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[1:30:11 AM] PKLucas531: and now
[1:30:14 AM] PKLucas531: my bro was like
[1:30:21 AM] PKLucas531: "damian i cant sleep are you gonna sleep"
[1:30:26 AM] PKLucas531: "i want to play stuff"
[1:30:29 AM] PKLucas531: and i just

[1:30:31 AM] PKLucas531: had to say
[1:30:37 AM] PKLucas531: "ill stay up for you"

little brother, and I had planned on going to sleep at 1:30 too

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[spoiler=HK's late night rambling]

EDIT: No, this will not turn into a streak

EDIT2:Although, I've the perfect opportunity

EDIT3: But who really cares now, anyway?

EDIT4: After Damian, it wasn't cool anymore

EDIT5: Though I am pre bored

EDIT6: And can't seem to sleep

EDIT7: Like, at all

EDIT8: Bad dreams are bad

EDIT9: Actually, I'm feeling pre insightful right now.

EDIT10: Its very rare I get to write out just what I am thinking

EDIT11: Prolly cause no one wants to hear the ramblings of a constantly thinking young mind

EDIT12: But am The King tho

EDIT13: .....

EDIT14: Not the best reasoning, but I couldn't come up with a witty thing to say, so shut up.

EDIT15: For the convenience of you, whomever that shall read back and find this, I shall spoiler the rest of this, so one post doesn't take the whole page.

INSIGHT 1: You know those optimistic motivators that say that you can achieve anything if you try hard enough? Well, that may be true in some cases, however, there's a detail that they left out. Yes, anyone can become someone that is great, but not everyone will. There's always someone who has some advantage that their competition doesn't. That, or there are some who actually show a lot of promise and actually DO deserve it, but then circumstances happen that inhibit and possibly terminate their progression.

Its this revelation that has allowed me to grow a dislike toward protagonists. They always come off as encouraging and determined to see things through to the end, but lets be real here, the only reason they ever got to where they were is because they were given some unfair advantage either before, or during the story that miraculously allows them to do what would have been impossible for any actual person, who went through the exact same training and and experience as said person. And then once they find out about said gift the rest of the entire cast begins to fall into obscurity.

Er.. back to what i was originally saying. What I'd like to know is just what is it that determines who will be granted the chance to rise to fame and possibly do great good, or even great evil, if they roll that way? Karma? How does one explain that? Is it one's character? But there are a lot of people who do indeed share the same traits with each other. Two individuals the mirror each other in goals, desires, amition, pride, devotion, work ethic, and willpower. When wills of that equal size clash. who wins in the end? Is that merely left to chance? I am just now realizing that all of this that i speak sounds like it could be heard from a video game, but Such situations could apply to many things in real life, such as sports, the workforce etc.

INSIGHT 2: There are many things in life that I would very much like to believe., such as all of those optimisticly positive philosophies that can be seen via quotes, possibly a well written essay or so. However, with me, as positive as I'd to think and tell others, I can never ignore the inverse side to everything that is oft overlooked. With every good, there is also a bad, and with every bad, there is also a good. The only difference between them is how they balance out. Sometimes, the good is great enough that the bad is so miniscule that it might not even be there, while on the flip side, there are some bad things that happen that are too strikening for most that they envelope theirself within said darkness and cannot see the light within. By that, I mean the bad outweighs the good to the point that it might as well be considered nonexistant.

With that being said, I've regularly been trying to analyze every experience in my life that I can remember to have happened, along with things that have not yet happen. Things like how it have affect me, what the bright and dark sides were at the time, how others scenarios could play out with said outcomes, and weighing the pros and cons for future things. I could definitely try to understand my reasonings for past events along with what could have been, but who's to predict what may happen next? For all I know, I could be completely wrong about it, and thus, with my overcritical thinking, potentially create a problem that was never meant to exist.

Hmmm.... from that last sentence, I have another question. When and how does one know when it is okay to trust their mind of their heart for what to do next? Emotions and impulses are their own form of rationale that cannot be explained (at least not entirely, I do not think). Emotions may hold a powerful command to the things that we do, but they can possibly lead to wavering from the original goal. The mind's rationale works off of information that one observes and takes in from their surroundings, or any source, be they primary or secondary. The issue with that is that one never knows when that knowledge will run thin, or the possibility that from the use of logic, a person causes self deception and makes something as simple as making a two optional choice seem far more pressuring than it really is. Although no one person sticks soley to one or the other, but no one has yet to creat a perfect equilibrium between the two. Really makes me wonder.

Welp... since the jig is up now, should I even keep going? Oh well

Edited by The King
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EDIT15: For the convenience of you, whomever that shall read back and find this, I shall spoiler the rest of this, so one post doesn't take the whole page.

holy shit I didn't even notice you doing this


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[spoiler=HK's late night rambling]

EDIT: No, this will not turn into a streak

EDIT2:Although, I've the perfect opportunity

EDIT3: But who really cares now, anyway?

EDIT4: After Damian, it wasn't cool anymore

EDIT5: Though I am pre bored

EDIT6: And can't seem to sleep

EDIT7: Like, at all

EDIT8: Bad dreams are bad

EDIT9: Actually, I'm feeling pre insightful right now.

EDIT10: Its very rare I get to write out just what I am thinking

EDIT11: Prolly cause no one wants to hear the ramblings of a constantly thinking young mind

EDIT12: But am The King tho

EDIT13: .....

EDIT14: Not the best reasoning, but I couldn't come up with a witty thing to say, so shut up.

EDIT15: For the convenience of you, whomever that shall read back and find this, I shall spoiler the rest of this, so one post doesn't take the whole page.

I'd like to hear the thoughts of a constantly thinking mind, it may help me to improve my own.

Though... I didn't do the streak to be cool, far from it. I did it to send a message and it was later enforced.

Edited by Soledai
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I'm not actually leaving, I just wanted to say that. Also cool, an update.

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YEAH, cool

lots of text though

which is totally fitting for a game like Golden Sun

unfortunately I've got a class starting up tomorrow (the rest start in september) and I need to work on some transfer stuff so it might be a while before the next one

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