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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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Wirklich? I could help with that if you want. If you are unsure about something, ask me.

I'll never become a meduka meguca

I'll consider it, thank you.

A what? You know...never mind, I don't care.

better than British English, at least

Hey, in what other language can you insult someone by saying 'bloody wanker'?

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i met an italian girl once and she said her aunt was connected to berlusconi's mafia so i better not fuck with her.

also there was this shitty kid who kept being a dick so people started calling him gordo minicatso

One of my relatives is connected with the mafia himself. My parents were present once when an opposing gang came to "tidy up". Said relative had to hide for a few years. Dangerous family I have.


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so if I'm reading FE3's code right, EVERY weapon and item in the game has a unique lock pointer

it just happens that some of them point to the same table


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I'll consider it, thank you.

A what? You know...never mind, I don't care.

Hey, in what other language can you insult someone by saying 'bloody wanker'?

You wouldn't even want to know.

Half 'muricans wouldn't know what the insult exactly meant

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it means

that you should sign up for conspiracy mafia

I agree with this statement <:

Hm... I may, if you both ask like this, my resistance may break down.

your voice is gr9


wow, that's a lot

Xing Cai was very poorly done in DW5.

She's just perfect in DW7 & 8 though

Hah, it's really just sounds like alot, once you actually play them though... heh, well...

Edited by Soledai
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I could be wrong, but is that the slang for "Damned idiot"?

Fucking idiot, IIRC

what does cazzo mean?

depends on the context, most of the ime you'd translate it as "bullshit" or "fuck". 'Stai dicendo delle cazzate' means that you are spouting crap. Or in 'testa di cazzo', it meansyou are a fuckhead (don't sue me guys, just translating)

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