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Oh, I definitely liked it. It's in my Top Ten VNs list. But the way some fans glorify it is ridiculous.

Admittedly, it's not as overrated as F/SN, but I really can't understand why F/SN is so popular anyway. I mean, yes, I agree that the world setting and stuff are amazing, but the execution of the plot is just awful >_>

[spoiler=Ever17]iirc they outright called Coco an esper (take that, You!), which really annoyed me since I spent a lot of time in refining detailed theories about how what what Kid saw must have been an image produced by the LeMu system, just like Sora's existence and trying to figure out possible reasons why LeMu would do that.

Both the Coco and Blick Winkel resolutions would have been perfectly okay IF the storytelling in Ever17 wasn't portrayed as being a normal mystery. Like, if it was just an entertaining story to read through where supernatural stuff are totally fine and stuff, then yeah, Coco route would be amazing. But nope, it relied on the mystery aspect to keep the readers hooked for 4.5 arcs, encouraging them to think about how to make sense of everything logically, only to reveal in Coco's route that "Oh, hey, everything is actually based on supernatural concepts, so from now on we'll treat this like an epic entertaining supernatural story". I'll admit, the supernatural concepts are awesome, and the resolution was indeed pretty epic, but this kind of 180 degree turn is just really horrible, especially to readers like me that actually took the mystery part seriously and literally wrote walls of text trying to figure everything out.

Awww, okay...

Honestly, I think any researcher trying to reduce an O(log(n)) algorithm is wasting their time. O(log(n)) is already super efficient already, so it'd be more productive to research on something that can actually have a significant effect.

You seem pretty adamant on this analysing stuff @.@

Also do you plan to read Sharin no Kuni fandisc, in case you do, I'll be happy to provide save states @.@

And the last line looks so happily familiar, bad thing I don't really do CS these days anymore ._.

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Oh, I definitely liked it. It's in my Top Ten VNs list. But the way some fans glorify it is ridiculous.

Admittedly, it's not as overrated as F/SN, but I really can't understand why F/SN is so popular anyway. I mean, yes, I agree that the world setting and stuff are amazing, but the execution of the plot is just awful >_>

Oh, wow, I haven't seen this, but I'll take your word for it, I suppose.

F/SN's popularity isn't confusing to me moreso than it is... rabid? I also agree that the setting is great and I also like the story, I personally didn't find too much fault with the execution, though I found it, story-wise inferior to Tsukihime.

[spoiler=Ever17]iirc they outright called Coco an esper (take that, You!), which really annoyed me since I spent a lot of time in refining detailed theories about how what what Kid saw must have been an image produced by the LeMu system, just like Sora's existence and trying to figure out possible reasons why LeMu would do that.

Both the Coco and Blick Winkel resolutions would have been perfectly okay IF the storytelling in Ever17 wasn't portrayed as being a normal mystery. Like, if it was just an entertaining story to read through where supernatural stuff are totally fine and stuff, then yeah, Coco route would be amazing. But nope, it relied on the mystery aspect to keep the readers hooked for 4.5 arcs, encouraging them to think about how to make sense of everything logically, only to reveal in Coco's route that "Oh, hey, everything is actually based on supernatural concepts, so from now on we'll treat this like an epic entertaining supernatural story". I'll admit, the supernatural concepts are awesome, and the resolution was indeed pretty epic, but this kind of 180 degree turn is just really horrible, especially to readers like me that actually took the mystery part seriously and literally wrote walls of text trying to figure everything out.

I thought so, I couldn't recall, but something about Coco was quite different from Sora, for me when I read it, I didn't know at the time, but it felt a bit different, that or I didn't think about it much.

I see what you're saying, if it were a supernatural mystery from the get-go, it would've been positively great, like I greatly enjoyed learning about 4D and all that, but yes, do one or the other, it would've been great either way... something to that effect?

i need to finish Wei hypothetical

and Shu hypothetical as long as it doesn't have Jiang Wei

Yes it does contain Jiang Wei

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So, i stayed in college to study. I opened my book, used it as a pillow and then slept for an hour

Now i'm getting an urge to play the game i currently love to hate (FE12) but i don't want people to think i'm a NERD who brings his laptop to college just to play games on it. And then there's the fact that i have to study (my test is in a week, but i want to be a responsible lad this time)

I just realized what a beautiful cock you have on your avi

We French are proud of our cocks.

It's not our emblem for nothing.

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Whoa, congratulations! You beat Bal???

Well, i wouldn't really say i beat him since he 1cc'd on Normal while i did so on Easy, but I got a higher score than him, yes :D

Cool! Which route are you on?

Ciel, and yes, it's my first one

i finished day 6 i think?

Thanks for reminding me, I need to watch it.

no problem

Yes. It's longer than the Bible. Same with Clannad and Umineko.

odd, it didn't feel that long :/

So Proto and Kay and Terra broke me.

I'm...I'm....going to try a touhou...

yey :D

Good luck

Being addicted to most excellent video game tracks is normal


As this damn song will never leave my head

Kawaii Jong Un tho


fite me in smash Edited by FaIa
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