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I don't believe using the words "good" and "bad" has any meaning ultimately. Morals are subjective, and while there are those standards that society teaches, those are in no way factual. Meaning, a discussion about "good" and "bad" ends up with no party agreeing with the other, as there is simply no answer to it.

In fact, it is even possible to justify murder with the right arguments, simply because there is nothing absolute in "good" and "bad"

I think I could agree that there's no set definition of what thing is good or is bad or which situation is acceptable or unacceptable. In the end I think it comes to vague labels. I guess in the end I'm just defining the good or bad of the world by my own morals that I've been raised by or decided myself... I don't think I could just abandon my own morals though just because "lol there is no real good or bad." I won't think it's wrong of people to not agree with my morals completely but I still don't think I could just... view the world without them. I can't stand by with people causing harm to others, it's not at all in my nature.

Maybe mostly what people define as good or bad are by vague definitions that at least a majority of people agree on or were taught. And then we go on from there.

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I'll look into it.

This may have something to do with me being religious, but I do believe in good and bad. Somethings are considered bad across cultures, other things are looked at positively across cultures. There's a lot of differences, but a distinct frame. Mostly the time though, usually on a larger scale, I don't think you can say 'good guy' and 'bad guy' effectively.

Of course, while you can justify or reason almost anything, there does have to be line drawn. A line you can't cross. In fact, there needs to be a lot of lines, and each line merits a different response.

Just to clarify, I don't believe in moral nihilism, but in moral relativism, meaning that I do have my own set of moral rules, just that I don't believe them to be true.

I never was that religious, although in the past I hid that and acted as if I was, now I'm far more open about it. I don't believe in any particular god, nor am I particularly interested in the subject, therefore I am agnostic.

But who draws these lines? Who has the right to draw them?

While I agree that moral rules are needed, that is not because of truth in them, but rather because society needs morals to be able to work, otherwise everything would go down in an anarchistic chaos. The sole fact that you can indeed justify everything makes me think that finding a true answer isn't possible to begin with. As such, my opinion on the matter is split. Morals are needed to uphold order, but I dislike it if people talk about them like objective facts.

As mentioned, one could perfectly justify every murder with social darwinism, and the intrinsically equal value of people, and that that is possible makes me think about the point of morality.

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HHH so serious lately~

(Not that I find it wrong to have some serious discussion not like in the SD forum though ;u; it's just a thing I noticed =o)

(But not that I find it wrong to not be serious and have some fun in it as well~!)

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I think I could agree that there's no set definition of what thing is good or is bad or which situation is acceptable or unacceptable. In the end I think it comes to vague labels. I guess in the end I'm just defining the good or bad of the world by my own morals that I've been raised by or decided myself... I don't think I could just abandon my own morals though just because "lol there is no real good or bad." I won't think it's wrong of people to not agree with my morals completely but I still don't think I could just... view the world without them. I can't stand by with people causing harm to others, it's not at all in my nature.

Maybe mostly what people define as good or bad are by vague definitions that at least a majority of people agree on or were taught. And then we go on from there.

Most of this is answered in my comment below yours, but yes, a world without morals would indeed be a sad one. That causing harm to others is bad is something you were taught in childhood however. Same goes for me, and most people. It is drilled into us to make us believe into it, but calling it "true" is questionable, that's all I'm saying


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HHH so serious lately~

(Not that I find it wrong to have some serious discussion not like in the SD forum though ;u; it's just a thing I noticed =o)

(But not that I find it wrong to not be serious and have some fun in it as well~!)

Hey, I enjoy serious discussions :3

All of us are being silly most of the time, such a topic is quite refreshing to say the least

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That might be a liiiiiiiittle more effective ad if you weren't suggesting something I already own =o

Silly ad

Wait is it saying the website is called Advertisement

Edited by Freohr Datia
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You haven't read the SD subforum, have you?

I never interacted with the SD forum here in general, usually I have serious discussions on other sites. Although most of the time I discuss stuff via profile comments, meaning I don't interact much with forums where every casual walks in. Those places shouldn't be considered for serious discussion anyways

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Seriously, Mayora.

There was a topic in SD named "is it wrong to eat dead babies?"

The OP was one of the most hilarious things i've ever read in my life. In a disturbing way

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Okay, what I did was this:

I was playing DQIX. I went to Brigadoom.



Oh... I see?

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