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what's it, hoarprebs?

I prefer the name Janitor myself; it cleans up shit

good sugestion



I always liked astronomy... since I was a kid.

what about astrology? Edited by NOBODY
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So I just learned they're making Etrian Odyssey II Untold.

Think that's been announced for about 2 weeks now. Am hyped after playing the first Untold (I'm now in Gladsheim V, if you know who that boss is)

Dusk, did you see Wolf!Fox and Fierce Deity Link? :O

Wolf still has a chance to be in the game


FD!Link looks ballin' tho

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Being a tutor... that counts if you ask me.

I see I see, I don't know who would visit me, but I see what you mean. unless you're implying something, skaipu is okay.

I still teach people nowadays even though it's not in my job description anymore.

I get told I should be a teacher all the time >>;

and I'd visit you, because you are a cool bro.

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Alrighty is a word Kitty

Then why when you type it onto a document, it shows a red line underneath it?

It can be used in a casual conversation cause it's an improper way in saying 'alright' but it's not able to be used in text unless you are quoting word for word what the actual person said.

[spoiler=controversy I suppose]Although the spelling alright is nearly as old as all right, some critics have insisted alright is all wrong. Nevertheless it has its defenders and its users, who perhaps have been influenced by analogy with altogether and already. It is less frequent than all right but remains common especially in informal writing. It is quite common in fictional dialogue and is sometimes found in more formal writing .

Pretty sure you mean alright, but okay :L

go to school silly

shush it I remembered to add the word in

I did go to school, we just learned about this in journalism 2 ;___;

I see I see, I don't know who would visit me, but I see what you mean. unless you're implying something, skaipu is okay.

unintentional implying is pretty great ya know. but yeah skype is /okay/

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coughcoughpeoplewaitingfortheiphone6coughcough but yeah I suppose so!

I think it's more so helpful since I'll be away from the house more often and it'll be easier for her to contact me when she's out too.

but wow, we have a lot in common o: I wanted to be an astrnomer when I was growing up too haha. though astronomy didn't focus on constellations and their stories so I decided to focus on what you see as journalism now o wo)/

Geology sounds pretty cool though! My friend's older sibling is getting her degree in it and it's really cool how she remembers all these types of rocks in the back of her mind.

Would you like a cough drop? =D

Ahhhh yup yup sounds like it'll still be worth her having it~ Perhaps

Whoa!! Ahh weeeee constellations~ Yeah the stories must be pretty interesting! I took a journalism class and I'm not sure I could ever manage that ;u; It's just not my kind of jobby~

That would be pretty cool if I could do that! ^o^ Though while I love rocks my main interest was to do a study centered around mountains!! I love mountaaiiiins~ But there aren't really geology jobs that do that quite as much (or quite as focused at least) which is why I wanted to get into volcanology! Volcanoes are pretty pretty mountains~ And are also super interesting! And jobs exist that focus on them~!

The other job I was considering was a career based around earthquakes... =o Since earthquakes can be around mountains a lot~ And earthquakes... kinda interest me too! =o Even though that almost sounds a little inconsiderate to say ^~^; They are dangerous and destroy property and kill people, yet I find them so intriguing too... and same goes for volcanoes x3

BUT NOW it looks like I'll just have to stick to stargazing and stick to only admiring mountains/volcanoes~ Except there are none of those around here ;u; (though I should be thankful as well I suppose)

That's okay though, I'm perfectly fine with sticking to just looking. I guess if I want to learn anything on any of those subjects I have the internet~!

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shush it I remembered to add the word in

I did go to school, we just learned about this in journalism 2 ;___;


Oh, I see. Glad to see Journalism is teaching you good info

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Think that's been announced for about 2 weeks now. Am hyped after playing the first Untold (I'm now in Gladsheim V, if you know who that boss is)

Wolf still has a chance to be in the game


FD!Link looks ballin' tho

Dat battle theme


Apparently, it will be out in Japan sometime this winter. No release date outside Japan for now

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Think that's been announced for about 2 weeks now. Am hyped after playing the first Untold (I'm now in Gladsheim V, if you know who that boss is)

Wolf still has a chance to be in the game


FD!Link looks ballin' tho

it's hard to pick a main like this :'D
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I still teach people nowadays even though it's not in my job description anymore.

I get told I should be a teacher all the time >>;

and I'd visit you, because you are a cool bro.

>_> That's not something you'd want to do though, right?

