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ugh I hate when one side of the headphones stop working


That is the worst thing ever, next to them breaking. It happened to me recently when they dropped from my ear and smacked the floor


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ugh I hate when one side of the headphones stop working

Tell me about it. My current headphones are doing that. I had to work up some contrived magic to make them work properly again, but I reckon it won't last long.

It happens to like every pair of headphones I get, s2g.

Edited by Nightmare
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Good to know, soldier. Good to know

And how are you sir?

When it comes to the term Dixie, yeah, it came from the Mason-Dixon thing.

So why don't people call Northerners Macies? Copyright?

ugh I hate when one side of the headphones stop working



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hi kin


That is the worst thing ever, next to them breaking. It happened to me recently when they dropped from my ear and smacked the floor


You too? #ripthekingsheadphones

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And how are you sir?

Currently, I feel accomplished from the results of my efforts on gimp. But its time consuming

My earphones are still functioning optimally, which is pretty good. Most have the left side breaking after a short time <_<


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I'm sorry.

It's just I don't want to replace SL, since females are better objectively in this game.

A 3 guy 1 girl team is terrible, FE4 quest has taught me.


get gud

oh my, the chat was lively again today o:


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I'm not saying that the games aged badly because there limited. Plenty of old games are classics and will be as long as gaming is a thing. But some games have systems which are today bad ideas, but at the time people didn't question.

While I must agree, there are some modern games which have the same advantages over their predecessors, but again off point, sorry to distract.

I don't know. I'm not saying old games are worse than new games because they lack features, not at all. Of course the newer game will have more because the hardware has more power.

The bad idea part is a bit subjective, but I see your point.

That's true, there are some new games that eclipse older games... but overall, it's just devs working within their means, limited or expanded... It's really just the term I hate: "X game didn't age well" or even if it did "age well" just doesn't make any sense at all. Sign of the times, I guess

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So why don't people call Northerners Macies? Copyright?

Most likely since Yankee had already been an established term before the Mason-Dixon thing. Sure, it was mostly for the New England region, but during and after the Civil War it became synonymous with the Union states.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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It was especially annoying because there was a time where I could only fall asleep with moderate ease if I was lying on my stomach with my head racing right whilst listening to music, and only having the right earphone working meant I couldn't listen to music when trying to get to sleep, which got really frustrating as it made me getting to sleep so much easier

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hi Kitty

Tell me about it. My current headphones are doing that. I had to work up some contrived magic to make them work properly again, but I reckon it won't last long.
It happens to like every pair of headphones I get, s2g.

I twist the ends until I hear sound. But it doesn't always work :( I need your magic

My earphones are still functioning optimally, which is pretty good. Most have the left side breaking after a short time <_<

Enjoy the perfect sound while it lasts

I like watching hockey more than pretty much every other sport

Even more than volleyball? :O


nah it fine. just preference is all

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