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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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In what way are we determining that people are fossils?

Ah, okay.

The closest beach to me is 3+ hours away (the Gulf Coast), and has been that way since I moved south more than two decades ago.

Back when I was in Ohio, I was actually quite close to the beaches on Lake Erie.

Whoa =o I've got one maybe like... a half hour away, or 45 minutes.

I've been curious to go to one of the great lakes though!! Maybe not to swim in it though but to at least see what the sand is like because I feel like it's probably finer than the sand we have and also to see how laaaaaaarge they'd be~

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Do you guys know that movie where the guy gets stuck in an airport without being able to get back to his home country?

I feel sorry for him. Waiting 7 hours in an airport is already bad enough

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PoR for 85 bucks!? I got mine, granted it was a used copy but it's in quite fine condition, for about 15-19 USD... which I say was a very fair price.

It was in none of my local stores. I had nowhere else to go :( (also it apparently was "like new"

Edited by WaluigiWeegee
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