Heh, thanks, I'd visit you if I had the chance also.

unintentional implying is pretty great ya know. but yeah skype is /okay/

Ohh, it is indeed, so I'll be expecting it one day. Skype is the C student in the class, not great, not bad.

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Barring the parts where you felt sad, this read was very calming, it sounds like you resonate with the sun a bit.

I can relate with Integ on that one, I usually have dim lights or no lights in my room

I like the moon and the stars too actually, I'd like to sleep under the stars one time, cheesy as that sounds, at least once, but beasts and bugs... >_>

Nice, I like astronomy as well, I'm considering taking astronomy one of these days.

Whoa, really? =o Well that's COOL then~

I can't even go through my own house without light because I grew up with a dad that always wanted it to be light everywhere, so there are always lights on all around the house at night. But that family can wander around so well at night and so they're really used to that house without needing to see and I can barely even do that in my own house ;u;

Heehee cheesy or not I'd love to do that too~ Hmmmm maybe if we left that tarp off the top of our tent when we went camping we'd actually be able to see the night sky from in there. But it'd still be better without a net cover hindering the starlight~ I never mind beasts ^o^ And I only mind bugs when they climb/crawl on me without my permission~ Otherwise I like watching bugs sometimes, even! =3 I guess I just like almost anything living, really~

Ooh cool!! It's nice to see so many people liking astronomy~ Though I guess that shouldn't be too odd that so many people are fascinated with what's way out there

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Ohh, it is indeed, so I'll be expecting it one day. Skype is the C student in the class, not great, not bad.

And somehow does consistently worse with each new update assignment!

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>_> That's not something you'd want to do though, right?

Ohh, it is indeed, so I'll be expecting it one day. Skype is the C student in the class, not great, not bad.

The mobile version of skype deserves a F, though
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Would you like a cough drop? =D

Ahhhh yup yup sounds like it'll still be worth her having it~ Perhaps

Whoa!! Ahh weeeee constellations~ Yeah the stories must be pretty interesting! I took a journalism class and I'm not sure I could ever manage that ;u; It's just not my kind of jobby~

That would be pretty cool if I could do that! ^o^ Though while I love rocks my main interest was to do a study centered around mountains!! I love mountaaiiiins~ But there aren't really geology jobs that do that quite as much (or quite as focused at least) which is why I wanted to get into volcanology! Volcanoes are pretty pretty mountains~ And are also super interesting! And jobs exist that focus on them~!

The other job I was considering was a career based around earthquakes... =o Since earthquakes can be around mountains a lot~ And earthquakes... kinda interest me too! =o Even though that almost sounds a little inconsiderate to say ^~^; They are dangerous and destroy property and kill people, yet I find them so intriguing too... and same goes for volcanoes x3

BUT NOW it looks like I'll just have to stick to stargazing and stick to only admiring mountains/volcanoes~ Except there are none of those around here ;u; (though I should be thankful as well I suppose)

That's okay though, I'm perfectly fine with sticking to just looking. I guess if I want to learn anything on any of those subjects I have the internet~!

nah I'm good <: Implying stuff is very tricky to do at times

hopefully it's for the better and not for the worse!

the stories are lovely, and I wish I knew all of them by heart. I want to be able to be one of those old folk who knows all the good stuff about life. uwu

but nah, we all have different interests and such c: I didn't know you took a journalism class though, how was it?

Man, mountains seem pretty cool to study but then that risk factor throws me off at times like 'oh god I can actually die from this'. It's nice to see all sorts of people having a passion for it though. Volcanoes remind me of this one thing I saw where they showed a picture of lava (when it's dark and such) saying 'I know it will kill me and all but it makes me want to dip my hands into it and eat it. It looks so much like chocolate what is this' Meanwhile the earthquakes seem cool to study, but then I wouldn't want to see the effect it has on towns/cities and such ;v;''

That's the spirit! Go learn what your heart desires if you put your mind into it. Meanwhile, I wish cities weren't so polluted so we can see the night sky crai


Oh, I see. Glad to see Journalism is teaching you good info

coming from an idiot like yourself

yaya journalism is fun

Ohh, it is indeed, so I'll be expecting it one day. Skype is the C student in the class, not great, not bad.

though it brings up the question where the heck are you in the united states. skype can be better but then it kills the computer

The mobile version of skype deserves a F, though

I agree with this statement 1000%

Edited by Koneko
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