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Twitch won't let me sign in.

Lame :(

And I will stream later. At the post time 3:00 was in 7 hours but I finished what I was doing early.

Okay~ ^_^

Oooooh stream huh?

I don't know FE6 but I guess streams are a good way to learn~


Yeeeaaah~ I remember the times that I kept getting rolled over~ =3

Hmm... I coulda swore I took pictures of my art project where I drew an Agnaktor... and Ninetales... but I can't find them anywhere on lappy D= They might still be on the camera but that has soooo many images on it I don't think I'd feel like searching through it all~

and yeah it's FE6 :P Vanilla though

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Go play FE6.


I'm really.... not as interested in FE as I used to be... But I suppose I may as well give games a chance sometimes~

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Lame :(

Okay~ ^_^

and yeah it's FE6 :P Vanilla though

Twitch is the universal cause of broken computers and tablets.

I'll be sure to post when I start (and to double check, USB headsets work, right?)

Edited by Leafeon Myrmidon
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/wavesMaaaaaybe~I'm really.... not as interested in FE as I used to be... But I suppose I may as well give games a chance sometimes~

It's near the top of my favorite games with The Wind Waker, Partners in Time, and Sentinels of the Starry Skies~!
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Greetings, Damian


Yeeeaaah~ I remember the times that I kept getting rolled over~ =3

Hmm... I coulda swore I took pictures of my art project where I drew an Agnaktor... and Ninetales... but I can't find them anywhere on lappy D= They might still be on the camera but that has soooo many images on it I don't think I'd feel like searching through it all~

I remember the times when:

  • My mate scolded me for hours because I didn't bring antidotes against a Rathian. I didn't get poisoned once, so nyeh
  • We tried sleep-bombing Alatreon, but due to his head going into out-of-bounds I thought we weren't doing it so I attacked his tail. I didn't see my mates planting bombs near the tail so I royally messed up the back-up plan
  • My mate was stuck on Barroth for about a month

Among other stuff

And you drew Agnaktor? That's my favourite monster! Not going to ask you to dig it out for my sake, but it would be kinda cool to see

I was also the only one that crafted Ceadeus armour, which made me the best by default

Edited by DodgeDusk
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Greetings, Damian

I remember the times when:

  • My mate scolded me for hours because I didn't bring antidotes against a Rathian. I didn't get poisoned once, so nyeh
  • We tried sleep-bombing Alatreon, but due to his head going into out-of-bounds I thought we weren't doing it so I attacked his tail. I didn't see my mates planting bombs near the tail so I royally messed up the back-up plan
  • My mate was stuck on Barroth for about a month
Among other stuff

And you drew Agnaktor? That's my favourite monster! Not going to ask you to dig it out for my sake, but it would be kinda cool to see

I was also the only one that crafted Ceadeus armour, which made me the best by default

...Wait What?
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I remember the times when:

  • My mate scolded me for hours because I didn't bring antidotes against a Rathian. I didn't get poisoned once, so nyeh
  • We tried sleep-bombing Alatreon, but due to his head going into out-of-bounds I thought we weren't doing it so I attacked his tail. I didn't see my mates planting bombs near the tail so I royally messed up the back-up plan
  • My mate was stuck on Barroth for about a month
Among other stuff

And you drew Agnaktor? That's my favourite monster! Not going to ask you to dig it out for my sake, but it would be kinda cool to see

I was also the only one that crafted Ceadeus armour, which made me the best by default

-Weeee I do the same to Integrity all the time~ Except the difference is he does get poisoned x3

-Oh no, sounds like plenty of fun I bet ;u;

-Hmmmmm sadly I think I was stuck on Qurupeco longer than I was on Barroth~ XD I was in lance and Jaggi armour, I had soooo much trouble with his fire attacks D= I wasn't sure how to evade them very well with lance~ And blocking didn't work because he drained my stamina ;A;

Yeah~! Armour swag~ ^o^ I don't remember if I ever got a full Ceadeus set =o I was mostly either Agnaktor for blocking or Barioth for evasion x3

Edit: Oh and I forgot the other part to this post~

I will just take images of it real quick on my 3DS x3

I will maybe grab a Wii U this month(yay tax refunds~) and I have my eye on MH3U


Gasap more MH is fun~! And more people to play with!!

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Hello Kin

-Weeee I do the same to Integrity all the time~ Except the difference is he does get poisoned x3
-Oh no, sounds like plenty of fun I bet ;u;
-Hmmmmm sadly I think I was stuck on Qurupeco longer than I was on Barroth~ XD I was in lance and Jaggi armour, I had soooo much trouble with his fire attacks D= I wasn't sure how to evade them very well with lance~ And blocking didn't work because he drained my stamina ;A;

Yeah~! Armour swag~ ^o^ I don't remember if I ever got a full Ceadeus set =o I was mostly either Agnaktor for blocking or Barioth for evasion x3

Edit: Oh and I forgot the other part to this post~

I will just take images of it real quick on my 3DS x3

  • Lol. I suppose the surprise back-flip she can do in the air can catch you off-guard at times. If I ever got poisoned, it was because of that move
  • I never slew that many, truth be told. Most of my mates was like "yeah we done it now let's fail at Deviljho," except we never failed against Deviljho because the dude's really bigged up
  • Qurupeco is such a trickster. SnS was probably the best weapon to use against it. Either way, that head was impossible to break

I just love the look of Ceadeus armour and the skills you got from it. By mixing normal and + armour, you can still have the two good skills and not have the negative ones, which made it a-mazing

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Hi.Twitch is the universal cause of broken computers and tablets.

