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HEY SOCK here's my yearbook quote I DON'T SAY IT A LOT but it describes me well

"Everyone knows each other by their name. And I'm Draco."


I've seen a lot of people refer to each other by their name IRL. Maybe it's because I haven't been here long enough, maybe I'm not liked enough, but I don't know many people here - and many of them don't know me - I haven't been referring to anyone on SF by their real name at all. I could be seen as that "one" kid who's just kinda... there. I definitely see myself as this.

Edited by Koishi Komeji
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Sigh, yeah I know the feeling.

Still pounding the pavement for a job, but other than that, I am doing well.

Aside from this, are you well?

Job hunting sure sounds like a frustrating business, but well, all I can do is wish you luck with that

I suppose so, ridiculously busy lately, but that keeps me from having overly negative thoughts, which is good I guess. Quite happy about being able to rest up today too so I'm okay

I hope everything goes for the best Mayo

In the end, my teacher started screaming at me, but I somehow managed to get him to calm down. We'll be doing the presentation on Monday, but if that one isn't perfect, it'll be "a complete failing". This' ll be fun

You'll be all right, Mayo (I can say Mayo, right?). Do your best, that's all you can do. It's not your fault if your teacher is a stubborn [insert swear word]. I wish I could help you, but unfortunately I can only give you internet hugs and cookies... *hugs you and gives you a cookie*

Though there may be something I can do. Like, doesn't your college have rules to prevent these shitty situations from happening or at least allow you to protest them higher-up? If so, I'd be willing to look into them for you, if you'd like me to (rules and such are kind of my thing). Anything to help.

Anyway, good luck, Mayo! I'm hoping for you.

Call me whatever you want, you're about my age so I see no problem with that. As said above, I miraculously managed to convince him of doing it on Monday, which is already something. In the end even a guy with a head that thick had to accept that it just wouldn't work out.

College? I fear I'm still in high school, second to last year here. And thanks for the offer, but the rules here don't have anything to prevent the situation, sadly. I know them fairly well myself due to another incident a year ago, but this one really is a shitty loophole. A question though if you allow, are you interested in becoming a lawyer then?

Mayora just summarized one of the biggest reasons I dislike group assignments. Your partners are very capable of unintentionally screwing everything over, and often there's absolutely nothing you can do about it.

I've been in this situation before, where you end up suffering because your partner simply doesn't care about the assignment as much as you do.

I'm not sure how much time the teacher gave you guys, but if you had anything less than a week to prepare, then that would be really unfair.

It depends on how good the partner in question is. I had partners with an amazing work morale, who'd never disappoint like this. In those cases I'm not particularly against group assignments, although I do prefer working alone too, since I tend to be a reserved guy

He gave us exactly one week, which isn't that much time considering how busy we all were

Edited by Kokone Kirino
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Speaking of group assignments I'm really worried right now because we have a project coming up where the teachers pick the groups for us. Really worried I'll get paired with people who don't care.

Also wow this second episode of umineko is good.

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Job hunting sure sounds like a frustrating business, but well, all I can do is wish you luck with that

I suppose so, ridiculously busy lately, but that keeps me from having overly negative thoughts, which is good I guess. Quite happy about being able to rest up today too so I'm okay

Thanks, it's getting pretty iffy but I'll keep trying.

Ahh, yeah that's good to hear, as long as you're keeping busy, and rest is always good, I should rest too, then keep on looking.

And how goes?

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