no one ever comes forth from gondolin

but also people from nargothrond don't want to come either because they blame celegorm and curufin (sons of fëanor) for their late king's death and they also don't want to risk open war

there's a few people that do come from nargothrond tho because there's this important elf there called gwindor whose brother was captured by morgoth in the last great battle so he really really wants revenge now and he musters everyone he can

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37 minutes ago, Claudius I said:

Elves are immortal (meaning they don't die of old age and are resistant to illness and recover from wounds easily and quickly - but they can still be killed)

question, do elves age normally appearance-wise then???


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and then there's the allies of the noldor

the easterlings (people of bór and people of ulfang) are fighting on maedhros's side and they summon a lot of their kinsfolk from east of beleriand to come help them too

and the dwarves of belegost come to help them too which is really unusual but they're just cool like that

the edain (people of haleth and people of hador) are fighting on fingon's side, as are the falmari

thingol forbids any eglath from fighting bc they are pretty arrogant to him and celegorm and curufin (these assholes again) kind of tried to kill his daughter and her lover

but mablung of the heavy hand and beleg strongbow really really really REALLY want to fight so he says "okay but only you two and only if you don't fight for any son of fëanor"

so they fight for fingon

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im just gonna rewrite everything




ok ive been going down the character list alphabetically so far, skipping over my faves, but now i have reached the BOTTOM will be goin backwards alphabetically now!! wOO

itt: i yell about character design in choigangui gundan

character #14: tom


portrait 1


+ i just really love everything about this design, theres not really anything wrong with it
+ but a shoutout to his jacket because it looks comfy as HECK and the sleeves are so FLUFFY and if i knew tom irl i'd steal his jacket
• his shirt is bordering on intolerable but he's tom so i GUESS it's fine

overall - 10/10


portrait 2


+ everything i said above goes double for this portrait bcos of his new pose
+ his pants look so nice from here!!
• his right hand is weird but it's ok because he's tom

overall - 10/10


+ whoa new clothes!!!
+ nice pants and shoes and (for the most part) jacket!!!
• why does he have brown eyes now.........
- is his jacket uneven??

overall - 9/10


portrait 4


+ whoa more new clothes!!!
+ he has a catchers mitt now
+ he is wearin a nice, appropriate hood underneath his shirt
+ speaking of which his shirt is really spiffy
- proportions r weird
- im not feelin the pants tbh

overall - 8/10


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im just gonna rewrite everything




ok ive been going down the character list alphabetically so far, skipping over my faves, but now i have reached the BOTTOM will be goin backwards alphabetically now!! wOO

itt: i yell about character design in choigangui gundan

character #14: tom


portrait 1


+ i just really love everything about this design, theres not really anything wrong with it
+ but a shoutout to his jacket because it looks comfy as HECK and the sleeves are so FLUFFY and if i knew tom irl i'd steal his jacket
• his shirt is bordering on intolerable but he's tom so i GUESS it's fine

overall - 10/10


portrait 2


+ everything i said above goes double for this portrait bcos of his new pose
+ his pants look so nice from here!!
• his right hand is weird but it's ok because he's tom

overall - 10/10


+ whoa new clothes!!!
+ nice pants and shoes and (for the most part) jacket!!!
• why does he have brown eyes now.........
- is his jacket uneven??

overall - 9/10


portrait 4


+ whoa more new clothes!!!
+ he has a catchers mitt now
+ he is wearin a nice, appropriate hood underneath his shirt
+ speaking of which his shirt is really spiffy
- proportions r weird
- im not feelin the pants tbh

overall - 8/10


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7 minutes ago, Painkiller B said:

question, do elves age normally appearance-wise then???


nope : )

it takes 50 to 100 years for an elf to come of age

also they don't grow beards until they're super super super old but tolkien never specified how old exactly

they also don't go bald and get grey hairs and such

6 minutes ago, Painkiller B said:

o shit i wrote up a rly long post about tom's design but i lost it lmao im sad but it's ok

o wow that's unfortunate....

