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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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My fear of heights dictates that if I owned such a thing, I would keep it grounded, defeating it's purpose, therefor, making me wonder why acquire it in the first place.

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who wouldn't want a house like that

it just sounds lovely

you sound lovely

let's collect funds

you sound lovely

@damian: idk

is it constantly flying or could I like


okay look I saw you already said it but I had to


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But then it reminds me of the rocket from Little Einsteins for some odd reason ;;''

Well, I've no business or place left here.

Got some fights to do, gotta split.

I'm still on skype if anyone is even interested

Ahh have a nice rest of your evening Sol !

though I hope you're able to get a good amount of rest so you won't be in the bad mood like last time :c

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hey damian

I bet if you bought a sideways flying house with sparkles as its occasional source of fuel you could


hueheuehueheue okay bad pun

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Dying is not a good thing to joke about, but I would be extremely sad to know that a good friend had passed away.

Anyways, nighty night everyone and have a nice rest of your evening/night/morning/idkwhattocallthispointoftime!

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Oh man, that made me remember that question that I've sometimes seen and have myself wonder: "If we die would the people we know online find out soon or late enough?" Very thoughtful...

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Dying is not a good thing to joke about, but I would be extremely sad to know that a good friend had passed away.

Anyways, nighty night everyone and have a nice rest of your evening/night/morning/idkwhattocallthispointoftime!


night kitty

one of the rare times I say that with you being the one going to sleep

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