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Super Smash bros? more like


shooting stars aren’t people falling off rainbow road they’re fallen little mac players doing their side b

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So apparently I wasn't done with the save screen thing....


(This one doesn't have dashes if you were wondering what changed from last night)

I wonder if it's okay for me to post this stuff in quirino's thread? I mean, I'm not the OP, and it's more than a month old and off the first page, but since it's related to the project I feel like it should be okay...

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It needs to be more than 3 months old to be eligible for necroposting status, or at least that's what I thought anyways.

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It needs to be more than 3 months old to be eligible for necroposting status, or at least that's what I thought anyways.

From the COC:

  • If a topic has not been posted in for 1 month AND has fallen outside the first page of a board, any posts made in that topic will be considered necroposting.
  • Instead, if necessary, simply make another topic. This rule does not apply to the creators of art topics, hacking projects, and other threads of similar nature that need to be updated. Examples of acceptable use of necroposting are:
    • You have asked a staff member and they have permitted you to post in an old thread.
    • You have a project thread, and you must bump it to alert people to an update you just did.
    • You have some well thought out criticism to post in someone's art thread.
      • This is acceptable as long as the thread hasn't been devoid of activity by the artist for more than 3 months.
    • You have a bug report for a Hack.
      • This is acceptable as long as the thread hasn't been devoid of activity by the hacker for more than 2 months.
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It needs to be more than 3 months old to be eligible for necroposting status, or at least that's what I thought anyways.

iirc it's both >1 month AND fallen off the first page of the board
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