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Just now, Claudius I said:
8 minutes ago, Painkiller B said:


nope : )

it takes 50 to 100 years for an elf to come of age

also they don't grow beards until they're super super super old but tolkien never specified how old exactly

they also don't go bald and get grey hairs and such

wow thats wild and cool and cool

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7 minutes ago, Painkiller B said:

question, do elves age normally appearance-wise then???


nope : )

it takes 50 to 100 years for an elf to come of age

also they don't grow beards until they're super super super old but tolkien never specified how old exactly

they also don't go bald and get grey hairs and such

6 minutes ago, Painkiller B said:

o shit i wrote up a rly long post about tom's design but i lost it lmao im sad but it's ok

o wow that's unfortunate....

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Just now, Claudius I said:
8 minutes ago, Painkiller B said:


nope : )

it takes 50 to 100 years for an elf to come of age

also they don't grow beards until they're super super super old but tolkien never specified how old exactly

they also don't go bald and get grey hairs and such

wow thats wild and cool and cool

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itt: i yell about character design in choigangui gundan

character #15: jerry


portrait 1


+ i like basically everything, as with tom's first portrait
+ her shirt and gloves and visor r especially nice

overall - 9.5/10


portrait 2


+ mostly same comments as above
- aw man why'd she lose her elbow guard and gloves....

overall - 9/10


portrait 3


+ hey she has her elbow guard and gloves back
+ thats a new shirt and pair of shorts and they look nice
+ i adore her new bat, when will tom tbh

overall - 9.5/10


portrait 4


+ her shoes and socks are even now
- i really like nothing about this design and im forever bitter that it's her final portrait!! jerry deserved better
- she doesn't even look like a baseball player now, her school uniform + shoes + pencil accessory just makes her look like a student
- i rly liked her visor, i think it gave her a lot of personality : (
- she just doesn't look good in a skirt

overall - like, 1/10 but only bc of the socks and shoes and bc it's jerry


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but maedhros's advance is really slow because the people of ulfang are lingering the whole time and also send him false reports of enemy attacks so they constantly have to stop to prepare to defend themselves (for no reason)

now morgoth sends out an army and it sure is big (but not nearly his full might) and he makes it pass really close to where fingon is lying in wait hoping to lure them out

but fingon doesn't come forth

so then messengers come forth from morgoth's army and they bring gwindor's brother and brutally murder him and taunt the noldor

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1 minute ago, Claudius I said:

the people of ulfang are lingering the whole time and also send him false reports of enemy attacks so they constantly have to stop to prepare to defend themselves (for no reason)

my anxiety irl

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1 minute ago, Claudius I said:

the people of ulfang are lingering the whole time and also send him false reports of enemy attacks so they constantly have to stop to prepare to defend themselves (for no reason)

my anxiety irl

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gwindor gets mad as hell and just charges and all the people of nargothrond follow and fingon is like "shit" but he decides to charge anyway because he can't just let gwindor et al. kill themselves and their cover is already blown anyway

only turgon orders his forces to halt but some of them get so caught up in the moment that they charge morgoth's forces anyway

1 minute ago, Painkiller B said:

my anxiety irl

yeah but ur not secretly in the service of morgoth the dark lord

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gwindor gets mad as hell and just charges and all the people of nargothrond follow and fingon is like "shit" but he decides to charge anyway because he can't just let gwindor et al. kill themselves and their cover is already blown anyway

only turgon orders his forces to halt but some of them get so caught up in the moment that they charge morgoth's forces anyway

1 minute ago, Painkiller B said:

my anxiety irl

yeah but ur not secretly in the service of morgoth the dark lord

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anyway fingon's assault is way stronger than morgoth expected and also he wasn't expecting soldiers from gondolin so his army gets the shit beaten out of it and they all retreat into angband

gwindor is just really mad rn so he charges right through the gates of angband and all the people of nargothrond follow him but the rest of the noldor stand still before the gates like "shit dude this is angband i'm scared"

but before they can muster the courage to charge in, a new army issues from secret tunnels below the mountains, forcing fingon and his forces to fall back

handir, lord of the people of haleth, falls in the retreat

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then turgon orders his forces to charge and this turns the tide again

then maedhros finally shows up from the east and attacks the enemy in the rear so now the noldor have the upper hand

then morgoth looses his last remaining forces from angband: trolls and different breeds of wolves and wolf-riders and balrogs (huge demons of fire) and dragons; their leader is glaurung, the mightiest of the dragons

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now some of the easterlings get really scared and start to flee

but still the noldor have the upper hand, until...

suddenly the people of ulfang turn against their own allies

now maedhros's forces are caught between the orcs, the beasts and the people of ulfang and suffer heavy loss

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