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Yep, I'll do so one of these days!

Ohh okay, that's what you meant. I dislike it in the case of certain characters, but overall, I can kind of manage it.. But I getcha though, different strokes for different folks, I don't mind the simplistic gameplay, but I know it's not everyone's speed. I see I see, for me it was kind of like which came first, that was Sengoku, but I certainly have to hand it to some of the warriors in the Sangokushi era, they did some very impressive stuff, Zhao Yun at Changban immediately springs to mind. I know right, that's that "creativity" getting too loose..


Yup, different strokes for different folks. Not to mention Cao Cao. He was one of the most impressive ones. Indeed, when the creative liberties are too much...interestingly, I watched an episode of Game Center CX where the DW guy talked about this very thing. A lot of hardcore Three Kingdoms fans apparently complained about their creative liberties.

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how do you get your butt kicked in xy elite four

My Pokes are, like, level 54 T:

Malamar, Pangoro, Chesnaught, Hawlucha, Clawitzer, and Florges. It's perhaps one of the worst teams I could have used

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Malamar, Pangoro, Chesnaught, Hawlucha, Clawitzer, and Florges. It's perhaps one of the worst teams I could have used

I had Chestnaught, Talonflame, Azumaril, Aegislash, Tyrantrum and Yveltal when I faced the E4 (but my whole team was around level 65 with minimal grinding. Blessed be the new EXP share)

Also Mega Rayquaza looks great. Loses the rock weakness, becomes 2x weak to ice and resistant to electricity.

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I had Chestnaught, Talonflame, Azumaril, Aegislash, Tyrantrum and Yveltal when I faced the E4 (but my whole team was around level 65 with minimal grinding. Blessed be the new EXP share)

Also Mega Rayquaza looks great. Loses the rock weakness, becomes 2x weak to ice and resistant to electricity.

You EXP Share CASUAL SKRUB don't hurt me

It's pure dragon now? Thought it kept the same typing :v



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I had Chestnaught, Talonflame, Azumaril, Aegislash, Tyrantrum and Yveltal when I faced the E4 (but my whole team was around level 65 with minimal grinding. Blessed be the new EXP share)

Also Mega Rayquaza looks great. Loses the rock weakness, becomes 2x weak to ice and resistant to electricity.

thank you xy EXP share
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You EXP Share CASUAL SKRUB don't hurt me

It's pure dragon now? Thought it kept the same typing :v


I don't give a hoot about being called a casual scrub if it means I don,t have to pain through retries and grinding.

It's still Dragon/Flying, but it's new ability, Delta Stream, create a weather effect(Strong Winds) which removes flying weakness of all flying pokemon. It also stops weather from being changes even by Desolate Land and Primordial Sea.

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I don't give a hoot about being called a casual scrub if it means I don,t have to pain through retries and grinding.

It's still Dragon/Flying, but it's new ability, Delta Stream, create a weather effect(Strong Winds) which removes flying weakness of all flying pokemon. It also stops weather from being changes even by Desolate Land and Primordial Sea.

Fair enough :L

Oh, right. Now everything makes sense! I like its chin. Reminds me of Jay Leno

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I guess so...

Yay, Fate/Zero~

Of those four, I think MoF is the easiest to 1cc on Normal because of bomb spammage. EoSD has the easiest bullet patterns though, while both PCB and IN throw loads of resources at you (especially if you start with a lot of lives). Good luck!

I think EoSD is the only one I can't get to the Stage 6 boss without continues (default lives always), maybe PCB too, I'm not remembering very well :s

I kinda really want to 1cc EoSD because i don't play it on Easy so I don't have an EoSD 1cc yet

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Fair enough :L

Oh, right. Now everything makes sense! I like its chin. Reminds me of Jay Leno

His chin is actually pretty much the same size. It just has some blade like appendage on each side of its face now.


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