I'll be sure to post when I start (and to double check, USB headsets work, right?)


and yes they should work Glac!

Also, skype me when you do, i may not get the SF post ><

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I borrowed MH from a friend once and I sucked at it.

Actually, I think I suck at video games in general

It can be a bit challenging at first, I guess. The big monsters you just have to fight until you know what attacks they can do, how much each attack does roughly and what parts to break in order to gimp them. Fighting an unfamiliar monster for the first time is pretty daunting, but you'll eventually get the hang of it

And don't say that :c

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I played Freedom Unite on the PSP for a few hours

I thought I would be a SnS guy, but then my scrubby-ness meant I couldn't ever kill things on time with it so I became a Great Sword lover.

But I didn't really get into it, I want to mess around more but I also want to wait for MH3U ;_;

It was kinda fun, but also kinda grating fighting new stuff solo so I'll probably have more fun in co-op.

Edited by PKLucas531
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I played Freedom Unite on the PSP for a few hours

I thought I would be a SnS guy, but then my scrubby-ness meant I couldn't ever kill things on time with it so I became a Great Sword lover.

But I didn't really get into it, I want to mess around more but I also want to wait for MH3U ;_;

I did too. PSP controls don't bode with me well, but I managed to do okay with a hammer

I just can't wait for MH4U. The old boys coming back together for a good ol' bashing is gonna be hilarious. Can play with some SF people too

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It can be a bit challenging at first, I guess. The big monsters you just have to fight until you know what attacks they can do, how much each attack does roughly and what parts to break in order to gimp them. Fighting an unfamiliar monster for the first time is pretty daunting, but you'll eventually get the hang of it

And don't say that :c

I play FE13 on Normal/Casual

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  • Lol. I suppose the surprise back-flip she can do in the air can catch you off-guard at times. If I ever got poisoned, it was because of that move
  • I never slew that many, truth be told. Most of my mates was like "yeah we done it now let's fail at Deviljho," except we never failed against Deviljho because the dude's really bigged up
  • Qurupeco is such a trickster. SnS was probably the best weapon to use against it. Either way, that head was impossible to break
I just love the look of Ceadeus armour and the skills you got from it. By mixing normal and + armour, you can still have the two good skills and not have the negative ones, which made it a-mazing

Waaaah yeah the flip~ I don't use lance much anymore since in MH3U it got... kinda worse~ So now I just use hunting horn! But since you can move much more with hh than with lance it became easier on me to get out of the way of her flips =o Though... if I'm in just the right position and she doesn't hesitate before flipping... then that still gets me~ ;u;

Jhojhoooooooooooo!!! I love jhojho ;u; But yeah he was intimidating at first but once I got evasion down I could dodge all his moves =o

Weee I'm not good with sns x3 I did learn to get better at lancing him though! =D Also I learned the face is easy to break with gr9sword~! I guess just a long/tall weapon with high cutting damage is mostly what you need for it. Or maybe a impact~ I think I've broken it with hh too.

Hmmm I guess it did have lots of slots huh? Wish I experimented with it some more! =o

[spoiler=Fire lizard]


[spoiler=Fire fox]


Oh and I guess I never did mention that this is an incomplete art project ;u;

I borrowed MH from a friend once and I sucked at it.

Actually, I think I suck at video games in general

Everybody sucks at MH on their first try~ It's a game you really need to practice in a whole lot before you can get good. I can't claim to be very good at video games either ;u; But after lots and lots of playing I'd like to think... that I got pretty good at the game~!

Also this took forever to type up so I bet it was already addressed by now ;u;

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I have. But it was still Casual mode.

So try classic? c:

Waaaah yeah the flip~ I don't use lance much anymore since in MH3U it got... kinda worse~ So now I just use hunting horn! But since you can move much more with hh than with lance it became easier on me to get out of the way of her flips =o Though... if I'm in just the right position and she doesn't hesitate before flipping... then that still gets me~ ;u;

Jhojhoooooooooooo!!! I love jhojho ;u; But yeah he was intimidating at first but once I got evasion down I could dodge all his moves =o

Weee I'm not good with sns x3 I did learn to get better at lancing him though! =D Also I learned the face is easy to break with gr9sword~! I guess just a long/tall weapon with high cutting damage is mostly what you need for it. Or maybe a impact~ I think I've broken it with hh too.

Hmmm I guess it did have lots of slots huh? Wish I experimented with it some more! =o

[spoiler=Fire lizard]


[spoiler=Fire fox]


Oh and I guess I never did mention that this is an incomplete art project ;u;

guh a wall of text appeared

I like using the gunlance now. So much fun, and it's a lot more manoeuvrable too! X - X - X + Y - X - B is such a good combo sorry if that makes no sense to you

Yeah, Deviljho was kinda easy. His orchestral piece of music is pretty neat, and it's still fun seeing comments in the video addressing their hate towards the dinosaur killing them during their Qurupeco+ quests. People need to learn to use dung bombs!

I think both an impact and a cutting weapon can break it, but I guess since I used the lance primarily, the precision made it kinda hard for me to hit the head

It only had 4, iirc, but due to the properties of the armour itself, it made it that way

And those pictures are amazing and I wish I could draw like that! Shame I have very little patience

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